aff quiz (tagged by LeeJuLian)

1. How long have you been on Asianfanfics?
about 3-4 years

2. How many stories have you written?
Excluding the few I've deleted, so I have 52.

3. What is your favourite fanfic that you've read?
I've got a whole list and you'll see a link to it on my blog.

4. What do you love seeing in stories?
A storyline that isn't rushed so you can see where it's going; like falling in love quickly. I absolutely love drama too so yeah, romance and drama. Hm...I definitely want to see proper spelling and a nice flow of writting with good sentence structures. I like different writing styles, even the ones that get me jealous. I think these are a bit flimsy though, sorry, I don't really have any proper specifics other than the general.

5. What do you hate seeing in stories?
the total opposite of what I just said. and when people don't space their and it's just a big ugly chunk of mess. and the really boring way people describe what a character is doing like "He got out of bed, got dressed for school and had breakfast. Then he went to school and met his friends" like, it's so bad I think I did a bad job of explaining what I mean but yeah. I know what I mean, I've read like that. Sorry, I should say stuff. Writers are always improving, really. But no, seriously...

6. Name three things you love about Asianfanfics.
1. It exists
2. It's easy to use
3. It's...okay.

7. Name three things you hate about Asianfanfics.
1. all the half-assed, sad, embarrassing, unjustifyingly popular featured stories with their story give away titles (the ones that don't have depth or any real story of course, not every single featured fic).
2. those users who advertise on your wall.
3. SOME youngers who write with a stick up their , parading how their audience should be and demanding specifics for "motivation" or just because they're straight up cray cray.

8. What is your favourite pairing to read?
2min, chanbaek, hunhan

9. What is your favourite genre of story?

10. How often do you go on Asianfanfics?
Everyday for check ups :)

11. Who is your best friend on AFF?
Oh's there are people I haven't talked to in a while (and istg I think I've forgotten real names o_o) of course there's LeeJuLian and RainbowCupcake and bloodelfprincess <3

12. Who is your favourite Author?
Me, I am my favourite. No, seriously, as far as I know, there are a lot of good writers so it's hard to pick. I admire different styles so I couldn't depict a favourite; it's like only eating 1 donut from a box of a dozen.

13. Where do you come from?
UK, England ^-^

14. If you could change anything on AFF what would it be?
There's needs to be more of a variety. Too many fics that seem like a joke are taking the run of the site. It's, not fair but--I know it's up to them what they write about but I remember reading really decent, good, well thought out stories by authors who were considerate and poured so much effort and sometimes realism to get the right spark between the characters. I just want that again.

15. What is your biggest peeve?
When you know what you wanna say but the words aren't coming out or worse; they are but they just .

16. Which group do you mostly read about on AFF?
It was exo.

17. What is your favourite narritive to use in your stories?
always third person.

18. What is your most disliked sort of story?
everything I wrote for Q5 and #1 for Q7. 

19. What age are you?
the number of this question.

20. Who the hell paid you to take this quiz if you did?
no one did xD

Tag people to take the quiz as well. And add a Question onto the list.
I tag anyone who wants to do it, knock yourself out.

my question #21: got any tips or methods for newer amateur writers or those of us who are looking to improve? like establishing proper character build up or a way to project a persona or overcoming an obsticle?




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bloodelfprincess #1
You say a lot of true things, my friend, and because you mentioned me in this quiz (<3) I will take this quiz as well. Lol. (Plus it seems sort of interesting)
Nice quiz ^^
I agree with what you said and I really miss your 2min stories.
stealing this :)