❝domino academy❞ ▬ enrolment form



Enrolment Form
By filling this form, you hereby promise to abide by the Academy's rules and regulations. If you are human, please refrain yourself from continuing. Done? Then you may proceed.



rate your availability: 8.5
password: Here's five pics, just bc.



name: Illyana Eom
race: Korean-Russian
age: 22
birth date:  February 5, 1993



ulzzang name: Kang Jiwon
symbols: Illyana has one tattoo on her left collarbone, and always wears a bracelet set, only taking them off during practices at school.



personality: Intuitive could be one word to describe Illyana. She desires knowledge and understanding of the things around her, and can get very inquisitive, albeit a bit reluctantly. She likes doing things using her own capabilities; not exactly a 'lone wolf', per se, just detached from everything else due to her cautious nature. In line with this, Illyana can also become quite cunning and manipulative, in order to get whatever she wants from someone; she's a "doer", one who always takes the initiative during practices despite her Defensive abilities, and is not afraid of taking risks. Illyana has never been a people-person, only feeling at ease around her mother and a few chosen people, and only hiding it in that snarky facade of hers. Not everyone passes her standards, and it takes a longer amount of time to gain her trust as compared to other people; ask Jackson, and you would know. It actually took him two years for Illyana to start talking to him in the way she does now. Illyana basically chooses her acquaintances well, considering how she has been tricked once. As old as she is now, she's actually still afraid that what had happened before might happen again.

Being intriguing in the eyes of many is one thing, but Illyana harbors a natural eloquence, that you would be surprised she even has it in her. She has this certain way with words, and may seem like she's giving a speech when in fact, she's only animatedly talking about things. Her conversations with other people make her seem like a girl who has been through so much in her life, which is actually how her childhood has really been. Illyana is sass and wit personified; she's tough, inexorably independent, and her beauty and charisma show through her qualities and actions. Illyana is frank and has this knack of realizing when there are people who make her uneasy surrounding her, and she always takes the initiative to be honest with how she feels about a situation. Generally, she's a direct person; she's not afraid of voicing her own opinion and talks to you, right-in-your-face way. Illyana holds tons of prejudices and is one tough cookie to crack.

Illyana's facade is basically this: headstrong and unique. She knows her strengths and weaknesses, and harnesses herself to become the person everyone currently sees her to be. Unlike most young women, Illyana loves challenges. Under pressure, Illyana is not the type to just shrivel and become discomfited with whatever she does; she even enjoys it because it gives her leeway to show what she can offer, refusing to let anyone see her break down or fail. Illyana never likes leaving things undone; one of the things she really hates is tying up loose ends. Generally, she wants people to see her as that impulsive yet capable girl, and doesn't like being considered as weak. She's got so much more than what meets the eye.

Authority is one thing that Illyana both respects and hates. Respects because she knows people of position know better than she does, and if she can try to comprehend whatever order they have, she knows she can benefit from it. Hates, because well, it reminds her of Mikhail. Illyana would feel like authority would be able to pin her down in one fell swoop, and she's afraid she won't be able to get back up to fight back. This explains why she usually gets into trouble for cutting classes, yet attends makeup classes. It all depends on her mood, really.
discovery: Illyana's ability was discovered when she was nine, on a camping trip with her father back in Siberia. They were high up in the mountains, and it was freezing cold; it didn't help that it was winter season during that time. The first time her power manifested, it was when she was warming her hand by the campfire her father built; she only closed her eyes for a moment, and when she opened them, they were practically blazing - however, she felt no pain whatsoever. Mikhail was proud of her discovery as she was (seeing as how Junhee already told her about their lineage's difference from the normal human's), and assumed that she had the power to manipulate fire and heat. They were wrong.

The second time her powers showed up, they were on their way down the mountains, heading for home. Unfortunately, they encountered a wild bear, and while Illyana's father was fending it off, he told her to run and hide. Illyana was hesitant and tried summoning her supposed power of fire, but to no avail. As fast as her wobbly legs could carry her, she ran. She stumbled, though, and fell into the snow. Looking back at where her father was (supposedly) bringing down the beast, she found that he was no longer the upper hand; instead, the bear was about to deliver the final blow to her poor father's almost-lifeless body. Illyana only managed to close her eyes and shout, all the while holding her hands out towards the general direction of her father. She heard nothing more after that.

