
I was so proud of my fic "Somewhere in the Grey"; was so excited writing it... until I started posting it. I've been stuck on the same exact spot in the middle of Chapter Four for 3 days now. No one seems to care so why should I keep writing? And I knew this was going to happen. I knew I was invested in this story to the point that I would get easily discouraged if people weren't as interested in it as I hoped/thought they would be. I don't understand why they're not. I'm just feeling like there's no point in continuing. And that hurts because I really want to tell this story so badly, but... what's the point if there's no one listening?


I don't know what to do.


I feel like I'm having a Joon moment: What don't you like about me?! Tell me what it is and I'll change it! *headdesk*


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