Please Don't Go

 I want you to stay, but I know I can't make you

I don't want to take a side, but that doesn't mean anyone else won't

You are a dragon and dragon's are meant to fly... But no one wanted you to fly this far away

I wonder what goes through your mind when you see everyone support you and forget about the 11 you left behind


Even if only 11, I will stay here for them because I know I'm needed more now than ever

I hate that once again we're put through this cycle of pain by people that never seem to learn

I won't choose sides, but I will stay an Exotic

I will not change my fandoms name to Galaxies like so many of them want to, I came into this fandom as an Exotic and I'm staying as an Exotic

I'm torn because now i sit here and wonder...

...What did 'We Are One' ever mean to you?

6 + 6 = 1

12 - 1 = 0

There are no planets without a galaxy

So please...

...Don't Go




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Waaahhh I miss Kris :(( I hope everything's going to be ok. I love the part "You are a dragon and dragon's are meant to fly... But no one wanted you to fly this far away" I miss him so much :(

Tao don't cry :(