Of Tankas and Ramblings

My, my, little child.
Do take your time flourishing
for I shall take mine.
Things will hurt and you will cry,
but again, you shall arise.

- sum.c


This suddenly appeared in my head, while thinking of some things:

If you’ve gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care— then do me a favor: Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. Don’t push your way to the front; don’t sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand.

- Philippians 2:1-4

I've been hearing people say being a Christian must be easy. Well, it's quite the opposite, actually. As a follower of Jesus, we have to reorganize our priorities. We do not live in the 'me first' mentality anymore. Personally, it's a struggle. Especially that I grew up as an only child, and everything I needed was given to me. I hate to admit it, but I had my share of being spoiled.

When I was younger, it was easy for me to apologize, even if it wasn't my fault. Forgiving was easier, too. But then, somewhere around high school, something happened, which made me think, "Ah, not all things can be fixed by saying 'sorry.'"

Hm. That must have been it. Knowing my sincere words got rejected for so many months (I fear rejection), hardened my heart. It was around that time, when saying sorry became difficult for me. And I began to forgive, but not forget.

Scratch that. Seemingly forgive, and not forget.

These things, and more, caused me to build a wall around myself. I'm a pretty sensitive kid, and I dislike getting emotionally hurt the most. The strain it puts in me, is too much. But here, in my Christian walk, I seem to be getting that kind of pain a lot. And I swear there are days when I stir in my bed, not wanting to get out of the house. Not wanting to talk to anybody. Even to God. But do you know what overwhelms me the most? Whenever I mope; whenever I sulk and cry and have this pity party, God doesn't seem to listen to me.

Pretty much, it's like this:

"God, I'm a worm!"

"Summer, stop being a muppet. I made you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. I know you more than anyone in that world you're living in ever could. And I swear you are not a worm."

"But I made another mistake..."

"That won't be the last. And I will still love you."

"I just don't think I'm up for this. Dad, why am I here again?"

"Because you'll need this in the future. Carry on, daughter of mine. My grace is sufficient for you. Just trust me."

It's a series of questions. Of doubts. Of fears. Of selfishness. But God doesn't see those things in me anymore. Because I am His righteousness through Christ Jesus. I am taking hold of that statement. You see, I am a closet perfectionist. I have a messy side of me, but there are certain things in my life that I want to look pristine. And I've to admit, at the beginning, I wanted my walk with Christ to belong in the latter.

But the more I grow in Him, the more I realize my walk is far from clean. I stumble. I keep on doing this crazy balancing act, only to fall in His arms once again, and hear Him say, "When I told you I got you, I got you. Here, I'm holding you, see? It's a tough ride, but I won't let go of you."

I make mistakes. But do you know what's amazing? Over, and over, and over again. His grace picks me up. Yeah, I messed up. Yeah, I didn't do that correctly. Yeah, I didn't treat that person the way I should. But I'm grateful God doesn't dwell on the mishaps I've created. Instead, the Spirit urges me to focus on Jesus again. To return, return, return, to the very root as to why I am doing what I'm doing in the first place.

The amusing thing is, even the Gospel in itself is messy. Jesus was seen hanging out with the marginalized. The tax collectors, es, lepers, and more. He loved them, and gave them hope. That's the kind of legacy He left us.

I don't know, but just being reminded of this kind of love God has lavished on me, how can I not share it? It's too good to be true. But it is. It is true. That is why, if I can show His light by breaking my protective walls down, so be it. Because it isn't about me anymore, but about Him.

I completely digressed from what I'm supposed to say, but I guess I just needed to jot things down for my head to be sorted out again. Things have been happening left and right. If you're still reading, let me give you a hug.

I hope you have a nice day, lovely.


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Thanks again for sharing :). It is a good reminder to look to Jesus after we fail, instead of condemning ourselves. I hope that I'll fall more in love with God so that, like you, I can passionately tell others of God's love out of a grateful heart.
Thank you for sharing Summer, your thoughts and words have always served as sort of an enlightenment to me. I've been there, sometimes I feel like a complete failure, unworthy, and of all those negative things. But I'm thankful that I have someone to catch my back, someone I can always count on, despite the odds. I hope you have a blessed day! God bless always :)
"Things will hurt and you will cry, but again you shall arise."

