▀LA SKOOL▄ dance academ y↳ zhang ruyu



Zhang Ruyu ; 18 ; L.A. SKOOL




username DreamAndDance
activity 9
nickname Ariana


name Zhang Ruyu
date of birth 23121995
birthplace/hometown Albany, New York, USA
ethnicity/nationality Chinese American
languages English (native), Mandarin (fluent), Korean (semi-fluent)

height-weight 164 cm - 51kg

face claim Gam Dain
gallery gallery
backup faceclaim El
swag  Ruyu has a very polished, somewhat girly style. So that means a lot of skirts, dresses, boots, flat shoes, heels, bows, soft colors, and floral patterns. Even when Ruyu is out shopping for groceries, she's always wearing something nice, because she believes there's always someone watching you somewhere. It's not like she's trying to be the most fashionable, it's just that she was raised to look perfect and poised at all times, so she's dressed to impress. When it comes to dance practice, however, she's not afraid to step out in bold colors and sneakers.
Daily - 1 2 3 4 5 
Practice - 1 2 3 4 5 

Zhang Ruyu was born on a cold winter's day in December 23rd, 1995, into a high-class family, five minutes earlier than her twin brother Jiaming. Her father owns a very successful medical company, while her mother is an internationally celebrated and admired former ballerina. However, since her parents were always busy with their work, the twins were in the care of their grandparents and rarely saw their parents until late at night. They were, however, often brought to see their mother's performances. When the twins were four, their mother decided to enroll them into ballet to continue the tradition. While Jiaming struggled, Ruyu showed natural skill and extreme patience for the art. She'd inherited her mother's love for dance and showed natural talent in it. And as their father is a fan of jazz music, he had Ruyu and Jiaming learn how to play the saxophone. This time, Jiaming was the more talented one, but Ruyu didn't care because she loved the instrument either way.
At the age of 13, Jiaming switched from ballet to hip hop after watching a video of the dance crew Beat Freaks, much to his mother's dismay. Ruyu didn't quite ballet, but she decided to learn hip hop with her brother. Once she entered high school, Ruyu joined the school's hip hop club and she learnt locking, popping, and breaking from the members. Ruyu was also active in the dance team and choir. At this point, everyone believed she was going to attend Julliard in the future. Following the advice of others, Ruyu auditioned for dance schools all over America, only to be rejected. Ruyu's pride was lowered and refused to audition for fear of being rejected.
Last year during a dinner at a family friend's house, the host, who knew about the twins' (mostly Ruyu's) exceptional dance skills, mentioned LA SKOOL to their mother. Ruyu didn't want to become famous or audition again, but her mother thought it was a good idea for Ruyu to show off her talent and decided to enroll her in. Ruyu and Jiaming auditioned for LA SKOOL and they were both accepted. It was rather difficult to adjust to a new country and new language, but Ruyu was determined to enjoy her time at LA SKOOL.

