About advertising...

Personal but- wow. So this person, whom I don't know of, advertised his/her story- but oh, plot twist.


Logically speaking, when you advertise, it's for others to notice. No? And now, most of us noticed- but oops. We can't see the story because we're not friends with the person and oops again! There is no hint or way for us to know who this author is so we can't look up her profile to friend her or whatnot.


But I seriously don't want to get too deep into this- I just found it a bit (sorry) dumb.


ANYHOW. If I were to advertise... Do you think I should do it? And for which story? I do want to advertise HTB but it's rated-m so, yeah. There's also my Jimin story that I really want others to see (did any of you read it yet? ^^) and a new story I just posted yesterday, though that one's in construction, so it wouldn't be smart to advertise it now, if I do.

Yeah. Ok.


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Lol girl I agree with you! Ahaha but about whether you should advertise or not, I say do it! It makes a big difference in your subscribers and viewers. I say advertise whatever fic you're most proud of or whatever's the newest. And even if it's Rated, maybe someone out there might just get into Rated fics (/winks) cuz of your fic that you showed them? Lol many possibilities! So just advertise! People do it nonstop on here anyway lol
LOL. That's what I was thinking! I actually saw it before the author put it on friends-only.
but yeah, I don't understand why he/she did it, but come on, really? really? lol
omg, I hate when people do that. It's like they have no common sense -__-
Well maybe sending a friend request would work, but it kind of defeats the purpose of advertising in the first place.
I'm curious: how would you advertise your own story?