don't make posters if you don't feel like it

So yes, I learnt my lesson from making posters while in a horirble mood.

I had so much to get done and the poster turned out absolutely horrible.

but I remade it later just cause it deserved a better poster and it turned out much better.


look at the difference.



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what are you going on about? :o
They're both so good! >__<'
dayum i thought the second one was a music video ._______.
Oh and I know how it feels to do a poster when you're not in the mood. Did one the other day and it didn't match the person's genre of their story.
I like the bottom one more its way more cuter than the one on top. The first one feels like it's mood is angst, romance, and comedy because of the dark background in contrast to Sehun and Luhan's pictures along with the bright color for the text in the middle. So in other words you did pretty good with it ^^
To be honest, I like both XD you're good <3
It's better than mine XD