Christmas wish

Dear Santa

Santa if you really care please grant me this wish

Bring the 15 memberd group Super Junior back and the almightly DBSK as 5

Bring After school back together as 9

Bring Alexander and Kibum back just one more time

Bring Ss501 back

Bring 2pm and 2am to create the perfect One Day

Bring Woo bin and the four original Members of FT island to the Teasure island

If you could do this for all the ...

Ever Lasting Friends


Hottest/ I am

Kiss me

After school Fans

F.t island fans

SS501 fans


I wanted to write this not coz im in any of those fanclubs its bu=ecause I've watch some videos where i see people of the groups crying and telling ow much they miss the other members that left the group so I wanted write this for them

I hope that in one day that these groups will meet with people that have left the group during there life, during the trainee life, during the becoming the group that they are now

Thank you  


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