oh God it's tiring... OTL


I never knew how much hard work reviewing actually was until I tried it. 

It's not really reviewing though. It's just a try-out, something I wanted to do after reading a good fic. 

I won't disclose the name of fic/author. 

I tried making a review of a movie before though. It was 'Perks of Being a Wallflower'. 

I haven't read the book but I have to say, I was impressed with how much I liked the movie. 

Now, I don't want to give out spoilers if there is anyone out there who hasn't seen the movie/read the book so I'll save it for you guys. 


Back to my main topic. Reviewing. 

So, I reviewed the movie and it resulted in probably a 2-3 page detailed explanation on what my favourite part was mixed with my thoughts. 

Entering my third page, I grew tired. I was mentally tired. 

You're squeezing out thoughts and memories, recollecting moments that you favoured and writing it down. 

I think I'm at the brink of entering a migraine so I stopped. I grew tired of it. 

I don't know if it's my attention span but after some time has passed, I tend to think of something else. 

My mind wanders and ends up losing the initial thoughts I had needed to express. 

Forgetting this experience, I attempted to review this story I just read. 

I had just written out my thoughts on the first main character until I caved into this little voice in the back of my mind telling me to just stop. 

Guess this is why reviewers take more than a few days to assess a fic. 

Some even do it on the spot. How do you guys do that? 

I have newfound respect for reviewers. 


Okay, I've forgotten how to conclude this blog post because while listening to a song, I remembered a comment I read underneath it mentioning cerebral palsy. My sister's right next to me and since she's a medical student I thought of telling her about it. 

I can't remember. 

Oh well, is this how I end things then?

I think I remember now... I think


Nope, lost it. 

Anyways! Just to inform you guys that I don't actually review stories. 

I do not provide such service. I can't review as professionally as some of these reviewers do and my knowledge in grammar isn't as full/complete/well-equipped as most of us here do, so I'll pass. 

Plus, it would be terrifying for me to publicly critique a fic by postig it up as I worry some might disagree with my grading/scoring. 

That is why I just decide to keep my thoughts to myself. Safer that way. 


Here's a song I'd like to share with you from my childhood


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What r u reviewing?