〈 HOUSE OF MAGIC / Kim Hyunmi


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Kim Hyunmi
HyuuuunMi-AHH | 4 | Gee | Yes it is.

character name: Kim Hyunmi (Angeline in Boston)
nickname(s): Hyun, Hyunpero, Angel, Angie (eyn-gee) Gee-ah
birth date: 03.12.1995
age: 19
blood: half-blood
ethnicity: Korean
language(s): Korean (90%) English (100%)

ulzzang: Sori
links: Gallery
back up ulzzang: Eungyeong
links: Gallery
appearance: Hyunmi stands at 156 cm and weighs 47 kg. She dyes her hair when she feels like it and is currently sporting a plum color. She has waist length hair that has a natural wave. She also has long side bangs that go towards the right side of her face. She has pale skin with a bit of pinkish hue and her eyes are doe like with circle lenses, in either the colors of purple, grey or blue, due to her bad eyesight. She has a mole on her left collarbone.
extras: Angeline has tattoos on her, on the back of her right hand is a cross and the word freedom on her left wrist. She has 3 lobe piercings and 2 cartilage piercing on her right ear, 3 lobe piercings on her left and a belly piercing. She has a scar on her right thigh from being such a daredevil, she went cliff jumping and got scraped on a rock. She wears sneakers all the time. She's fashionable but will only wear sneakers and will make an exception if it is really needed to wear heels.

background: Right after Hyunmi was born, her parents went to live in Boston. Her mom was promoted as sous-chef in Boston. For the first 10 years of her life she spent it there. She knew of magic because her father would show her his wand and his spells. Before Ohsan, she was just a normal girl, the only different thing about her is the fact that she knows that magic exists. Her mother was a muggle but can also weild magic. Both of them went to Ohsan, her dad from the House of Jang and her mom from the House of Choi. She got her daredevilness from them. Unlike other girls her age before, she won't be playing tea parties or barbies, she would go out and climb trees, build forts with her dad, cook with her mom and watch them make magic with their wands. She also grew up to love music, she taught herself to play the guitar like how she taught herself to speak and write Korean in a beginner level. The reason why she didn't learn korean even though her parents are korean is that her parents didn't want to confuse her with two languages. They taught her a few phrases and words but that's it. They moved back to Korea when she turned 10. One year before going to Ohsan, she studied Korean. She was having a hard to to pronounce some words but with hardwork she managed to get to level where she can make decent conversations. Her first 8 years in Ohsan was like a dream to her. Creatures she never dreamt of seeing, flying with a broom, everything for her seemed so surreal. She made everyday eventful.

personality traits: Daredevil, confident, charming, impatient, sarcastic, stubborn
personality: Angeline is a daredevil, it might not look like it because of her exterior appearance but she is. She isn't afraid to break the rules. She enjoys the thrill and the adrenaline rush. She loves exploring and going on adventures. She even made up a saying "After an adventure awaits another" That has been her motto ever since she started studying at Ohsan. Angeline is confident and has pride. She isn't afraid to stand up for herself. She'll speak up for herself or for her friends. Because of her confidence, she feels comfortable under her own skin and don't see why she has any need to change. If people badmouth her, what they say would just enter her ear and exits from the other. She's not the prettiest in many people's eyes. But she has her own charm to make people get attracted to her. Angeline is very impatient. She gets impatient when people don't get her right away. She has the most random thoughts and because of this some people don't get her. She hates it when people would ask what she means over and over again, so because of that she'll change to another topic right away. She is very sarcastic. Her comebacks when you provoke her would leave you speechless. Confidence and sarcasm don't go well. She'll have a sharp tongue when you annoy the hell out of her. She would say ironies to mock or diss people that she gets annoyed at. When people ask the most obvious questions, she'll answer back sarcastically before following it up with the real answer. Stubborn as a bull, she hates it when people disagree with her ideas, if people are against it she'll stick with her ideas. She won't stop sticking to her ideas unless people would take extreme measures to change her mind or for them to agree with her. If she does get her way, she would tell them that they made the most rightful thing to do.

strengths: She's good with expressing her side of the story or telling them her ideas and what she thinks about things. When the team is stuck, she would be the first one to suggest an idea. She is good at being a leader and as a follower. When pressured, she would stay calm and chant a poem that she really likes.
weaknesses: When she gives ideas, she wants to stick with it. But when people are against it, she would be stubborn and stick with her idea to the point that she would mildly threat them. Sometimes, she wants to get her way.

