「Cupid's Best Helper」: Gwak Myungeun

gwak, myungeun
✹ ︙eun — used by acquaintances & her family; shorter version of her name, thus easier to say.
✹ ︙
sunny — used by jongdae; reminiscent of her love for sunflowers (this moniker usually earns him a glare and a kick).
birthday march 14 1992
age 23
birth place siheung, gyeonggi-do, south korea
hometown seocho-gu, seoul, south korea
OCCUPATION graphic artist, businesswoman
PROFANITIES myungeun could cuss up a storm when provoked, but jongdae is usually on the receiving end. most of the time, she swears inside her head.
Face claim hong yookyung
back-up face jungmin

in a nutshell hardworking, forthright, independent, smart, artistic // satirical, potty-mouth, short-tempered, insecure, deadpan
✹ ︙"you can't always please everybody."  — one thing that really stands out with myungeun (other than her excessive swearing) is her ability to be honest, to the point that it can become painful at times. even at 23, she's wise beyond her years (as unreal as that may sound), and is an extremely eloquent person in any given contingency, albeit not in that "hey-i-want-some-attention" kind of way. although she's an artist - most artists are known for being abstract and whimsical - myungeun remains as this practical young woman who always considers every day a challenge. she says as she thinks, and if you want advice from her? don't expect myungeun to sugarcoat her words - she's always believed that not being honest with a person even though they want to improve will only bring them further down. people may be in for a rough ride when it comes to dealing with myungeun when she's like this, but hey, the results are oftentimes positive, so why not? just do note that you have to be emotionally-stable (number one requirement, actually) when you decide to ask for her help. if you can handle her honesty, then prepare yourself, because myungeun always means well; she may not act like it (the girl's a mix between a kuudere and a tsundere, dear lord), but she'll always be there for people every step of the way, no matter how taxing it can get at times.

✹ ︙
"no amount of genius can ever trump hard work." — myungeun always has this innate need to prove that she can be her best no matter what situation she's in, and for that, her colleagues are often grateful for her help. a natural-born leader, she's got a strong sense of team ethics, and actually lives by the motto "no man is an island" when it comes to her job. myungeun believes that an entire team is needed to pitch in and contribute their own strengths into certain tasks, and her mindset is usually projected onto her teammates. when it comes to the business that she and her brother are running together, myungsoo fondly refers to myungeun as the "brains" of the shop; she comes up with the best ideas between the two of them, but she also never forgets to consult with him if he's okay with her decision or not. she even voluntarily designs for some of their shirts at the shop, and may sometimes even devote her time in checking up on their other shop branches aside from the one in myeongdong. she always strives to do her utmost best, as if it isn't obvious enough with her juggling being an artist and being a businesswoman. what can she say? she loves it.

✹ ︙
"oh, you had a bad day? did you die?" — with eloquence comes a rather big consequence (ooh, that rhymed); with her ability to have a way with words, myungeun can get overzealous at times and may end up being sardonic, often in the wrong places and at the wrong times. it's what she considers her "sense of humor", and she would have a hard time trying to control . what's worse is the manner she would usually say these things out loud; myungeun can get extremely deadpan, and would come across as bored or indifferent of the people around her (think those tsundere guys in animes). because of this, she would sometimes get into trouble with her peers. luckily (or not), to the people who know her well, they understand how she is. however, to others who don't, she could come off as rude and insensitive, because she'd think "hey now, these people can take a joke". around strangers, myungeun acts all distantly polite and curt answers, but when she's with - say, friends - she could get verbally-abusive, and she wouldn't even be aware of that.

