Happen Birthday To 'Si Penaip'

Today, 2Oth October 2k18 is my /tuutttt/th anniversary! I would like to say thank you for all readers and subcribers from Malay ff until English ff.

And a very very thank you (RIP grammar) to VIXX and Starlights who always be with me, confort me and give support and strengh since 5years ago.

Believe it or not, I'd made 12 fanfics. Excluding 5 on the book and it's fun to make a story based on my imagination. I hope that this will never dissapear from my mind. All good and bad stories...

Before I end my words, I would like to give a solidarity to The East Light who has been suffer with physical harassment for too many years. Let's give them support, guys. #JusticeForTheEastLight

Thanks for all the wishes and keep supporting me. I'm sorry if some of my ff not so good as you wish. I will make more good stories sooner. Let's have a great time! ^w^9

Your author, Si Penaip Sai.


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