green tea and fanfic talk^^

apparently Green tea is the most epic tea in the world!! it does freaking everything!! helps you loose weight, helps lesson the chances of getting cancer, helps sickness, makes your skin nice.... ah~ I'm sold, even if it's a little difference I'll give it a try^^ knowing me, I'll probably be stock piling it from now on, I like it alot more then black tea^^ though apparently you have to have it plane, sweetened green tea'll pretty much do nothing (as says google...) but that's not much of a problem for me, I actually don't like sugar in my tea...

bit yeah, I found my new favorite tea^^

on other news, I'm playing with House of Lee alot more recently, the next chapter I feel seems a bit rushed, so I'm working on it, but it'll be showing you Donghae's past which I've been debating since I started writing this story whether or not to add it... and a special guest appearance from Yoo Jaesuk will be in it as well^^

Pretty Boy might be getting dropped, I'm just not into it enough I guess....

my newest story, U-HUG (or U-KISS's sister group, I really need to stop being lazy and change that sometime) is going somewhat smoothly, I might need to take some time to map out my thought process with this one^^

Rain on Your wedding day.... I actually have been playing with alot of future scenes from it, like I already have what the ending should be like in my head^^ and the KevNicole pairing is quickly becoming my favorite in the story, I'm a bit more interested in it then the main pairing... though I'm have plans for the Seung/Amb/Joon pairing, there's a possibility that there might be another guy added to the line, Kikwang, though that's still in debate, I might save that for another story^^

speaking of other stories, I've been playing with a Snow White modern tale with IU as the lead... cause well, I found a picture of her with an apple and just had to!! Snow white is one of my favorite Disney movies, me and my dad used to sing it's songs together all the time when I was young (along with Beauty and the beast, which is another story idea I've been playing with) so it's one of those stories that's apart of my childhood^^ I'm still working on the first chapter, but so far I've got IU as the lead, MBLAQ's Thunder as the "prince" some old dude as the queen who wants IU's heart, and Amber and various Amber look-a-likes as the seven dwarves^^  I'm debating on how dark I want it, the original story was pretty dark (but was lightened considerably by Disney obviously) but if I make it to dark I might have to actually put it under "H"... not cause of scenes or anything(this still a possibility...), but because of how gory I wanted to make it... though who knows, I might make it light hearted or heart wrenching, either way I think I'll have alot of fun with this one^^  IU's "MIA" is a good song for this story I think, it's what inspired me to put Thunder in it^^

I mentioned a Beauty and the Beast story up there so I figure I could talk about that too^^ it's sort of a gender switch type thing where Kara's Gyuri is the beast and Suju's Eunhyuk is Belle... it's still in it's stages, I can't seem write mean characters so I'll have to work on it^^

but yeah, I'll start posting again when I become a bit more coherent, right now I think I may have a fever -.- but that's ok, I'm sure I'll get over it soon^^


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