✹ ︙
"/insert slew of profanities/" — the worst aspect about myungeun's personality is her temper. she's never one to mess with, especially when it comes to work. if you so much as show her that you do not take her words to heart, she. will. end. you. but on a lighter note, that temper of hers only shows up when she's actually stressed (it usually appears at the end of every month, when all their work as a designing team pile up). clearly, her lack of physical abuse is made up for her verbal abuse against others when she's mad as heck; she never hits people (save for jongdae, because he could take it; he's not a baby). in line with this, myungeun's pet peeves include people who do not take her seriously, repetitively-slamming doors, and not being able to do something for someone. at times, her hatred may be directed at herself as she knows that she has shortcomings, and thus may feel insecure. she has this habit of not looking at the brighter side of everything when it comes to her own capabilities, and of course, may lead her to feeling inadequate. which is why myungsoo and jongdae are always there that she's more than what she thinks she is.
to her family:
✹ ︙ "You guys do realize that i'm no baby, right?"
✹ ︙ "dear lord, not another pep talk."
✹ ︙ "i did not sign up for this!!!!!"
✹ ︙ "no smooches. please."
✹ ︙ "you can have oreo for a grandson."
at work:
✹ ︙ "if we finish this before the deadline, drinks are on me!!"
✹ ︙ "chop-chop, salarywoman!" (to yoonha)
✹ ︙ "... where the is my digital pen?" (it's actually on her ear)
✹ ︙ "i want my design materials. where are my design materials!!!"
✹ ︙ "... i fail to see where this design's gonna work."
TO jongdae:
✹ ︙ "oh look, a stray oompa-loompa. where's willy wonka?"
✹ ︙ ", i'm gonna kill you with my bare hands."
✹ ︙ "it's noona to you, you disrespectful tiny ."
✹ ︙ "oi, don't you even dare--- what the heck. get off me, airhead!" (when jongdae jumps on her as a greeting)
✹ ︙ "oh my god, shut the up."
TO minseok:
✹ ︙ "stop that, you're embarrassing me."
✹ ︙ "look after oreo for a bit, will you?"
✹ ︙ "... thanks for the coffee."
✹ ︙ "um, you're cramping my space. please move."
✹ ︙ "... sorry." (mumbled)
✹ ︙ "uhh... okay?"
✹ ︙ "i've got the tolerance level of a chicken nugget, please don't." (when people offer her to eat peanuts)
✹ ︙ "oh, come on. really now?"
✹ ︙ "did i just hear what i think you just said?"
✹ ︙ "... you can't possibly be serious."
✹ ︙ "oreo's my baby. got a problem with that?"
✹ ︙ "for the last time, i am not a grumpy old maid. i'm only 23."
✹ ︙ "well, that escalated quickly."
✹ ︙ "i'm not a snob. i'm just polite. know the difference."
✹ ︙ "i'm a girl. so what? do these organic milk bags (her s) and my monthly subscription to the devil's waterfall (her period) come with a terms and conditions manual? i don't think so." (when people tell her to act like a real woman)
✹ ︙ myungeun is a 3rd-dan black belter in hapkido.
✹ ︙ the gwak siblings used to spend summers at beolgyo, jeolla-do (their mom's hometown) - myungeun claims she picked up her swear words from their maternal grandparents.
✹ ︙ myungeun's favorite food? yangnyum-tongdak (fried chicken with a sweet chili sauce) & kimchi fried rice.
✹ ︙ has a chronic allergy to peanuts; her face balloons up and she develops numerous red blotches on her arms and legs.
✹ ︙ adores sunflowers so much, she always has a vase of them in her bedroom - also the reason why she incorporated yellow with her favorite color (grey) as the main color palette of her room.
✹ ︙ collects lava lamps of all shapes (and sizes) + hats of all designs. 
✹ ︙ she and her brother still live with their parents, but myungeun's planning to move out by the time she turns 25; she's been saving for her own apartment since she graduated from university.
✹ ︙ turns into a walking bulldozer if she doesn't get her caffeine fix in the morning + irritable as heck. "
espresso, please. triple shot."
✹ ︙ owns a clothing shop, sage clothing ltd., with her brother myungsoo. as of late, they have four branches: one in gangnam, two in seocho, and one in myeongdong.
✹ ︙ strong alcohol tolerance - myungeun could drink bottles and bottles of hard liquor, but she'd only feel tipsy at most. never insanely drunk.
✹ ︙ is fond of challenges, and used to play dares with jongdae, even when they were still back in high school. up until now, they still do those games, but only on some occasions.
✹ ︙ myungeun and jongdae have known each other way back when they were kids; both are from siheung, and coincidentally moved to the same middle school in seoul.
✹ ︙ myungeun's ideal type? just someone who could keep up with her, and is prepared for the craziness she calls family. that much is enough.
✹ ︙ as much as she would hate to admit it, oreo's the first animal who's ever held a special place in myungeun's heart. that's how persistent the tiny cutie is. and yes, myungeun sometimes calls him "sweetie". aww.
✹ ︙ myungeun doesn't drink soda. she's only downed them twice her whole life, and she didn't even manage to finish the entire container. she just doesn't like the prickly way they go down the throat.
✹ ︙ has a large stash of graphic novels and mangas in her room - myungeun is an avid fan of animes as well.
✹ ︙ despite her tough exterior, myungeun has fears as well. the number one? clowns. number two? drowning.
✹ ︙ fashion style is feminine chic. myungeun likes wearing skater skirts with sneakers, or pairing her usual ensembles with snapbacks. the only time she doesn't wear her hats is when she meets up with her mom.
✹ ︙  runs an artwork blog (think deviantart, tumblr) and sometimes sells her art pieces for extra savings. "
whoever says that you can only ever earn enough could go screw their bank accounts."
✹ ︙  graduated with honors from korea national university of arts as a graphic design major.
✹ ︙ bites the tips of her hair when she's anxious + fiddles with her fingers when she's bored.

