SIA Disciplinary Committee- [The Justice Enforcer | Kang Min Young]


Disciplinary Committee || Kang Min Young
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The Basics

Plotline: The President: The Justice Enforcer
Full Name: Kang Min Young
      Other names: Mindy - English Name
Little Fatty - Taehyung uses it because she's shorter than him, eats a lot, and to get on her nerves.
MinMin - Used by her younger sister as a pet name, while Min Young calls her MiMi
Young-ah - Used by her group of friends

Gender: Female
Birthdate: December 31st
School Year: Third
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Korean
Birthplace: Los Angeles, California
Hometown: Gwangju, Korea
Blood type: AB
uality: Heteroual


Face: Lee Dasom
Links:  Gallery
Backup Face:  Lee Jung Ha
Links: Gallery
Height: 152 cm
Weight:  46 kg
Description: She has chocolate brown hair, dark brown eyes, ear piercings on both ears, and a birthmark shaped like a side ways heart under her right ear.


Keywords: Smart, cheerful, bipolar, bossy, smart-mouthed, loud, stubborn, hot headed, cocky, and straight forward
Personality: Ranking as the fourth in academics, Min Young tends to brag about her grades to almost everyone and uses it as an advantage to boss people around. She cares a lot about the school rules and will catch anyone breaking it., thanks to her sharp eye sight. And when they do, she'll set them straight immediately. She takes school way too seriously and argues a lot or, what she prefers calling it, "debates" a lot. If someone talks back to her, she'll make a great comeback because of her quick thinking. Her orders get under many people's skin, but she makes up for it with her (bipolar) attitude that can change from angry to bubbly in a mere few seconds with just a deep, deep breath.

She's awfully hot headed and can blow up when you least expect it. If she's "debating" with another person, everyone can hear her straight forward remarks from across the school. If someone's being annoying, she'll say something along the lines of, "Go away. You're being annoying." or, "Shut the hell up and leave me alone." When she's dealing with someone she hates (*cough* Taehyung *cough*), then she won't give a living crap about their feelings and will tell them off when given the chance.

Almost everything she says comes out as either sarcastic, or totally annoying ( such as "fun" facts, orders, rules, etc.)
- Bossing people around
- Rules
- Ninjas
- Manga/Anime
- Books
- School
- Ties
- Hair Clips (Shiny, black/white ones)
- Giving long, boring speeches

- When people boss her around
- The letter V
- Getting sick (that means she has to miss a day of school)
- Selfies
- Coffee

- Biting/ lips
- Biting nails when nervous
- Covering mouth when laughing
- Digging her nails into her palms when angered

- Her favorite number is 1 because she thinks that she's number one
- Her favorite color is black/white
- She never learned how to swim because she almost drowned when she was six
- She never wears a lot of makeup (just some eyeliner and blush)


Background: Min Young was practically born with a silver spoon in . Her parents were quite wealthy, because they owned a huge toy company, but she never wanted to show or tell anyone because she was afraid they might judge her. They might think that she only gets her good grades because of her parent's money, but that was never the case. She worked hard for her grades ever since she started school. Another reason why she was really smart was simply because she wanted to set a good example for her younger sister who looks up to Min Young a whole lot. In primary school, Min Young was always one of the smartest, and resumed her status in middle school.

But the one thing that kept her from becoming number one was Bae Suji, or Suzy. Her parents were close to Min Young's, and they were forced to get along. Suzy didn't know why Min Young hated her so much; she just wanted to be friends with her, but for some odd reason, Min Young always pushed her away. They always competed. Well, at least Min Young did. Suzy was just doing what she normally did: getting good grades and pissing off Min Young without knowing it. You don't know how ecstatic she was when she heard the Suzy was to leave. She then found out that Suzy is attending Seoul International Academy. When her father tried his hardest to convince Min Young to transfer to his school, she refused because she was finally going to be number 1 at her public school. But on the first day of highschool, instead of getting dropped off at the highschool she was expecting to go to, she was dropped off at the wrong school.

The first day was horrible, because Suzy immediately approached her in halls and greeted her nicely, finally hoping for Min Young to give in. But, nope. She stood there, glaring straight through the latter's soul, and walked right past her. The next thing she knew, she was eavesdropping on a few girls that were talking about a new Student Council President none other than the famous Bae Suji. Well, crap.
Family: Mother | Kang Minji | President of Seoul Plushiez (well known toy company) | Nurturing, caring, and out going | Like how a mother and daughter should be
Father | Kang Ryu Hyuk | Headmaster of Seoul International Academy | Strict, over protective, and workaholic | Super close
Little Sister| Kang Mi Hyun  | Seoul Girls' Private School + 2nd year middle school | Funny, sweet, and persistent | Closer than everyone else



Housing: She lives in a dorm with Song Da Hyun
Uniform Adjustments: Instead of the brown shoes, she wears black ones. She wear knee high socks and a white tie instead of the bow. She also always wears clips on both sides of her head to hold her hair back.
Song Da Hyun | Sweet, innocent, and shy | 2nd | Like sisters
Lee Jung Mi | Silly, clumsy, and loud | 3rd | Like close friends
Kim Sura | Rebelious, quiet, and calm | 3rd | Like cousins
Your Character ^^

Academic Standing:  Ranked as 4th place
Best Subject: Math
Worst Subject:

Love Interest

Love Interest: Kim Taehyung/ V (BTS)| 3rd year
Personality Keywords: Cold, rebellious, indifferent, cocky, teasing, and sarcastic
Backup Love Interest:
Jung Daehyun (BAP) | 4th year
Personality Keywords: Same as V


Bye Bye

Comments: The plot seems really interesting! Keep it up! Thank you for your time <3
Suggestions: --
Scene Requests: None at the moment :)
Password: Alright... I have two that go together.... so yeah... ^^ Enjoy~
Link One
Link Two



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