
Hi everyone,


How have you been? I've been on this website for nine years. It's a bittersweet feeling, knowing that in a way, we have outgrown the past versions of ourselves. 2020 has taught me so much, and the year has indeed brought out the best and worst in people. I was able to meet amazing people here, and I've been dipping in and out, simply because on some days, I really couldn't get myself to write. 

It feels like I've lost my voice along the way.

It may have been because of the experiences I never thought I'd go through. I've been stretched in the most unexpected way, but still, I'm thankful for that.

I'm trying to write again, but I think I'm fumbling for the light switch—just grasping in the dark until the room gets bright.

You can still find my works here or here.


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Hey! Logging back here after a few years and surprisingly I still remembered how much I enjoyed your writing. I’m glad to see that you are going back into writing , so I hope this message serves as an encouragement for you to write! Hope you are doing wel!
i'm late to the party but it's better than never heheh! just so you know it's like an annual activity for me to reread some of your stories here, and they hit home every single time! so for that, thank you so much. glad that i could always come back here no matter how long i left, i still could feel the love all the same. <3
Good to hear from you!! Hope you're doing well.
Hello to you too,
I hope you are safe and healthy
I will check it out your stories there.
I re-read your stories here almost once a year.
Take care!
Hugs ^^,