YAY INTERNET! *throws all of the confetti*

My internet problems are no more! HUZZAH!

Okay, so here's the whole skinny on what went down:

A few months back someone got ahold of my debit card information and stole somewhere around $300 out of my account, which was more or less all I had. After a lot of hassle, I only got back like half of it and by the time I did I was behind with bills. I've been behind ever since and it's been a huge stressful pain in the . I had to downgrade my Comcast package from cable + Internet to just Internet, which I justified as being okay as long as I get my cable turned back on by October 12th because it is absolutely unacceptable for me to NOT have cable for "The Walking Dead" and "The Talking Dead" because ZOMBIES DAMMIT! (and also please dear god do not let Negan appear this season because I am NOT ready for him and what he brings please please please no Negan yet gimme one more season people ONE MORE SEASON!) *cough*


Even downgrading didn't really help because I got a disconnect notice for my Internet service. However, I did not view this as a problem. You see, my friend Alexx was making arrangements with the leasing office for him and his boyfriend Vinh to move from his small 2-bedroom in a building across the street in our complex to a larger 2-bedroom in my building right down the hall. This, he surmised, meant that he could upgrade his Internet to Business Class and we could just share and then each only pay half, which is like nothing. Easy peasy lemon squeezy, right? Our apartments are a whole 300 feet away from each other so signal strength would be awesome and we'd all be happy.

So I ignored the disconnect notice, Alexx & Vinh moved in (which meant that they recruited Vinh's brother Tony to help which meant that I got to see my forbidden crush every day for 4 days which meant that I was very happy XD), they got their Internet set up, and I got jack . For some reason, the signal was not reaching my apartment. Like, Alexx and I would be standing in the hall with our phones and have full bars, strong solid connection and then step into my apartment and immediately have nothing. We were baffled.

Alexx bought a new router. Nothing.

Alexx bought a stronger router. Nothing.

Alexx fiddled with settings, uninstalled things and reinstalled them, moved things around in both his apartment and mine, and nothing he did got me Internet. So Alexx had to get a little more creative and daring.

He bought a ladder and some certain kind of wiring (I don't know these things), climbed up into the attic of our building and ran this wire from my apartment to his. He then drilled holes in our ceilings to pull the wire through, cut into our walls to hide said wire, plastered over them, and installed ethernet jacks where there once were none. Then he hooked up a router in my apartment and VOILA! I have Internet.

Desperate measures, my friends. Desperate measures. hahaha

He's busy the rest of the week until Thursday so that's when he'll come back over and do a second layer of plaster and then paint over everything and then you'll never even know he did anything. Good times. ^_~


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Woonies_Noona #1
Sweet man that's some stealthy ninja right there. GO ALEXX!
OH WOW that's elaborate LOL. But kudos for getting internet!