The All Stars • Angeline Kim Hyunmi

Angeline Kim Hyunmi
applicant. HyuuuunMi-AHH
active rate [1-10]. 8
nickname. Gee

full name. Angeline Kim Hyunmi
nicknames. Angel, Angie (eyn-gee), Gee-ah, Hyun
birthdate. March 12, 1996
agE. 18 (Third Year, Early 96liner)
birth place. Boston, Massachusetts
ethnicity. American Korean
languages. English (100%) Korean (95%)
face claim: Sori
backup face claim: Eungyeong
↷ Food ; she loves eating, any kind of food you give her, she will eat it. Except tomatoes
↷ Purple ; everything she practically owns is in the color purple, her favorite color, it's a must for her
↷ Sneakers ; She'll choose sneakers over heels anyday. She loves expanding her collection.
↷ Photography ; she likes taking pictures of sceneries, people, and nature, it calms her down
↷ Pepero ; her most favorite snack of all, she has to have a pack where ever she goes
↷ Air conditioned places ; she loves the cool air brushing past her skin
↷ Fashion ; she likes to be up to date, and it fascinates her
↷ Sleep ; who doesn't love sleep?
↷ Art ; it brings joy to her heart
↷ Smell of Bacon and Cinammon ; who doesn't love the smell of bacon and cinammon?
↷ Tomatoes ; she just hates it, she doesn't know why
↷ Hot Places ; the feeling of beaing sweaty and sticky makes her eek. 
↷ Bugs ; pesty little critters
↷ Overload brightness ; makes her head and eyes hurt and makes her feel dizzy
↷ Talking to her after she just woke up ; she wakes up in a bad mood, always, never talk to her when she just woke up
↷ Hunger ; the feeling of an empty stomach makes her cry
↷ Fashion Crisis ; she hates it when she's not dressed appropriately
↷ Untidy places ; she's a perfectionist, that's why
character background

Angeline Kim Hyunmi was born in Boston, Massachusetts with Korean parents and an older brother. Growing up, she learned to love art and designing. Instead of cartoons, she would watch the Lifestyle Channel instead. She would watch 24 Hour Design or Extreme Makeover House Edition and all those shows related to interior designing. Then she told her parents that one day she'll become an interior designer that would bring her clients smiles to their faces like the designers she always watches. Ever since she was in 4th grade, that had been her dream. She studied really hard and graduated elementary with honors. It was no different during her middle school days. Instead of just studying, she would also hang out with her friends. She maybe a brainiac but she certainly has her own social life. After hanging out with her friends, she would always study right after she got home and would stay up really late. This is how she maintains both her academic life and social life. In exchange for those two is her rest. Some night she would only have a maximum of 4 hours of sleep and the most minimum was 30 minutes. During her 3rd year of middle school, she was sent to Korea to continue her studies and to improve her Korean. And right now she's a 3rd year student and is planning to take an entrance exam at Seoul Institute of the Arts and of course Interior Design as her preferred course. She has had this mindset for years now and nothing could make it impossible for her.

character personality

Traits: Daredevil, hardworking, humorous, charming, confident, impatient, sarcastic, stubborn

Daredevil ; She isn't afraid of breaking the rules. Being a daredevil has both positive and negative effects on her, positive on her social life and negative on her academic life. If you invite her to go cliff jumping, she'll agree without any second thought. But she would never take anything off or do anything vulgar.

Hardworking ; She has a goal and she would do anything to achieve it. She'll study and do projects and would help people if needed. She even got to improve her Korean in just 3 years and speaks it as if it's her first language. When she does projects, you would clearly see the efforts she puts into it when you see the outcome.

Humorous ; A brainiac that can be a comedian. She cracks jokes a lot and would do anything silly to make people smile. If the atmosphere is awkward, she would lighten the mood by positive phrases in a joking way to make people laugh a little and it always works. Whenever she's in a conversation, it'll be full of humor and entertainment. Her reactions are no joke either. It's too lame and comical that you'll laugh just by looking at her without knowing what happened.

Charming ; She ain't the prettiest in many people's eyes. But she has her own charm to make people get attracted to her. A smart girl with a sociable and humorous mouth. Her approachable and friendly demeanor helps too. She's memorized every name that she has met and that is also a plus for her charm. While talking, she always makes eye contact with people, she would do this to make them comfortable and to let loose. Her activeness in schools projects and her hardworking self makes her charming. She doesn't have to have Gucci or Prada to be well liked by people.

Confident ; She isn't afraid to stand up for her self. She'll speak up for herself or for someone. She feels comfortable under her own skin and don't see why she has to change. If people badmouth her, what say would just enter her ear and exits from the other. She smiles and talks with pride and confidence

Impatient ; She gets impatient when people don't get her right away. She's a brainiac after all and somethings for her seems easier when others find it hard. She'll get annoyed when people keep asking what she means about something and she'll change topic right away.

Sarcastic ; All her comebacks are sarcastic when you provoke her. Combine her sarcasm, confidence, wits and brains, then boom you would be left speechless at her words. She would say witty ironies to mock or provoke people that annoyed her as hell. When people ask the most obvious questions, she'll answer back sarcastically before following it up with the real answer.

Stubborn ; She hates it when people disagree with her ideas, she always sticks to her ideas and feelings. She won't stop sticking to her ideas unless people take extreme measure to try to change her mind or to agree with her. When she gets her way, she'll tell people it was the most rightful thing to do.

love interest
love interest. Mark Tuan (GOT7)
age. 19 (Third Year, Late 95liner)
relationship. Seatmates that don't know each other
picture links:

PERSONALITY. Unlike he's other teammates, he's a quiet one. He keeps to himself and sleeps a lot during class. He's the ideal Ice Cold Prince. He never mingles with other people except for his teammates. He doesn't cfare how people see him as, he doesn't care what people say about him. It isn't because he has a bad past, he doesn't, he just hates how people would coo over him because he's a basketball varsity. But when he's on the court, he'll have a 360 degree change. He'll be one of the loudest in the team. He's the complainer of the team, when a member made a mistake, he'll rant about it and complain. He isn't the tallest to be a center, he's isn't accurate when it comes to three point shoots, he isn't as witty as the point guard that makes plays, but he has the agility and flexibility to adapt to plays like a small forward should. He's hardworking and does everything to improve even cutting classes to practice shooting and dribbling and sprinting. He's a reliable member to the basketball varsity team.

MEETING. They met during their class' PE. They were having basketball and the girls were practicing shooting while the boys are playing a game. Angeline being her usual mischievous self was joking around while imitating a basketball player with her sarcasm. Everyone around that noticed laughed at her but Mark didn't. He didn't like it when people made fun of the sport he loves the most. He approached her and took the ball from her. Angeline turned around to look at him but had to shift her head upwards to glare directly at his eyes. (Angeline's 155cm and Mark's 175cm) He told her in an uninterested tone to not make fun of basketball as if she knows what it is. And that basketball is an art. Angeline scoffed to that remark and told him "Then you don't know the meaning of true art. Art should be able to bring joy to people's heart not to make enemies if a team wins." He replied with "It brings joy when the team wins." Her remark, "Then it's not true art. The losing team will be sad. Basketball won't make everyone happy therefore it isn't true art. Period." Then turned away and ignored him. Ever since then they would ignore each other and being seatmates doesn't help it at all. The atmosphere between them gets really tense and cold. Then the coach's anger towards his team's grade happened.....

layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes



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