father : gwak hoseok : 51 : myungeun's personality is a split between both of her parents, and the most prominent trait she got from her father is her sheer dedication to her craft, as well as being the wet blanket that she is. although, to be correct, she's worse than her father - at least gwak hoseok knows how to have fun ("who's up for bingsu?" "it's freezing out, dad. seriously?")... maybe. it goes to say that she considers her father as her mentor when it comes to business stuff, as he runs their family business himself, and they occasionally meet up for some father-daughter quality time (which usually includes discussing about stock markets and economic downturns) - generally, myungeun gets along with her father pretty well, just that they're not entirely used to the whole schmoozy-spoiling thing that's common among fathers and daughters out there.
mother : im heekyung : 49 : on the other hand, the traits myungeun got from her mom are as follows: being scatterbrained, and of course, you can't forget - heekyung is quite the swearing machine, especially when it involves dealing with unbearable clients ("those filthy- rude es--" "Mom, calm the down."). however, on more easygoing days, myungeun's mom is quite the charmer - a lot like myungsoo now - being the bridal shop owner that she is. she often pesters myungeun on when she'll get a boyfriend of her own, or when does she plan on getting married (she even had the audacity to suggest jongdae as a potential boyfriend, blech), because well, myungsoo's got a girlfriend while myungeun does not even give a teeny-tiny crap about settling down. other than that, the mother and daughter get along fine; just shut up with the marriage talk, please.
twin brother + business partner : gwak myungsoo : 23 : despite being twins, myungsoo and myungeun are total polar opposites - but it does not mean that they never get along well. technically being older than myungeun by a mere five minutes, myungsoo takes it as his responsibility to look after his twin, especially since she's a girl ("did you bring your pepper spray?" "Stop being a dad, will you?") - he freaks out whenever something happens to her (even if the result is only a scratch on the knee). myungeun knows he means well, she really does, however she just wishes that he would turn down his overly-doting attitude a notch. being business partners, of course they see each other more often than not, and usually hang out at hole-in-the-wall cafes or discuss well, business, at myungsoo's office. generally, myungeun's a kuudere when it comes to her twin; she still can't resist cooking him his favorite food whenever he asks with his puppy eyes. never.

best friend + punching bag : kim jongdae : 23 : to everyone who says that jongdae's a saint for being able to put up with myungeun, you've got it all wrong - it's vice versa, actually. up until now, myungeun cannot fathom how she managed to stay friends (and actually consider him a best friend) with a guy like jongdae. he's practically everything she's not: witty, fun, friendly, the works - not to mention that he's also annoying as hell. more often than not, these two could be found bickering over trivial things, like who should respect who according to age (myungeun's older by 6 months) or why shouldn't they just fricking download the latest movies via torrent ("you're gonna spoil all the fun!!" "do i look like i give a , oompa-loompa?"). whenever myungeun visit.o, jongdae always asks her if she's there to adopt him, which of course earns him a string of profanities from the other. nevertheless, myungeun adores jongdae - making him her human punching bag is just an entertaining thing to do.
co-worker + bane of existence : kang yoonha : 24 : a fellow graphic artist, it's inevitable that myungeun spends most of her waking time with yoonha. they've actually known each other since their university days, yoonha a year ahead of myungeun. although she's the senior, yoonha doesn't act like it; upbeat, sociable, and a ludicrous cubicle neighbor (don't tell her that!!), she's always coercing myungeun to social gatherings, and comes up with the most absurd designs at work ("whaddya think about this elephant?" "you're designing for a restaurant, not a zoo."). she's actually the one who asked (forced, actually) myungeun to come with her to pay e.x.o a visit because "you don't like people, but animals? that's new." (tch.) needless to say, yoonha is fond of dragging people into things she thinks are "fun!!" (alarm bells always go off in myungeun's head whenever she says the f-word) and well, she still gets away with it. so much for seniority.
junior + employee : yook sungjae : 20 : myungeun doesn't really understand, but sungjae is always hitting on her, despite certain circumstances ("nuna, i like you!" "that's sweet, kid, but you're practically ."). she finds it awkward how a college student has the time to even hit up on a girl (uh, young professional, she means) like her, when he's already juggling school and his job at their clothing shop. sometimes, though, sungjae's endearing in his own ways, always being the last one to leave the shop whenever his shift ends - making sure everything's okay before he leaves - and sneaking in study time whenever there's a lull on his watch. myungeun has secretly wanted a younger brother, but since she doesn't, she treats sungjae like one (somewhat, sometimes). she often buys him something to eat and drink whenever she drops by the shop after her work. sungjae, in response, well - he acts like the baby he is. what else is new.


