Fun and Interesting Quizzes

these are all from @hopelesswriter. I enjoyed answering these random quizzes and I hope you do too. Share your results if you'd like. this is just something fun to do when you want to kill off boredom. :)


1. What type of writer should you be? 

take this quiz and find out:

My result: 

You Should Be a Film Writer

You don't just create compelling stories, you see them as clearly as a movie in your mind. You have a knack for details and dialogue. You can really make a character come to life. Chances are, you enjoy creating all types of stories. The joy is in the storytelling. And nothing would please you more than millions of people seeing your story on the big screen!

--> the "knack for details." LOL. i love that one. hahaha


2. What type of poem are you?

quiz link:

My result:

You Are a Haiku

Like a tree swaying
You are simple yet changing
Living in the now

this, short, and meaningful. i wish that one day, i could be able to write something of a similar length. :D


3. What's your personality faction?

My result:

Your Personality Faction is Abnegation

You are the type of person who is in this world but not of it. You step back and avoid reacting. You want to be a force for good in others' lives, even if this means putting your own needs last. You try not to overindulge or even get your emotions too heightened. You prefer a more Zen-like state of being. You get the most joy from the happiness of others. You are willing to give up fleeting selfish happiness for the greater good. 

ok how freaky is it that I agree on that result? I like this part the most: "You are the type of person who is in this world but not of it. You step back and avoid reacting." because this is definitely a good description of me. haha.


4. Where should you study abroad?



You Should Study in Buenos Aires

You are a very flexible person. You may start out studying one thing and end up on a whole different path. You are ready to approach a new place with complete openness. You have no expectations, and you hope to be surprised. You reserve judgments and connect well with other people. You learn best by asking questions and seeing other points of view. You are an extreme generalist, and you like to collect experiences. You never know what tomorrow will bring, and that's how you like it! 

aww i was hoping to get a different result but this one's ok. i like the explanation. :D


5. Why are people drawn to you?


result: People Are Drawn To Your Passion

You are intense about every thing you do, and this intensity inspires people around you. It's clear that you care deeply about the others. You make everyone feel like they're your best friend. You are always doing great and interesting things. You leap into action. And while you're busy, you take time to connect and re-connect with others. You are very thoughtful.

uh...i'm not so sure this is accurate. haha. i am not intense. :p


6. What's your personality color?

link here! 

my result: You Are Blue

You are a natural caretaker. You can't help but nurture those around you, even those who may not 'deserve' it. You are a warm and compassionate person. You think that our society should be more welcoming, inclusive, and helpful. In love, you give it your all. Relationships are your priority, and you will fight for any relationship you're in. You just prefer being in a couple. You like companionship and commitment.... it makes you depressed to be single. At work, you do best in one-on-one situations, especially where you can be a mentor, teacher, or guide. You like to work with people to help them realize their potential. Even in your career, you prefer to be taking care of others.

YEY!! I got my favorite color!! BUT! I am not depressed being single. I've been that since birth and I'm in no hurry whatsoever to get committed. hahaha. xD aside from that, i liked the rest of the explanation. 


7. What's your love word?

*click here to find out*

mine: "Devotion"

For you, love is a doing word. You prove your love with the actions you take every day. You are loyal and true to whoever you're in a relationship with. You don't give up unless things are absolutely hopeless. You don't love easily or quickly. You only will fall for someone you truly and completely adore.
Once you love, you love intensely. You take love very seriously.

i think the explanation says it all. ^^


8. What kind of music are you?

music quiz link


Classical music.

You are a somewhat serious person who enjoys studying subjects deeply. Art of all kinds interests you, and a good piece of art can really affect you emotionally. You are inspired by human achievement, and you appreciate work that takes years to accomplish. For you, the finer things in life are not about snobbery - they're about quality.


eh..i think i only agree on the last part. haha.


9. What are the keys to your heart?

mine: the result says my heart craves love. haha

You are attracted to those who have a split personality - cold as ice on the outside but hot as fire in the heart.In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved. You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring. You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic. Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred. In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily.


10. Dream engagement ring?


Result: Your Dream Engagement Ring Has a Heart Diamond


You wear your heart on your sleeve, so of course you should also wear it on your ring. A heart diamond is the perfect choice for highlighting your passionate disposition. Only a true romantic can get away with wearing this ring. Luckily, that's you. And only a true romantic can give you this ring, so make sure you find him... 

the ring is cute but it's not my style. haha


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