A few things...

So, I just had a realization along with some other stuff I thought was important.

Number one) the most important. Jessiicup jst stopped by. She gave me my Christmas present. She made me a clay jay park necklace. I love her♥ lol she's fueling my obsession~ rofl


Number two) because she gave it to me, I'm wearing my new Jay Park necklace and trying to rap EVERYTHING. lol I'm hoping even mini-Jay swag will rub off on me~


Number three) My friend Chris is a creep. He walks passed my house all the time and ALWAYS makes me come outside and say hi. My mom only knows who I'm talking about if I say "Stalker", then she'll go "Oh! Him!" lol Anyway, he made me come outside tonight to say h ibecause him and his two other friends were bored. Then the one friend ran up to Quick Check so he made me stand outside with him and his second friend until the other one came back. After he left we texted and we're planning to set fireworks off on New Years so he saidI should come overto his house. rofl

My realization? I never been to a guys house... I feel REALLY lame. Ridiculously lame. Of course, being me and the friendship I have with Chris, I might feel right at home. That and if I feel uncomfortable I can start calling him and his friends dumbs because they truly are. xD


Number 4) Jessii must have, like, psychic powers because today [due to Mickey's suggestion] I'm going to do an AOM story. [If you don't know AOM then you don't know Jay Park and you aren't a diehard fan...like moi...]  Obviously, it'll be a Jay based story, but I will include Hep-romance cause Mickey loves him. And I totally have to do something for Cha Cha because I love him too. rofl♥ 

Have I mentioned its REALLY unfair that Jay and Cha Cha are 24 and I'm only 17? WHY MUST I BESO MUCH YOUNGER?!?!? 

And I definitely have to put  in Junior cause he tweeted me once and I'll NEVER forget it.


Oh, uhm. Sorta a big realization here:

I have ALWAYS hated rap. Ever since I was little. I found it...replusive. But because of KPOP, it isn't so bad anymore. I listen to Jay, BigBANG, Block B, Zico, Verbal Jint, Junhyung, Faddy Robot, [i just found] J.Reyez, ...

And because I listen to  Korean rap, I can tolerate English rap now. I have great respect for Ludacris, and a few other rappers.

The only rappers I can't stand are Lil' Wayne and Eminem. I hate them with a burning passion, but I'm totally fine with just about anyone else.  


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AbriMathos #1
Same here. Can't stand Lil Wayne and Eminem's new stuff. I loved him when he was funny. He's too angry now .__. I can tolerate SOME Drake. I'm more into old school and underground rap. That's where it's at! That's probably why me and Kyung would have a daebak time together if we ever hang out...XD
lmfao jessii dropped off my zico necklace and i did the same XD