My thoughts on the Krisis (get it? no?)

So after some thought, I realized something about Kris' leave and lawsuit. The timing is so wrong to me. Maybe it just happened to happen then, but if the lawsuit was filed a month ago (APRIL), then shouldn't there have been more news on it? But speaking of when the lawsuit was filed. Think about it. April. The first thing that comes to mind when you think of the month April (well besides spring) is April Fools. Well to me. Maybe it was SUPPOSED to be an April Fools joke that failed or maybe I'm just being stupid and trying to be happier. ANYWAYS moving on to Tao's Weibo and Instagram updates at that time. If it actually WAS his doing like he kept insisting, then it must have been staged or like something. Because he definitely would never just accept Kris leaving like that. He'd be the first person to try and make him stay. With that 'staged' theme being said, what if this was all a plan to surprise the fans going to the concert (which is in what? 4 days? 5?). I still say the timing is so wrong. And both Kris and Luhan once mentioned that the concert will have a 'great surprise' and 'will not disappoint'. I admit, it's a pretty sick idea, scaring the fans like that...but I would find it amusing if the surprised turned out to be Kris not leaving. And it would be even funnier if things went like what happened in the 100th episode of Creature Talk (youtube gamer thing-a-ma-bob). They announced James' (UberHaxorNova) 'retirement' then he left. But then he came out pretending to be different celebrities that the Creatures would interview, and someone (mainly Kootra/Jordan) would piss the 'celebrity' off and make them leave. (I'm not suggesting Kris would do that. But I would totally die laughing if it happened). Then, at the end of the episode they announced the new Creature, and James came in. I think it would be amazing if the 'new member' of EXO ended up being Kris and that was the surprise. Just a thought to amuse you all and think a bit, too. Also, if you want to watch the video I was talking about with the Creature Talk thing, here's the link (it's 2 hours long, like most Creature Talks, but the humor is worth it):


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