THE SIDEKICK oreo - skunk - 5 months old
EVERYTHING IMPORTANT oreo is, well, he wasn't myungeun's pet. think you read that right? yep you did. oreo is actually myungsoo's - uhh, originally. ever since oreo's mother gave birth (she was actually from e.x.o herself; she even gave birth to her young at the building itself), myungsoo's had a surfeit of the black-and-white tiny creatures scampering about in his apartment - he wasn't allowed to separate the babies from the mom during that time (social security, they explained). so, for lack of better living quarters, he decided to keep one baby and give away the rest (a whopping 7) as soon as they reached the appropriate age. of course, one of those stowaways was given to (more like forced on) his twin sibling. myungeun initially didn't want to keep a pet - that just means more to clean up after - but she had no choice. the moment she stepped foot into myungsoo's apartment, the tiniest of the bunch just sort of wobbled up to her and attempted to climb on her foot (he was really, awfully small for his age back then). of course, myungsoo immediately decided to give him to her just because oreo did that. why oreo, then? because he's freaking black and white, and myungeun has never been good with names.

taking care of oreo isn't that hard, myungeun eventually found out. she just has to avoid (unintentionally) scaring the poor thing because the one time she did, she couldn't go out of her apartment because of the stench clinging onto her - and she already took multiple showers. oreo may be tiny right now, but man, the affection this sweetheart gives makes up for his size. he loves cuddles and toying around, usually targeting myungeun's house keys and playing hide-and-seek in her laundry basket. in the mornings, he makes it a habit to wake myungeun up with an eskimo kiss - rubbing their noses together - and small squeaking sounds (that thankfully myungeun has grown fond of, instead of getting mad and subsequently throwing him out). with strangers, oreo's no different - as long as he gets to play, it's fine by him. oreo's also a little daredevil; his way of endearing himself to the other animals is by pestering them through climbing on their tails, attempting to take their toys, or just plainly rubbing himself against them. he doesn't pick anyone - be it a large dog or a tiny mouse, myungeun often says that oreo's tagline is "
bring it on!!!".

"like the color of the clear street after the rain;
you resemble that freshness, my goddess."
love interest kim, minseok
LOVE STORY they have a common friend, but got off on the wrong foot (not that myungeun's complaining, but what the actual heck). myungeun and minseok's first meeting wasn't exactly fun (it really wasn't, 0% fun), and of course, oreo is to blame. why the pesky brat decided to just go over the table and spill minseok's coffee on his papers, myungeun didn't know. but to leave her to explain why she did it? nope, not good. basically, she was blamed for what her pet did, and boy, was she mad. jongdae had to practically restrain her, as she started to swear at minseok for not even trying to hear her out ("this little er spilled your drink, not me!!" "like owner, like pet, don't you think?" "WHAT!? ING REPEAT THAT AGAIN, dickwad!!"). what myungeun didn't know was that minseok only provoked her because he knew about her beforeheand; jongdae isn't tactless enough not to warn anyone when it comes to dealing with myungeun. minseok found it funny how myungeun reacted so violently over just a small response and how she isn't all that girly-girl in front of the men in e.x.o (ALSO HOW SHE FAILED TO COMMENT ON HOW NICE HIS EYES LOOK, OUCH). so he thought, "hey, this girl's different. i like her."