So, cracking one eye open, Illyana found out that the bear had turned to ice - or rather, was frozen in a thick block of ice. Running back down to her father's body, she instinctively reached for the gun in his holster in case another one comes up, but when she touched the steel of the grip, she was surprised to find that her skin began changing as well, becoming the same as the gun's. Although shocked at the very least, Illyana decided to experiment with her newfound powers, and found out that she could carry Mikhail's body with no problem at all. She started heading for home, back to her mother, to heal her father's body.
Mikhail Eisenhardt – a Russian Domino who has always lived in and adapted to the human world, Mikhail took to hiding his abilities under the guise of a Russian diplomat for the Korean Embassy, respected and well-ranked. He has two sons and a wife (who are all normal humans), but fell in love with his subordinate, Junhee, ultimately leading to the latter's conception of a daughter. Mikhail is a bone manipulator, and an empath on the side.
Eom Junhee – a biological manipulation prodigy who hailed from Domino Academy and blended in with the humans upon graduation, Junhee worked for Mikhail at the Korean Embassy and fell in love with him at first sight. At the discovery of Mikhail's family of Illyana's true identity, she fled with her daughter back to Domino City, in hopes of keeping her safe. She now works as a medic in Domino City's resident hospital.
history: Born as the illegitimate daughter of a Russian diplomat and his Korean colleague, Illyana's true identity was kept secret from her. She grew up thinking that Mikhail was one of her mother's best colleagues at work, and looked up to him like the father she had never met; what she doesn't know is that he, in fact, is her true biological father, but due to circumstances surrounding his job as a Russian diplomat, her existence was kept confidential. However, Mikhail would often invite her to his family's skiing trips high up in the mountains in Siberia, introducing her as a co-worker's daughter and making it look like she was his charity case.

Although Illyana lacked the paternal love as she was growing up, her mother made up for it in many ways possible; Junhee would often bring Illyana out for dinner after her office hours, or shopping for beautiful dresses during the weekends, and they enjoyed watching the bustling city below their high-rise apartment room at night. Illyana generally was content living with just her mother.

The day Illyana's identity was revealed, she was both hurt and scared; at 17 years old, she knew well enough how the media would criticize Mikhail (her father, but that wasn't the problem) for having an illegitimate child and proceeding to keep her away from prying eyes. The hurt was more prominent, though, because how could they keep the truth from her? Mikhail, as well as his family (they had no choice but to accept the truth, and besides, Illyana has grown quite well on them), tried convincing Illyana and Junhee to stay, but Junhee opted to flee. She couldn't bear seeing Illyana living a life of someone she wasn't supposed to be, so they left.

Junhee brought Illyana back to her hometown - Domino City - and proceeded to start anew, Illyana using her mother's maiden surname, Eom. Illyana, knowing of her mother's affection towards Mikhail (she's old enough to notice, and she definitely isn't stupid), promised to herself that she would become stronger for both herself and her mother. Now that they officially only have each other, she'd have to learn how to take control, knowing how reckless her mother can get. Illyana focused on honing her powers, doing research about it, practicing on certain things by herself.

When she heard about the reopening of Domino Academy's gates for new prospective students, Illyana initially had no intention of joining, thinking that she was perfectly capable of herself. But Junhee wouldn't have any of her whines and passive-aggressiveness; she signed Illyana up for enrollment, leaving the latter no choice but to reluctantly comply.
Mint chocolate – it reminds her of Christmas, since her mother always makes her hot mint chocolate on Christmas Eve.
Cold season – it just gives her all the more reason to stay bunched up in sweatshirts and/or tracksuits.
Spicy food – growing up in a cold place (Russia), Illyana has the tolerance of spicy food equivalent to 60 out of 100.
Flannel shirts – the amount of them in her entire wardrobe is shocking. About 70% of her tops, perhaps?
Solitude – it clears her mind and makes her more productive; Illyana can't exactly work comfortably in places that are crowded and noisy, as she claims that she's very easily distracted.
Books – if the people are too much to handle, books are usually her go-to; at least she can curse on them for as long as she'd like without getting criticized.
Croinuts – especially if they're homemade. Illyana's mother also used to bake these on Christmas Eve.
Nighttime – other than the thought of well-deserved sleep, Illyana likes watching Domino City light up when it gets dark. Bonus if there are stars in the sky!