overall personality
First of all, Ruyu is very sophisticated. If there was to be a picture with the word sophistication, Ruyu would be the picture. At the first glance, she is a woman of grace and class. Growing up in a wealthy, prestigious family definitely had its effects on her, but don't worry, she isn't some snobby brat. She doe, however, carry a strong 'can-do-anything' attitude, except with more determination and a little less arrogance. Criticism and hate does not affect Ruyu; instead of weighhing her confidence down, it boosts her to work harder. Ruyu isn't the type of woman to change for anyone, and she certainly isn't going to change herself just to earn someone else's approval. Except when her progess does not meet her expectations, Ruyu becomes short-tempered and frustrated. And even though she has a calm exterior, she is extremely sensitive and classmates often find her in the bathroom stalls or curled in her bed crying because of her failure to improve.
Ruyu has the gift of capturing the attention of a room without effort. She speaks softly, yet people catch every word she utters and from that she commands respect. With her calming voice, Ruyu can smooth over a tense situation and atmosphere. She is the one who represents her friends when they've lost their train of thought and she always protects classmates from bullies and things that are not meant to be said. With her way with words, Ruyu is extremely convincing - as much as she hates to admit it, this skill can extend to manipulating and completely lying. She is a rational individual and her head controls her rather than her heart. Logic spurs her actions and she is quick to shoot down anything that may seem unrealistic. Although Ruyu is very headstrong and independent, she'll want to listen to the opinions and suggestions of others before making a final decision. Ruyu is the type of person you can tell your darkest secrets to and she listens without judging; she likes to say she strives to find both sides of the story before delivering her judgement. As an excellent listener, she won't continue pressing you for more details if you cannot go on.
This girl is neither anti-social nor social, though she does prefer having some quiet time to herself. Ruyu is social enough to have several friends, but don't think she'll run around screaming to random people, "HI I'M RUYU WHAT'S YOUR NAME??" It takes a lot for Ruyu to admit you into her world. She's reserved - which is masked behind her warm smiles and refined aura. Once Ruyu finally accepts someone as her friend, nothing changes except for the fact that she will every now and then shyly reach out to hold your hand or put her arms around your waist. But because she devotes loyalty and sincerity to her friends, she expects the same from them. One interesting about Ruyu is that she rarely laughs; smiles are frequent from her, both fake and genuine, but to hear Ruyu laugh is a rare moment to witness. She'd matured faster than most kids her age as her family barely looked after her, therefore she hasn't experience the most joy. Since Ruyu was hardly showered with love, she goes out her way to nurture others so they would never experience what she had.
Ruyu has difficulty sharing her feelings, and when asked, she'll reply with a vague answer or with a shrug of her shoulders. She never wants to burden others with her own problems and would prefer to deal it by herself. She tends to bottle up her emotions, and when that bottle cap pops off, all hell breaks loose. When ticked off, it is best advised to leave Ruyu alone, but when she becomes madder she'll give you the cold shoulder until she receives the apology she believes she deserves. Ruyu rarely apologizes immediately, even if it really is her own fault. When she knows she's wrong, it's not uncommon to take days or weeks for her to realize it, and she'll do so with a true, apologetic smile.

↝ likes 
+ classical music
+ the night sky
+ scented candles
+ orchid flowers
+ stuffed toys
↝ dislikes 
- coffee
- waking up early
- romance novels
- nosy people
- strawberries
↝ hobbies 
> playing her saxophone
> choreographing short dances
> color coding and coordinating her wardrobe
> looking through fashion blogs

↝ habits 
> bites the straw when she's drinking something. Beware if you are sharing drinks with her, your straw might end up flat and covered with Ruyu's teeth marks
> has to fluff her pillows at least ten times and toss around three times before sleeping. She tries to be quiet about it, but it often disturbs and irriates her roommate
> scrunches her nose if she's forced to do something she doesn't want to do
↝ trivia
> every night, Ruyu goes to the academy rooftop to play her saxophone, as it is the only place where she can get some peace and quiet
> her saxophone's name is Ace, and if you ever mention Ace as an 'it' Ruyu becomes extremely upset and won't talk to you until you apologize for calling Ace an 'it'
> she often offers her assistance in organizing other people's wardrobes
>  Ruyu is severely allergic to starwberries and if she comes in contact with or smells one, she'll break out in a bad case of hives
> carries a packet of bubble gum in her pocket, but she doesn't chew it as much
> her favorite ballets are Coppelia, Don Quixote, and The Nutcracker
> her favorite colors are purple and blue
> her best subjects in school are English and history, while her worse subject is math
>  she never leaves home without her trusty white Beats, it's her baby
> her Instagram is @itsruyu; instead of posting selcas like some people, she likes to post dance choreography videos and saxophone composition videos

 other skills
Saxophone - 8/10
family / friends
{Zhang Zhaolin / father / 45 / CEO of a medicine company} 
{Gao Meixuan / mother / 44 / ballet teacher, former ballerina}
{Zhang Jiaming / twin brother / 18 / student}

