Subscriber-only stories... ¬_¬

I rarely rant.  You all know it; I have rarely ever posted a rant blog.  But this time, I'm afraid I need to let off a little steam.  As you'd guessed, it's about subscriber-only stories.

I often come across stories that give you the first chapter and then become subscriber-only thereafter.  Or, they are subscriber-only to begin.  While I have absolutely no problem subscribing to stories I love, I absolute DESPISE the idea of having to subscribe to even begin reading a story I don't even know.  To me, it feels as if I must get married first before I can get to know my husband.  Obviously, I have an issue with being 'forced' to subscribe first if I want to read a story (though technically, I'm not forced into anything since no one dictates I MUST subscribe; I can simply choose not to read the story... which is often the route I take).  Whenever I see a subscriber-only story, I can't help but feel as if the author is cheating the statistics.  Higher subscribers usually means a popular story.  But how accurate is it if your readers MUST subscribe if they want to read?  

Of course, my cursed logical mind can argue the other side as well.  Subscriber-only stories can be akined to paying for a book before you read it.  You pay, or subscribe, so that you can have access to a story that you would otherwise not have.  We all do it with textbooks, movies, novels, etc.  In a way, it is perfectly normal to ask your readers to subscribe if they want access to your story.  After all, that's how our society works too; we 'pay' for what we want.

I guess, at the end of the day, it all comes down to what's in it for you.  I offer all of my stories unconditionally (and I will continue to).  I like to think my stories invoke emotions within my readers and that, in turn, makes them want to subscribe to read more.  Comments make me even happier because I can connect with my readers directly to see if they shared a similar emotional experience reading my story as I did writing it.  Of course, I will be the first to admit that seeing my subscribers grow is a boost to my author-ego.  However, I personally would feel fake, for a lack of better wording, if I knew my subscribers number was high because readers didn't really have a choice.  This is my own personal opinion;  I'm sure some of you would disagree.

Again, it all comes down to whether or not you want to be a library or a bookstore.  Since I CHOSE to be a library, I guess I shouldn't really complain about bookstores.  

BTW, if I sound like an inconsistent nutcase, it's because I am.  I hate that I can usually argue both sides.  I was always terrible at debates.

Edit #1: I should add, since commenters have pointed out a very valid point, that I don't see subscriber-only to be really a problem for stories that INVOLVE subscribers.  For example, designers who do design work, or authors who take requests.  It only makes sense that these authors use subscriptions to track which subscribers requested what.

Edit #2: I realize this post is a bit of -stirrer in the sense that people will disagree.  I welcome constructive disagreements; I find conflict is often the best way to open people's minds and broaden our ways of thinking.  While I don't intentionally mean to offend, this post IS judgemental in nature simply because I'm expressing my opinion.