Humid days – it makes her completely irritable and hard to talk to, plus she can't concentrate on using her powers since all she's thinking would be "How to get out of this sweltering heat!?".
Cicadas – the sounds they make when she's out at night creep her out; it's as if she's in a horror movie.
Mice – for some unknown reason, Illyana used to have (and still has) nightmares with mice in them, most of the time with the small creatures trying to crawl over her. Needless to say, she has hated them ever since.
Not being taken seriously – joke around while she's discussing an important matter and you have officially booked yourself a ticket to her 'People To Annihilate' list. Illyana absolutely hates dilly-dallying.
Distractions – does this even need to be explained? Of course she has to focus when she's harnessing her power.
Studying – she excels more when there are actual movements involved, rather than just sitting down and memorizing a whole bunch of things she probably won't even remember during combat.
Greens – well, maybe except for broccoli. The rest make her feel nauseous. "I'm not a freaking goat, goddamnit."
✕ Wakes up early and heads to the rooftop to see the sun rise, then goes back down to catch a few more minutes of shuteye before the wakeup call in the dorms.
✕ Swears in Russian when she's totally mad about something.
✕ Picking on her nails whenever she's bored.
✕ Fiddles with her bracelets whenever she's anxious or agitated.
✕ Plugging her earphones on whenever she walks, even if it's just a five-minute walk to her next class.
✕ Whistles on her way to the dorms. Basically everywhere, really.
✕ Doesn't use the glasswares in the cafeteria, instead she brings her own water container for her personal use.
✕ Unconsciously manifests her Domino ability in her sleep; this only happens occasionally, especially if she's really tired.
Stone skipping – a pasttime her mother had taught her when they started to live in Domino City.
Sneaking inside the kitchen – sometimes to cook, sometimes to - well, that is to say - pilfer a muffin or two.
Reading – Illyana wouldn't care if it's an actual book from the library or just a PDF file in her phone. It could be read either way.
Swimming – having been a competitive swimmer before, Illyana has always loved anything that involves the waters.
Listening to music – self-explanatory.
People-watching – She could sit at one place for a whole day and look at all the passersby; it's either she disses, or praises.
Sleeping – well, yeah, it's a hobby. Illyana could practically sleep anywhere.
✕ Illyana is left-handed.
✕ When she's actually attending classes, the sciences (especially Chemistry) are her strongest suits, whereas History is the subject she struggles in.
✕ Jumps from her window to the ground (her dorm room is in the 16th floor though) when she's late for class; uses the wind to do this. If she's too groggy, well, let's just say she doesn't have a late pass.
✕ Used to be a competitive swimmer back in Russia, and competed in the nationals.
✕ Illyana is very fond of dogs, as she used to have a Siberian Husky (but it died during an epidemic when she was younger).
✕ Very robust during training (aka Leeteuk's class).
✕ Illyana is fluent in Korean, Slavic Russian, and English.
✕ Her mother doesn't know of her tattoo; Illyana hides it with the baggy shirts she wears, or her powers (natural pigmentation).
✕ She can't sleep without a pillow under her legs. Also, she keeps a rosary under her head pillow (Illyana is a Christian).
✕ Adores dreamcatchers and hangs one up her headboard, the door to her room, and her window(s); she has three, all in all.



domino ability: Absorbing Replication – Illyana has the power to absorb any material / phenomenon / other abilities and replicate it within herself. If she can handle it, she can even combine two to three abilities together.
control: Proficient; Illyana knows how to start her power up and even end it, and also knows how to reverse the process. She also knows how to transfer some of the properties to other people, however it can tap into her life source, draining her of energy - she only does this when it's actually needed for combat.
type: Defensive – any attack Illyana receives not only strengthens her, but also adds to her options of retaliation; it makes her adapt to any type of combat easily. Other than that, Illyana also shows the inclination to act as a "shield" for others. She can be an Offensive, but her Defensive streak is stronger.