if it isn't obvious enough, oreo's also taken a liking towards minseok, much to myungeun's chagrin. her pet always bounds off whenever minseok enters the room, sometimes even when myungeun's still playing with him. this makes myungeun scoff and just sulk in a corner, but of course oreo has other plans. those plans include luring minseok and myungeun into one part of the cafe just to play with him. if one of them ever diverts their attention to anything else (they're not awkward with each other for no reason at all, anyway), oreo causes up a ruckus. like, a real ruckus. he shows his (a warning that he's gonna release his so-called perfume), and voila, they go back to playing with him again. but oreo's favorite move is to get them to cuddle with him. together. nope, not just one. together. he never gives up - pulling at myungeun's hair, or even resorting to biting any skin that he could get his tiny teeth on (he bites hard, jsyk) - until they both relent. myungeun thinks he's an annoying little git when he acts like that; minseok thinks he's too smart for his own good.

interactions one word for these two: awwwwwkwaaaaarrd. minseok and myungeun are entirely different, and that means their outlooks about each other differ as well. myungeun's still pissed (although the hatred has waned a bit) at minseok for that incident on their first meeting, whereas minseok tries his best to get on myungeun's good side (to no avail; the girl is dense as hell). due to this, minseok's always the one who starts the conversations whenever they're stuck with oreo - myungeun tries her best to reply to whatever he's saying, but her mind always reminds her that they aren't exactly the best of friends, and she's back to just saying two-liners. she has to give minseok credit, though; he surprisingly wasn't fazed with her outburst (cue myungeun's shame, much to her surprise), and still treats her like a normal patron of e.x.o. at jongdae's urging, the two eventually cleared things up, and well, they're better than their initial interaction with each other. myungeun doesn't "warm up" to minseok, per se - she's still a bit cautious around the guy, although he's being awfully nice to her - but she tries to get past her pride to actually talk to minseok first, which is a weird thing for her, but it sort of works, she thinks. after all, oreo seems to really like minseok. (read: myungeun may or may not be using her pet as an excuse to become friends with someone. she's not. she actually is.) minseok, on the other hand, realizes this and finds it cute that she's really making an effort, so he leaves her to do her bidding on her own (he knows it's cruel, but hey, that is adorable okay).
COMMENTS apply fic skills have gone awfully rusty by now (it's been almost a year since my last!) otl also, thanks heaps for clarifying that question i had regarding the ownership of the pets! although i'm not sure if my revisions were correct. anyway, i hope you like myungeun (and the app, in general) as much as i do! wishing you lotsa luck with the story!

p.s. i'm so sorry, i got carried away by the scene requests otl
p.p.s you could call me baby rei c:

✹ ︙ myungeun eventually getting over her emotions (hatred, the most) and apologizes to minseok; minseok laughing it off and just ruffling her hair. or something of that sort.
✹ ︙ minseok confessing to jongdae that he likes myungeun a lot, and jongdae freaks out. really freaks out, complete with the "ohmygod dude are you serious / blind / mentally ill???" reactions.
✹ ︙ yoonha visiting e.x.o, and finds myungeun and minseok cuddling oreo together; cue the boyfie-question that leaves myungeun too flustered and minseok laughing (but he's secretly swooning inside).
✹ ︙ myungeun realizing that she's developing feelings for minseok so she tries to convince herself to stomp all those "darned butterfliesout, which resulted to sort of a semiself-destructive temporary behavior (e.g. no sleep, self-depreciation, getting mad at minseok for no reason all over again).
✹ ︙ jongdae and myungeun interactions! (never forget bff love rofl)
✹ ︙ myungeun and minseok becoming textmates! like, minseok asks for myungeun's number from jongdae, and he's been texting her ever since; she finds it annoying, but replies anyway.
✹ ︙ myungeun interacting with the other girls, please? since it kind of means that she's growing as a person, plus she gains friends. her current ones (jongdae, most especially) are pains in the . but she loves them all the same.
✹ ︙ myungsoo asking whether myungeun likes someone (tip: it's all jongdae's fault), and myungeun profusely denying, but the first person that comes into her mind is minseok. teehee.
✹ ︙ myungeun and minseok bumping into each other outside of e.x.o (e.g. coffee shop, department store, etc.) and end up spending the day together? squeeeeee. please ignore me.
✹ ︙ a small party for all the boys and their respective partners! could be at the end of the story, idk; they kind of reminisce how each of them got together with all their significant others. potential fluff overload? c;


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