I remember your words, "but you're more than your screw-ups."

With your words, you encourage people. You give inspiration. Because It touched me, really. Like it made me realize that I made mistakes, I still do, and people make mistakes too. But that is. Life. We learn and make it better. No one is ever perfect, but that doesn't mean we're not worth. We were born for a purpose and that's why qe can't give up.

I'm amazed by you, summer. Things may broke you down but you seem strong. And I love the way you believe in God. Summer, have a good life and be happy
Summer, I can't find words good enough to express how you always... ALWAYS touch the deepest core of my heart without even trying to.
I'm a Christian... Born in a Christian family. My faith never really mattered to me, I hardly even touch my Bible. But then again, there are times, when I stumble and I realize how wrongful I've been to God. I apologize to God, often not really meaning them.
I fall so many times, yet.... He hasn't abandoned me. Here I am, still alive and kicking...

Pray for me... Sister in Faith & I shall pray for you too.
Bless you
Summer your words gives people encouragement to live day by day; knowing that anyone isn't perfect and we learn of our mistakes and we have to have faith is God because he loves us unconditionally. " Dios nunca te da mas de lo que puedas soportar." Hugs ^^, have a nice day.
Your words are always so encouraging :) Lately, I've been feeling down, but this really helped to put things in perspective. Hope things are going well for you, beautiful :)
God bless, M
Nothing will make Him love you less, Summer.

"Neither height nor dept, nor anything in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:39)
dubukiss #8
I don't want to annoy you or anything with this question but may I ask what is your church's name?
Thanks for sharing this with us it rly encouraged me
Hi Summer. It's great hearing this from you. From your stories and now this... because of you, I started to change for the better. My faith strengthened even more. Your words are a blessing. Thank you and God bless you.
Hi, Summer. I hope you've been fine. It's nice to hear from you again!

This blog really got me thinking. I'm not a Christian, but I believe in God. And recently, I've been debating with a friend on whether God is real or not. I have faith that He is real, but I am unable to convey that message to my friend. Please, can you give some suggestions as to what to say to whether He is real or not?

Otherwise, this blog really touched my heart. Stay strong, Summer! Great things take time and He will always be by your side to encourage you. Blessings! xoxo
You know I feel the same. I'm a Christian but I don't act like it. I'm a person who has a really big wall around. It's also because of too much rejection. Since grade school I was feeling rejected. I don't know why. I tried hard to get their attention I studied hard, I showed them how great I was, but they just can't appreciate anything. That's why it came to me that, when I'm qith my family I need to be perfect, I can't make a mistake. But I can't, that's why I built a wall from them. That's why it's so hard for me now to express myself and feelings. I'm afraid to be rejected, bigtime. My family rejected my love for them. I was alone. No one listens to me, no one pay attention to me. That's also why I'm afraid of socializing, I hate being an attention to people, because they might reject me. The wall just kept on building up. Then I went to this International School also a Christian school, the school pastor there taught us things about Christ. I want to be a good example to my classmates that I'm a Christian. But I felt regret. I cried so much, when i realized i was lying to myself and them. I'm not a true Christian I'm a fake. At that time I also felt that I was building a wall to God also. I was miserable, I'm not the real me. The school pastor that I was talking about approached me. He said words about happiness and truth, he said that I can find it in Christ. I thought it was easy to do. But it isn't, I also gave up. And asked God why is my life miserable, why can't I be happy, why, what is my purpose, that I lived. So I really wasn't reachable. Until I realized one thing. I'm not hopeless. I'm nit rejected by the whole world. God didn't rejected me, he loves me even I dsin so much. I have him still. Then now I read this. I understand now. I should demolishel the large wall around me. I need Jesus to help me demolish it. I should let him in my world. You're right tjat it wasn't about me it's about God and my relationship to him. Thank you so much ;):
valkyries212 #13
Just in time. Feeling low lately... so many trials coming my way... I just want to give up...
Thank you :)