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How to set the story back to a non-subscribe only story though. I am fully regretting my decision of setting it to subscribe only
I too agree very much with this!
Um. You can just unsubscribe if you don't like it eventually?... No? I mean, it never bothered me like, if I don't like it I just unsubscribe and no harm done? The author can expect this with subscribers-only so yeah? I mean I don't even know how it helps with mean comments or something because it's just a button you can click twice and it's done and over with. I don't get it. And I see authors apologizing for it and I'm like why do they apologize? Wut. It seems like a non-issue to me. For the author tracking down who subs and whatnot is their issue and no harm is done to me. Nobody can blame me if I've unsubscribed and I have done that halfway through stories because they took turns for the worst. So yeah
some people make stories subscribers only becuase they think not everyone can handle the content
terramomi #5
I completely understand what you mean. If a story is subscriber only to begin with it kinda makes me think that the story might not be good enough for people to subscribe to normally. It puts me off reading it because I can't be bothered subscribing to something I might not actually like.
oppach #6
I started one of my stories as subscriber only because I was afraid that the subject matter would not be well received. I felt that it would ward off mean comments(not that I've ever gotten one of those).
I didn't know that one could make a story subscriber only after a chapter or part of a chapter, at the time. But, I think I still would have done it the way I did.
It is probably odd that I avoid subscriber only stories for the most part. lol
I'm actually against subscribers only when it comes to shops because once you hit around 200 subs, it's hard to track down through checking the subscribers. It's easier if you check their history and see if they have subscribed or not (if their wall or profile is friends-only, then it >.> but still not as much as having to go through 200 subs to see if they subbed). I'm still trying to understand why some shops adopt the subs-only mentality when the shop I'm administrating is working fine without it and we didn't have many incidents compared to others. I don't know, guess everybody has their way of tracking down people, tho I'm waiting for the day somebody explains to me why they put it subs only. I can only understand it with shops that often have bratty requesters who do not know what common sense is.
Now the story part.
I honestly have put subs only a story because it's a sequel to another and without reading the first story, they would have no idea what the heck is going on in the sequel. Thus, I'm forcing them to go check the other one before reading the sequel (I promised to get it off subs-only once it's done).
And another just because I felt like it lol
But honestly, as you've said, if you don't want to, don't read it. AFF allows you now to preview part of chapters (bless them) and if there is no layout, you can read a hefty portion of the chapter and get a sense of the writer's style and what's going on.
My main problem, before that, was that the foreword and all looked decent and while you adventure in the story itself, it's written completely opposite and with horrific grammar. That is where I get pissed off if I end up subscribing just to get a ty story, I didn't sign up for this DX now with the preview, it's easier to decide if you want to sub or not.
So subs only is alright. Upvoting like madmen something that hasn't even started... yeah, that's a bit of a concern. You don't even know if it's going to be just as good as the prequel or not.
Amen girl!!!
Designers who provide resources/posters or those who own galleries usually use this to keep track of their customers. Those authors who have been plagiarized before see comfort in knowing the users who can access their stories. In using this privacy option, they don't have to worry about lurkers. I know that we cannot completely stop plagiarism but we can make it hard for them. It like this: just because a robber can get inside through a window, doesn't mean we have to leave the door open. Anyway, others see comfort in this privacy option once they became victims while I just disallow text selection.

In the end, no one forces us to do anything. If I want to check out a locked story, I'd use a key, I subscribe and if I don't like it, I unsub. Clicking a button first before I can access a free story is not that hard to do. Besides, I can tell from the description and foreword alone if the story is worth my time.

Let's not concentrate on the harmless, little things that other people do and try to make staying here an enjoyable experience.
hopelesswriter #10
yes, but in reverse situation....there are way more situations of people reading the book from start to finish and not buying it at all...the readers who don't subscribe, don't comment but simply continue to read...if the writers put subscriber only mode n you have to subscribe to check it out...i don't think they'd mind if you unsubscribe if you don't like it...
people often complaint about subscriber only option....what they don't know is, there can be many reasons writers use it...instead of just wanting popularity in the number of subs...for me, it's a way to detect my silent readers since i detest silent readers n i get them a lot, there are many cases where readers would show support for popular writers or stories involving popular people but choose to silently creeping in for lesser popular ones...
...among a few other reasons...but lately i just got tired of explaining to the people who keep i simply unlock everything except one that i feel very personal n unwilling to see it being stalked by silent readers.
I feel the same way to a certain extent. All of my stories are open to anyone who wants to read them. But when I opened my request shop, I noticed that other shops were always Subscriber Only and asked one of them why that was -- they said that they made it Subscriber Only because it's easier to find and contact the users who requested stories if they're listed right there in the Subscriber list. So, that's what I ended up doing, too... and it is definitely easier. If I had to keep looking up each user every time I had a question about the story I'm writing for them, that would be really annoying haha. And it's not like it cost anything to subscribe. But with my regular non-request fics like K-Pocalypse, etc., I see no reason for making it Subscriber Only.
I agree with you. I prefer to leave my stories open, so that if people are interested in it, they'll subscribe, and I too feel like ti's cheating to make it subscribers-only. I prefer to see my stats grow when my stories are "free" and not conditioned to a subscription. Am I making sense? I feel like I'm not xD.

To each their own I guess :/