 {Park Jimin / best friend / 18 / student}
{Yoon Bomi / friend / 20 / student}
{Jung Hoseok / friend / 20 / student}

love interest ♡
Jung Ilhoon of BtoB
backup love interest
Park Jimin of BTS
dob - age
October 4th, 1994 + 19
How to describe Jung Ilhoon? With that fierce passion and charisma he possesses onstage, it's hard to believe he is one of the more playful members out of his close group of friends. Ilhoon is literally a ten year old stuck in a nineteen year old boy's body. But he does know when to be mature, as he always uses the right words and manner to speak in. Described as the 'spark type,' Ilhoon is incredibly lively. You never really know what he's thinking, because most of his actions are unexpected and unpredictable. He may look cool and collected on the outside, but if you are able to convince him (which is extremely difficut), he may show the 'kyeomi' player, something he is an expert at. Ilhoon is really someone you want to defend you, because he has a witty mouth that can sass your enemy to shame. His sarcastic comments have often gained admiration of peers, rather than having them turn away from him.
However, Ilhoon is an extreme perfectionist. He is never satisfied with his own work and he often loses his temper easily over a small mistake. Whenever Ilhoon is in a bad mood, he changes his hair into interesting, weird hairstyles, which is when you'll know to avoid him. Ilhoon can be a bit spoilt at times, as he grew up in a family that gave him everything, but he knows when to control it.

As much as Ilhoon hates to admit it, Ruyu makes his heart flutter. He tends to be more flustered around Ruyu, since she's the younger one and he feels the need to act maturely and manly in her presence. He often insists that she call him 'oppa,' and although she wants to be polite, she doesn't feel close enough to him to call him that. However, Ruyu never misses the chance to give Ilhoon a smile or a small wave when she passes by him in the hallways or in class. Ilhoon takes his work seriously, but if he hears that Ruyu is outside the practice rooms, he immediately ditches practice to hang around her. When it comes to sharing her feelings, Ruyu feels quite comfortable with Ilhoon and tells him all her insecurities and fears. Although she thinks he's a weird guy, she finds him sweet and enjoys the comfort of his company. Whenever she is feeling upset or frustrated, Ruyu goes to Ilhoon because she knows he's one of the few guys who can really get a genuine laugh out of her. They both strongly respect each other as dancers, but the respect is more towards Ruyu because she is the better dancer than Ilhoon.

how they met
Ilhoon was heading to the rooftop during free time at night to get some fresh air, but it slammed right in his face just as he approached the door. Ruyu, who had been in the room playing Ace, came out and freaked when she saw the half-conscious Ilhoon lying on the ground. After apologizing profusely, Ruyu grabbed Ilhoon's arm and forced him to come to the nurse's office with her. The nurse wasn't there, but Ruyu made Ilhoon sit down and pressed a bag of ice on his forehead. Ilhoon slowly became intriguded with Ruyu, but never got the chance to ask her name because the nurse arrived and asked her to leave. Ruyu had always been in his class, but he didn't really notice her presence until the next day the teacher assigned them to be partners for a project.

scene request?
> Ilhoon asks Ruyu to perfrom a ballet piece for him, and she hesitates before asking him what ballet he wants her to dance from
> she is partnered with Jimin for a couple dance and Ilhoon expresses extreme jealousy
> both accidentally bump their heads into each other's, and Ilhoon laughs, remembering their first meeting, which earns a smile from Ruyu

I started on this a while ago but honestly did not have time to work on it until this week. I'm absolutely in love with this fic because it involves dancing :) and I'm a dancer myself hehe
I would really love a whole bunch of dance show-downs and dance battles between the students, whether it's a friendly one or nasty one!!
> Ruyu is asked to do a ballet (or whatever dance style) duet with one of the other girls

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