Just another writer's survey... (from @hopelesswriter) :D

01:When did you first start writing?
I don’t really remember.

02:What was your favorite book growing up?
The children’s Bible story book.


03:Are you an avid reader?
Yes. As of the moment, not so much. I always end up snoozing if a book fails to catch my attention with the first 20 pages. xD

04:Have you ever thrown a book across the room?
No. I don’t even want to dog ear the pages.

05:Did you take writing courses in school/college?
There isn’t a special course/subject but it’s somehow part of my English classes.

06:Have you read any writing-advice books?
Nope. Not because I’m that confident over my own style but mainly because I think I’ll be bored reading it. ^^

07:Have you ever been part of a critique group?
Nope and I don’t think I’ll be a part of one anytime soon. Reviewing another person’s work takes a lot of time and effort. I can’t even find time to quickly finish my own work so I may not be able to commit to this group.  

08:What’s the best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten?
I can’t remember what it is exactly. Perhaps the general comments that say they always look forward to my updates and somehow, in whatever way, my stories made them laugh, cry, and smile. :D

09:What’s the worst piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten?
No feedback at all. :p

10:What’s your biggest writer pet-peeve?
WRITER’S BLOCK! Or, having all the inspiration for a chapter but there isn’t enough time or energy left to actually sit down and write it.

11:What’s your favorite book cover?
I don’t have a particular favorite and I can’t remember the last book cover which caught my attention.  

12:Who is your favorite author?
​I’d say Nicholas Sparks though I’m not a fan of his novels after The Last Song. I liked his earlier books better. I also like Cynthia Hand, and I think soon I may be into John Green novels.

13:What’s your favorite writing quote?
Just go check the ones in my profile. ^^

14:What’s your favorite writing blog?

15:What would you say has inspired you the most?
Books, movies, dramas, experience (not necessarily personal), songs, and of course, Yongseo’s WGM.

16:How do you feel about movies based on books?
Based on my experience, they always fail to capture the very essence of what made the book a phenomenon. There are very few adaptations which were able to somehow stay true to the novel (TFiOS is the most faithful one I could think of; Hunger Games would be second for me) despite the changes they made (which I have come to accept as a given).


Despite all that, I still enjoy watching some because it could either be the chemistry or the acting talent of the cast that pulls you in, or how the plot was executed nicely. Good visuals are a bonus too. It’s nice to be able to see the characters and the places you’ve only read about come to life through these movies.


17:Would you like your books to be turned into TV shows, movies, video games, or none?
I’ve thought about this a lot of times and perhaps yes? or no? I think it’ll be fun to adapt it into the big or small screen but some viewers may find it overly fluffy or whatever. Haha.

18:How do you feel about love triangles?
To be very very very honest, I don’t like it AT ALL. Or maybe I do but it depends on how that triangle is presented in a way that wouldn’t make me annoyed over one character. I have to like all 3 of them to be able to understand and actually root for the complicated relationship they have. Demanding much. tsk. :p

19:Do you prefer writing on a computer or longhand?

20:What’s your favorite writing program?
Word document.

21:Do you outline?
Not really. I tried that once but I ended up always switching the events so I just prefer keeping it all in my head.

22:Do you start with characters or plot?
Plot. It’s easier to develop the characters once you have the main storyline in mind.

23:What’s your favorite & least favorite part of making characters?
Favorite part: making them different from the previous ones you wrote or doing your best to “humanize” them. Like, you have to make sure that the reasons for what they do or say have legit reasons that would make readers understand and be able to sympathize with them.


Least favorite: since I write fanfiction, it’s a bit difficult to write the characters with a complete set of identity. You have to at least retain a few of their characteristics/personalities in real life otherwise. Even just a  little bit so the readers can still picture the characters as is.

24:What’s your favorite & least favorite part of plotting?
Favorite: thinking of the twists, the highlight events, and the finale. Also, developing the characters and side-stories.

Least: creating a conflict. There’s only a handful of clichés you could choose from and since I think each and every one of it has been featured in thousands of other fanfics, you have to think of a way to differentiate yours and somehow make it believable. Also, even if you know what’s going to happen, the writing process can be such a pain.

25:What advice would you give to young writers?
​Uh, I guess this R.L. Stine quote could answer this question for me:

“People say, ‘What advice do you have for people who want to be writers?

’ I say, they don’t really need advice,

they know they want to be writers, and they’re gonna do it.

Those people who know that they really want to do this and

are cut out for it, they know it.”

26:Which do you enjoy reading the most: physical, ebook, or both?
Physical. It’s different and I love the feeling of holding the actual book and get to write down notes or underline some parts. However, it’s inconvenient for me nowadays (not to mention, kinda costly) so I prefer the ebooks.

