Meme For Fic Writers

So first of all, hello everyone!~ <3

I found this on tumblr and I know I'm not really active on this site much anymore but I wanted to go through this. It's like the writer's analysis I did before and I guess it's interesting, not just to see the answers I'll put but what anyone elses answers are as well. I definitely encourage any and every writer to try this, it helps establish where you are in this field I guess and clear up things you may be/not realise you're uncertain about. It's just good, is all (isn't it nice to look back on past work ayway? Well, as long as it's not embarrassing).

PS. Guys, I miss you! <3 (do you even remember me?...)


(100+) Tumblr


1) Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.

2) Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
I never really got the term "trope" until recently (wikipedia gives crappy, long, smartass explanations) and now that I understand, there probably might be one or two I wouldn't mind trying but I can't name them off the top of my head.

3) Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
Ah...dub/non-con; the cliche victim falls in love with their .

4) How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
If we're talking about kpop then I have less than five, and if we're talking about anime--specifically a fandom I'm into at the moment, it's a little under thirty (and as for stories in general, like the ones I plan to publish then yikes, 20-40?).

5) Share one of your strengths.
I wanna say...dialogue! 
\ (•◡•) / Alright, sometimes I do maybe screw it up but it's my favourite part of stories. Well, if it's not that, it's how I'll go over my work a thousand times until I'm satisfied with it, trying to present a character's reaction in a suitable way and such...(am I making sense?).

6) Share one of your weaknesses.
I feel like, while I've improved, my writting has still follows the same system. It's come to the point where I was reading someone else's work but it sounded a lot alike to my own.

7) Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Honestly, I'm recently a fan of small scenes I write for different stories. Some flow the right way and others don't and it's expected, so it's hard to see through them all and select only one. But even if it's only for an example, I think it's best to select a recent work of mine from one of my proudest fics. For this snippet which is an emotional scene where one of the characters isn't able to keep back their tears, I really like how I wrote it;

"AS IF! I can't believe this, you weirdo!" (A) turned around again and through body language stubbornly decided that was the end. He snatched hold of his iPod and turned up the volume with furious hits from his right thumb, the beats and vocals of G*****D filling his ears more. Music was the key to getting over aches and colds that he couldn't put up with so he thought it would also do well curing the sickly stir in his stomach and ease the uncomfortable clump in his throat. "Oi, put your umbrella up, it's about to rain."

(C) looked up and the blue sky and passing clouds confused him. "Eh? What are you talking about, (A)-san?"

"I said it's about to rain."

"And I heard you but I don't get what you-" (C) had leaned over the still body to present his bewildered face so he could question the order, but as he did he finally saw it and understood. Sympathy dragged out a smile and (C) stuck his t********** umbrella out, gripped his thumb against the stick to trace the lever upwards and it opened out above them. " it is raining afterall."

It rained hard that day; an unstoppable flow of salted emotions fell and they stung (A)'s eyes mercilessly."

/laughs/ Is it weird to read the snipped when I've covered the character's names and blurted out hints? Ah, I didn't plan it, but I's better to be safe than sorry? I'm sure there are one or two of you reading this who know or can guess what franchise this fic is for (and whoah, the quote block is new! I thought it was only on AO3).

8) Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
So as to not be biased, I'll choose a snippet from a fic I've written on this site. It was hard to choose a fic first because I'm always happy with my dialogue, so I went out on a limb and took a snippet from a peculiar au fic during a light argument (I'm a er for drama, and I like how I concluded this part in a 'close the door in their face' kind of way).

