About Me

❝ ┊thank you for existing
to the angel,
Greetings! Thank you for visiting my profile. I'm Yuna--not my real name, but oh well, I'm more comfortable using that name online. I have many nicknames, so do feel free to give me one as long as it's not insulting. Admittedly, I'm rarely on this site anymore. I'm sort of gone, I suppose, but I still lurk around to read fanfics and occasionally write.
Before you send me a friend request of sorts, it'd be nice if you drop a message because I don't accept requests from random people. However, do take note that sometimes I take longer than needed to reply. Mostly it's because I'm lazy. But I still hope you can at least drop a message. It'll be appreciated. That's about everything. I'm out. 
from a fixed star
meet me where the sky touches the sea.
wait for me where the world begins.