27:Which is your favorite genre to write?
I actually love to write bittersweet/emotional stuff (a mild form of angst?) because as I always say, there’s so many ways you can present pain/longing/regret compared to romance. However, based on my experience and I don’t know why, I usually end up writing romcoms/fluff.



28:Which do you find hardest: the beginning, the middle, or the end?
​The middle. It’s always the middle, because when I post a foreword here in AFF, I’ve got the beginning, highlights, and the finale all figured out. It’s just the middle process which takes up so much time. Like, right now, for Y+M=I. I have always known how it will end and though I think some may not like it (we’re all ers for a happy ending. :p), I’m kinda stuck writing about the falling in love process (this is such a tough one to write! Always!).


29:Which do you find easiest: writing or editing?
Editing. At least the basic outline for an update is done. You just have to check some grammatical errors (though I admit that there are still those which I fail to correct at times), add up extra conversations/ideas, and omit irrevelant ones. Writing is a long process. Before, it takes me almost an entire day to complete one chapter (that’s usually more or less 20 pages). Now, it takes me a week or a month to do so. :((

30:Have you ever written fan-fiction?
Yes. All of what I’ve completed writing are fanfics. It’s easier for me. Haha.

31:Have you ever been published?

32:How do you feel about friends and close relatives reading your work?
NO. A huge NO! Let’s just say I like to keep my personal and AFF life as separate entities. :p

33:Are you interested in having your work published?
Maybe, but that would mean my family, friends, and relatives and every other person who knows me would get to read what I write and I, uh, I’m not ready for that. Maybe when I’m married. LOL.

34:Describe your writing space.
just my bed.

35:What’s your favorite time of day for writing?
No specific time as long as inspiration strikes and I have the energy or luxury to sit through and type the ideas.

36:Do you listen to music when you write?
not really. It’s distracting. Only when highly needed because either the story/chapter is inspired by that certain song or I just needed to recall the feels I have so I can translate it into words.

37:What’s your oldest WIP?
Y+M=I. this was supposed to be finished a month ago but life happened and well, it’s stuck in the backburner.

38:What’s your current WIP?
Still Y+M=I. I’ve completed The Very Last First (TVLF) from June 18- July 1. I just don’t have time to edit it or I feel too lazy/tired to update. :p

39:What’s the weirdest story idea you’ve ever had?
I think it’s Broken Hearted Arrow. It’s really odd and different because of the fantasy element mixed in. And the birth of the crackship of SNSD’s Jessica and CNBLUE’s Jungshin in Redefining Us. haha


40:Which is your favorite original character, and why?

It’s Park Hyunmi. A four year old girl in a yet unnamed and perhaps never to see the light (at least for now) fanfic I’ve written way back in January (halfway through the first part of Redefining Us; it was what I wrote to relieve writer’s block). She’s such a cutie though I haven’t completely written her involvement yet. It’s all just in my imagination. Hahaha.

41:What do you do when characters don’t follow the outline?
This is an unlikely case for my stories because I always make sure that they stay true to their characters in that certain fanfic. That’s why when I got confused with BHA and RU, I had to take a break, re-read some chapters in order to be reminded of their characters.

42:Do you enjoy making your characters suffer?
Not really, but yes. Because I don’t want it to be all fluff and no substance. They need to go through the storm before they get their rainbow. Hahahaha.

43:Have you ever killed a main character?
I’m about to do so in one of my stories and just the thought of it alone is breaking my heart (LOL!).

44:What’s the weirdest character concept you’ve ever come up with?
I still think everyone in BHA is weird. Mixing in greek mythology was hilarious.

45:What’s your favorite character name?
None. All of the character names I use are their real names. :p

46:Describe your perfect writing space.
Just my bed. And of course, I have to be alone. :D

47:If you could steal one character from another author and make then yours, who would it be and why?
I can’t think of anything at the moment because I’d rather write and develop my own. :p

48:If you could write the next book of any series, which one would it be, and what would you make the book about?
Again, I can’t think of anything. :o

49:If you could write a collaboration with another author, who would it be and what would you write about?
I already did that once for The Nice Guy and The Damsel: A Jongtae Story. With @tartytorts. Though that one was 85-90% completed and I wrote it. I just needed the added input for the finale. :)


50:If you could live in any fictional world, which would it be?
The universe set in Redefining Us. I want to be a part of TYS too! hahaha.



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so you've finished TVLF..... hmmm I pray you gain enough strength soon to update it,,, i'll look forward for that! ;)
boicexoddy #2
I enjoyed reading your survey! Hehe