↷ Food ; she loves eating, any kind of food you give her, she will eat it. Except tomatoes
↷ Purple ; everything she practically owns is in the color purple, her favorite color, it's a must for her
↷ Sneakers ; she would choose sneakers over heels any day. Loves expanding her collection.
↷ Photography ; she likes taking pictures of sceneries, people, and nature, it calms her down
↷ Pepero ; her most favorite snack of all, she has to have a pack where ever she goes
↷ Air conditioned places ; she loves the cool air brushing past her skin
↷ Fashion ; she likes to be up to date, and it fascinates her
↷ Sleep ; who doesn't love sleep?
↷ Outdoor activites ; being able to do activities under the sun, with the fresh hair, makes her fidget with excitement
↷ Smell of Bacon and Cinammon ; who doesn't love the smell of bacon and cinammon?
↷ Tomatoes ; she just hates it, she doesn't know why
↷ Hot Places ; the feeling of beaing sweaty and sticky makes her eek.
↷ Math ; She hates numbers, she hates number with letters more, she hates number with letters and symbols most.
↷ Bugs ; pestly little critters
↷ Overload brightness ; makes her head and eyes hurt and makes her feel dizzy
↷ Talking to her after she just woke up ; she wakes up in a bad mood, always, never talk to her when she just woke up
↷ Hunger ; the feeling of an empty stomach makes her cry
↷ Fashion Crisis ; she hates it when she's not dressed appropriately
↷ Untidy places ; she's a perfectionist, that's why
↷ Cooking then eating what she cooks
↷ Skateboards ↷ Photography and admring the scenery
↷ Food tripping ; she buys diferent kinds of food and evaluates them
↷ Shoe shopping
↷ Daredevilling (lol)
↷ Daydreaming
↷ Playing the guitar
↷ Brings pepero and snacks where ever she goes
↷ Derp faces when she gets her point across
↷ When she realizes something, she'll snap her fingers while saying "Oho!"
↷ When she's told that something is worth the thrill, she'll bite her lip and smirk
↷ She plays with a strand of her hair or someone's hair if she's thinking
↷ She hates horror movies
↷ She likes cooking then eating it (Foodophile) ↷ She buys different kinds of food and evaluates them
↷ She knows how to play the guitar
↷ Can imitate Agnes and Minions
↷ Straight F Student when it comes to aegyo
↷ A milktea freak
↷ She once jumped from her balcony to a dumpster out of curiousity
↷ A Social Network freak
↷ She can name all the sodas in the world
↷ Can remix songs on her iPad
↷ Loves purple too much. Her marker for for naming things is purple, her mug, slippers, every household things she owns is purple
↷ Has a collection of sneakers
↷ Can easily cry when she reads something sad or watches it.
↷ She likes collecting bubble bath bombs, and likes taking bubble baths
↷ She doesn't mind skinships but as long as it's not disrespectful
↷ wears eye glasses, which is purple, whenever at home.
Kim Daehwan | 49 | pure-blood | Father | Living | Head chief at the Beast Division of the Dep't for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures it the Korean/Asian Minsitry of Magic  | chill, adventurous, loud
Kim Soomi | 45 | muggle-born | Mother | Living | Sous-chef | loving, reliable, honest

Jung Krystal | 19 | half-blood | best friends (First friend in Ohsan) | quiet, blunt, caring
Park Jinyoung | 19 | pure blood | best friends (Seatmate in Potions during 1st year, been close ever since) | motherly, humorous, sarcastic

love interest: Mark Tuan
backup love interest: Woohyun

grade: 10th
birth date: Mark: 09.04.1993; Woohyun: 03.08.1994
age: 20

personality: Your first impression of him is that it seems like he doesn't care due to his lack of expressions and lack of words, but he does, really does. He has a very quiet personality. He has a hard time expressing his feelings to the people who he isn't too familiar with. He cares alot about his friends and family. He's hardworking and reliable. He is very considerate of others and considers their feelings. He rarely loses his composure, he's a type of guy who is always calm and poised. But once you get to know him, you can totally say that "First impressions last" is rubbish. He'll have these million expressions that even you thought won't ever exist on his face. He has this high pitched manly laugh even when you thought wasn't possible for someone who has a very deep voice. He'll always think that he's right and is very stubborn if people don't think so. He'll just stay quiet with a frown on his face if ever people don't agree with him.