“You shouldn’t underestimate an area you’re unfamiliar with, that’s like walking in to a whale's mouth to estimate its size. I don’t understand. Has someone put you up to this? Is this a dare? Is that why you’re talking to me?”
“No, I just thought that--”
“You just thought that since I have no friends that I’ll probably be alone on my birthday and that it’s up to you to be the hero and save me by baking me a cake?”
“Sort of, yeah.”
“Why bother? You’ll only be wasting your time, and mine.” 
“Don’t be silly, I want to do this for you.”
“But why? You don’t even know me”
“Yeah, but--”
“The only reason you’re doing this is because you pity me and think it’ll make you even more popular, right?” 
“Exactly what’s wrong with me wanting to be nice enough to bake you a cake for your birthday?!” (M) spits out, tired of having his honest nature questioned for something bad. “I know we don’t know each other well enough but I might be able to change that!”
“I wouldn’t hold your breath on that.” Any normal person wouldn’t have even approached someone as quiet, isolated, uninterested and unwilling to fit in like (T), because his whole character put dead-end thoughts in to their minds. But here (M) was fighting for a friendship that, at the moment, seemed impossible to make. 
“…Is that right?” (M) asks in a low tone, ready to defend himself again. But he doesn’t this time, and his feelings get the better of him. “Well maybe that’s why you don’t have any friends and walk around with your head in a book all the time! You think everyone has an ulterior motive for wanting to get to know you when they actually just want to be you friend!”
“Well, if that’s how you feel, Sunbae,” (T) says calmly, keeping hold of his unreadable look. “Then I apologise for making you feel as though you needed to be obligated to talk to me just because I’m not as popular as you are.”
“No, wait, I didn’t mean it like--”
“And if you can help it then I’d prefer if you didn’t try to talk to me again.”
“(T), I--”
“Goodbye, Sunbae.”

9) Which fic has been the hardest to write?
Gosh, I've written plently but basically these days it's hard for me to write chaptered fics, so anything with more than two chapters really. Unless the genre/plot is entirely new from the stuff I usually write then the difficulity is the realistically the same. What's hard for me about writing anything is starting--making the first or last line signifigant/perfect.

10) Which fic has been the easiest to write?
If I hear any writer say their pieces were easy to write, I'll only half believe them and half assume they didn't put 100% into it (or they're incredibly talented as of now and have spent ages planning. But so do I!). Since I over-think every part I write, I wouldn't say any fic in particular has been easy to write, but I guess it's more likely to be a short story or long piece of unrelated drabbles.

11) Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
It's definitely a passionate hobby I want to take further.


12) Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?

13) What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
That even the ty written stuff is/can be good stuff if time, effort and believe/confidence is put into it 

14) What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
I don't think I have tbh 
(͠◉_◉᷅ ).

15) If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
ohohoho, a deadly, juicy question has arrived!
(͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖) Tough choice though, it's like picking your favourite, I can't seem to pick a fic I've written on this site so from the other, (I think) it'd be the fic I've taken the crying scene from as a snippet; an emotional, sweet (short) journey type of story.

16) If you could only write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
holy !...I might cry but I'll say makoharu from the anime free!

17) Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
The planning always happens in non-chronological scenes but I do write everything out properly in order then from start to finish (regularly, when I get new ideas it's in random scenes in my head that I later fit together with the scenes I think of afterwards).

18) Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
Never really ever. (should I be using them?).

19) Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse?
It's 70% my otps and 30% films, series or game plots I see (ff13 has amazing characters and storylines! *-*).

20) Describe your perfect writing conditions.
I'm not sure if this question is asking the conditions I write under or what I think a good story needs, so it's it alright to answer both? I think I need quiet to think throughouly but because I've gotten used to writing in my living room, there's always talking going on from my family or the tv and it can be distraction but it's the place I'm familiar with--(or my bedroom but I can't sit comfortably because my bed's against the wall). As for what I think a good story needs; lots of love, attention, care, a load of planning definitely, some a/n's are nice too so I know what the author's thoughts are, and plausible explanations to what happens in the story (i.e. reason behind a character's illness or decision and further information).

21) How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
/straightfaced/ a thousand times 

22) Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit it into your current writing style.
oh, alright then..../sighs and cracks fingers/ (because of my answer for #6 it'll only be a short scene, nothing major. Plus, it'd mean having to read through a whole paragraph or two to get into the feel of the story again and icbarn).

Original style of "Pre-Dating"

"Minho didn’t fall in love often, but when he did, his lack of experience gave him little to work with and became the source of his strange actions and characteristics. He owned a handsome appearance that many girls died to become familiar with through kissing and mornig wake-ups, but he turned them all down simply because they didn’t catch his eye.
One person did catch his eye amongst the endless girls falling at his feet, but he hadn’t seen the student before, and he honestly didn’t give two s about that. As long as the boy existed and hadn’t been claimed yet, then nothing mattered.
Not. A. ing. Thing!"

Current ahjumma style:

"Minho doesn't fall in love often, but when he does his lack of experience isn't a great assistance, instead driving him to present strange characteristics. Many girls die from his handsome appearance and want to become familiar with him, want to kiss him and go through the morning rituals too, but he's turned them down simple because he can't reciproacte the feeling on a mutual groud.

