anybody know what's it called? a hook? a... phrase? o.O?

So, last night I'd spent my hours (supposedly on sleeping/studying) to watch a movie. 

Anybody here who's seen Take the Lead?

Not exactly the official poster~ but the least it has every main/sub character in it. 


We were actually planning on watching Step Up but the movie was unfortunately not copied to my pen drive. But mo biggie... we settled on Take the Lead. I've seen it so many times since I have it in my computer - downloaded and all. It took so much in me to refrain from fast-forwarding to the good parts. 

So, onto my question...

Referring to the my title... There has been a few instances where the main character, Mr Pierre Dulain (played by the adorable Antonio Banderas) said a signature or trademark phrase. 

One of the many: "Let's go for a walk..." or "Why don't we go for a walk?" ; anything at all involving walkig basically because he's trying to introduce the basics of dancing and proving to others that it doesn't need complicated moves to dance. Simply, by just walking back and forth and swaying from side to sides is enough to be called a dance - as a couple, not by yourself. 

Then there's the case of correcting their way of saying 'your welcome'. Everytime he says 'Thnk You', the reply that comes following after is an..."Uh-huh..." 

There are a few more. Subtle repititions in a movie or story that sets them from others. I like that style. I tried using it for my fic "let's go for a run"... I don't think I succeeded. Any of you guys ever tried applying such a method to your fics? 


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