history: They met during Hyunmi's 6th year in Ohsen at the Great Hall. Hyunmi spilled coffee on him and treated his burn. Suddenly they became tutor and tutee. Hyunmi was really awkward around Mark, him being a year older and a guy. (More details at the story part!!)
relationship: Tutor-Tutee Relationsip, Close friends

story: Hyunmi was walking towards her friends at the Great Hall during breakfast. She was too preoccupied with fixing her bangs that she didn't see Mark walking in front of her with a cup of coffee in his hands. She bumped into him and his hot coffee spilled on him. Hyunmi apologized quickly and chanted a spell to get rid of the stain. Mark complained that the burn on his skin won't vanish with just a chant for the shirt he was wearing. So she took him to Korean Madam Pomfrey ( I don't know what her name will be xD) but she wasn't there. Being inexperienced with potions about wounds, she stumbled through the endless cabinets. Mark got annoyed at her because the potion was just in front of her, he stood up got behind her and guided her hands to the potion. Flustered, Hyunmi opened the potion but was even more flustered when Mark suddenly stripped his shirt. He took the potion from her and asked her to get some bandages with him guiding her to where it is. While she was searching for the bandages, Mark asked her if she's bad with potions. Because the lesson about first aid potions were taught in the early years at Ohsan. Hyunmi laughed sheepishly and said she was. So Mark offered to be her Potions tutor. Ever since then, Mark has been tutoring her at the Astronomy Tower. During their tutoring sessions, Hyunmi won't only learn potions, but she would also learn someting about Mark and vice versa. Hyunmi, during those times, developed feelings for him and Mark for her as they grow closer to one another. They would be seen having lunch together while Mark's teaching her Potions. Their friends would tease them but sometimes they would oppose to their friendship because both of them are from different houses. But they don't give a damn about their issues with them and would continue their friendship. But since mark is kind of popular with the girls, him being good looking, with a good body, brains and is sporty, his fangirls hate it wen she hangs out with him.  They would threat her, but Hyunmi being herself, stood up for herself even when those girls were bad mouthing her in front of Mark. And because of that Mark admired her more. Both of them have been oblivious about their feelings for one another until now. Hyunmi is running out of time to confess because Mark will be graduating soon. She should muster up her feelings or it's Mark that will confess first. (It's up to you which will confess ^^)
grade: 9th
house: House of Jang

companion: A Ferret named Ranger
patronus: A Wolf

strengths: She's good with charms and in alchemy. She's also good at Care of Magical Creatures like her father was. She's also good at reacting quickly when someone casts a spell on her, she can counter it. She also good at Transfiguration.

weaknesses: She's bad at Potions, she can easily blow up a cauldron. She's also weak at herbology.

what kind of student are you at ohsan? 
I'm pretty much a troublemaker. You would see me flying my broom at the Great Hall. In my early years, I would skip potions because I at it. But I was always good at charms. Ever since I met Mark, I became more mature, but I still have that joker side to me. All the professors have their eyes on me, especially after the incident where I apparated at some cliff without supervision and jumped to the ocean. Other than Charms, I took a liking towards alchemy, and I'm one of the best students at that class. I can be seen with a large group of people around me but would always choose Krystal and Jinyoung over them, and of course Mark.

how do you react when you are under great amounts of stress?
I'm a risk taker, and I'll risk anything for things to be the same as it was before. I would be one of the leaders and one of the people who would encourage students to not give up and to believe and that there is hope if we strive for it.

what is your favorite class at ohsan? what class do you not enjoy? 
My favorite classes are Charms, Alchemy and Care of Magical Creatures. I liked how Alchemy teaches us about the four elements. I hate and despise Potions and at Herbology. At Potions, I can really blow up a cauldron and at Herbology, the plant despises me. They said I was too much of a joker to handle plants.

if you had a potion that could give you anything in the world, such as intelligence or love or money, what would you use that potion for? 
I would save it for later. Because right now, I don't really need anything and I'm pretty satisfied with my life. But if the attack gets really serious and a lot were hurt by it, I'll use it to stop the attack once and for all.

what are you most afraid of? 
I'm a daredevil, yes, but I hate the dark. I hate it and I'm scared of it. I would froze and tear up. During my first year, I got locked up at some abandoned classroom at Ohsan and the ghosts were scaring the hell out of me. Ever since then I would froze and cry when everything's dark.
↷ Mark takes Hyunmi to the Yule Ball.
↷ Mark calling HyunMi, Angel, unlike the others.
↷ Mark waiting for Hyunmi when she finished her Potions exams, then handed her pepero and banana milk
Hyunmi teaching Mark how to approach a hippogriff

comments/questions/concerns/etc.: Just want to add what Hyunmi's wand is ^^ A 12 inch Ash wood want with a core of Unicorn hair that is quite flexible
password: House



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