One person does manage to catch his eye eventually among the endless girls at his feet. He's sure he hasn't seem around before but he doesn't care because as long as they're here and exist, and so long as they don't already have a significant other then nothing matters; not a ing thing."

23) If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
Creepy cousin because out of my fics, it ranks first in having the most attention and positive feedback (500 subs? Really? Wow, I'm honoured and so grateful, thank you everyone! <3), and I know it could be written better now if I really wanted to. Hm, might do actually, I got some plans in mind for something 

24) Have you ever deleted one of your published fics?
Yeah, 'course, recently did again as well tbh.

25) What do you look for in a beta?
I don't. Somebody recommended I find one but I didn't like what they must've been presuming when they suggested that.

26) Do you beta yourself? If so, what kind of beta are you?
I don't and idk if I'd be good enough at it to actually review work other than my own. To say I'm british and english is my first language is a blatant excuse really because so what? It's a plausible argument but even I don't have a complete grasp on english literature--a class I wasn't even elegible to take in high school so I never took english as class further after my GCSE. And I'd like to send this message to anyone who's in or has been in that sort of situation; if you apparently don't make the cut and can't get on the path to where you want to go; TAKE ANOTHER. And what you miss out on learning then you can learn later and put it to practice. As for the kind of beta I'd be, I think I have a knack for re-writing something to make it sound better (like a 'ghost writer'?).

27) How do you feel about collaborations?
On aff, two people once asked if I'd collaborate with them but I said no, and it's nothing against them. I haven't done it before so I'd be lost as to how it works and how the story gets exchanged betwee the writers, and also I don't think I'm that reliable. I screw up my own deadlines, never mind yours!

28) Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Sometimes I have my eyes on particular writers from time to time but I don't have a favourite. I'm honestly a big fan of my own works and how I write. But since I'm being asked about other people, arlprstr, coffeeinkorea, Jiayun, maknae-nicholeWolfburglar and YoungWoo17 write really well. It's been a while since I've read anything on here so my recollection of the stories in my subscription list are hazy but I recognise really liking a few titles so I went by that. But, like I've said, I don't really have any favourites, just stories or styles I do happen to admire. It's a shame aff has lost some good writers but it's also great it still has some 

29) If you could write the sequel/prequel to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
I wouldn't like to tbf, it'd be a hard choice to make as well.

30) Do you accept prompts?
No but I've been considering it.

31) Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
This isn't really a struggle when writing kpop stories is it? I think it's more to do with anime and films or games so regarding those, I'm more a fan of au's because I fret over how me writing under canon plots is going to turn out; generally since having all the facts can be difficult (and it's embarrassing to be corrected by a fellow resident in the fandom when you claim to love/enjoy it as much as they do). I take libertieis then more than I am compliant but I think I try to manage both.

32) How do you feel about ?
Tried writing it twice and they were horrible. I've written a snippet of it recently and it's alright....but no, it's embarrassing for me to write (and sometimes read). It's weird to write about it following what I've read from other people's stories since it's not something I've experienced myself and probably won't for a good while since I'm aual.

33) How do you feel about crack?
It's ridiculous unless not written half-assed. I know crack is meant to be for the laughs but when it's written stupidly with vowels or consonants missing and the character's dialogue is so whack--just no, get it away from me, take it out, no.

34) What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con?
I could never write non-con, it's terrifying. And as for dub-con, like I've mentioned in #3, it'd be ridiculous, and uncomfortable. Both are off my table forever.

35) Would you ever kill off a canon character?
"I'm wondering if I have and I haven't but it could be interesting, unless the character is in my otp (which they likely will be)." is what I was going to say. But I'm currently writing a story where one of the main characters are actually going to kick the bucket, through no fault of their own.

36) Which is your favorite site to post fic?

37) Talk about your current wips.
Mostly for the fandom I'm into right now but other than that, I'm planning more than several stories to publish in the future. A lot are inspired or based from series I really enjoy so I look forward to working on them 

38) Talk about a review that made your day.
I received a nice one this morning for a recent fic for the said fandom I've been talking about
❤(っ^▿^); "I'm seriously crying right now. I can't even... I lost it at the Subway pick-up line. How the hell did you come up with this story? I never thought this level of perfection even existed." 

39) Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
I don't really but I have and if possible I remove them.

40) Write an alternative ending or summary to a fic.
I can't, let's just say I kill someone off okay.


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