The abyss of my thoughts

If the world is blind wouldn't that mean I'm blind to? But its not like that,they are blind towards that abyss.It seems I'm the only on who can see through that dark covering while others look blindly. Others say can see but they can't, they dont know the how darkness can turn a person.Even now I dont understand myself, why did I become so dark? I've been pretending to not have the abyss but pretending takes a lot of energy to do...the energy that had since I was five is will be raised again later but I know it would fall again to. Im too tired of it, I want to let the abyss take me to a place where I can be at peace. I want to be forgotten, become a distant memory. Would God forgive me if I go join him early? I just want to be at peace and have the darkness gone forever.So please forget me Sincerely ~Bohyemi


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