Jackson Wang (GOT7) – Although the two started on quite a bad note (their egos involved, obviously), Jackson and Illyana have passed that phase and are actually smooth-sailing through their friendship as of late. It's hard to believe, but the energy constructs manipulator was actually the first friend Illyana had since she stepped foot into Domino City. Jackson hates to admit it, but she's the only one who can turn him into a pushover.

Joo Eunyoung (Two X) – Illyana and Eunyoung became friends after the younger saved her from falling debris (actually flowerpots dropped by jealous students) at the Academy one day. Eunyoung is quite proud of her ability to transform her body into some sort of force field, and usually claims herself as Illyana's "bodyguard", much to the latter's distaste. She's the only person aside from her mother than Illyana dotes a lot on, having no sibling whatsoever.

Cha Hakyeon (VIXX) – The resident go-to person in DA, even Hakyeon's 'oppa-advances' did not spare Illyana. The empathic weaponry-wielder is the first person to warmly welcome her into the Academy (earlier than Jackson and Eunyoung, even; he was at the gate when she arrived). Although Illyana sees him as a goody-two-shoes guy, she can't help but feel endearment towards Hakyeon, what with his insurmountable fighting spirit.

love interest: Do Kyungsoo
meeting: They first met on a fairly normal school day. Although one of the newest students to enter the Academy, Illyana never found the point as to why she had to attend classes - well yeah, she needs it since she technically still is a student, but she doesn't need to be spoon-fed every single detail, thank you very much. Plus, she pretty much knows how to control her power, so why bother? So basically, she went AWOL on her teachers for the afternoon classes that day. Instead, she went to one of Jackson's controlled battles with the Offensives, planning on watching her friend strike down anyone that goes against him. Not even a minute in her hiding place, she soon felt a tap on her shoulder; although annoyed that she was missing Jackson's battle, she looked up and glared at the other person. "What?" Illyana merely retorts. "Can't you see I'm watching this?"

The person, clearly a guy, scoffs. "You care about that rather than thinking of an escape plan so you won't be caught cutting classes? You're clearly a Defensive, what are you doing here?"

Illyana only stares at him for a solid minute before breaking out into silent guffaws. She then stands up and jabs a finger into his chest. "Listen, Mr.," she looks at his name tag, "Kyungsoo, but I didn't know there was a friggin' barrier between Offensives and Defensives. You want me out of here, fine. Don't think I won't be seeing you around, though." Illyana then gives one last up-and-down look at Kyungsoo before huffing and stomping away, all the while muttering "Stupid asshat; just because he's an Offensive doesn't mean he gets to be the upper hand."

She completely misses Kyungsoo's amused look aimed straight at her.
first impression: Needless to say, Illyana hated Kyungsoo's... well, everything. The fact that he was an Offensive didn't help either. It may be out of jealousy, yes, and also the fact that he acts so high and mighty around her but so meek and dutiful in front of others like some stupid little housecat (or watchdog, in some cases; the kid's got the eyes of a goddamn hawk). She only keeps her saccharine smile intact whenever Kyungsoo sidles up to her with a (joking) jeer or two in public, but still he remains a menace to her ego. That dimwit.

Kyungsoo, on the other hand, found Illyana interesting. Her ethnicity as a half-Russian intrigued him, but no more so her background. He actually had seen her before, on the first day she stepped into Domino City; she had been younger then, and less... verbally-violent, clinging to her mother's arm (although she had been taller than the latter) as if for dear life. He also found it quite funny that she got so worked up when he just asked her why she was at the Offensives' controlled battle grounds; how she became so fiery, he wanted to know.



remarks: None that I know of c: I finally finished /sobs/
✕ Kyungsoo finally finding out about Illyana's past, and she ends up telling him every single thing about herself; Kyungsoo just listens and for the first time since they met, they didn't quarrel.
✕ Eunyoung brings Illyana out for shopping outside Domino City, and Jackson and Hakyeon tag along; they end up carrying the bags of whatever the two girls bought.
✕ Mikhail visiting Illyana, and the faculty is surprised to see the Russian diplomat in their school, fearing that he was there to expose them (they do not know he is a Domino as well). Illyana had no choice but to come out and explain that Mikhail is her father and that he is one of them, so they had nothing to worry about.




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