Just Wondering --- about one of my OTPs.

Hello everyone :) SoYouRemember / Yuy / NewKid here. 

 I'm sorry if this post will cause disturbance to your emotion .. I apologize in advance. 

I'm a big fan of KrisHo .. and I've been reading a lot of KrisHo's fics. But lately ....... ever since the news of Kris and their company, the fics that I used to read with Kris and Suho in it .. the authors tend to remove Kris from the story. I'm not here to complain about anything, just in case any of you, our precious readers, is also a KrisHo fics' authors. But somehow, it makes me feel uneasy. May I ask why ? Is it because they no longer see Kris as part of EXO ? Or maybe they feel betrayed by Kris' action ? 

I'm a Cassiopeia though ^^ kekeke ! So basically, I'm kind of used to the situation ... but I don't want to lose one of my favourtie OTPs :( I know I have no rights to talk about KrisHo ..... but who cares ? I'm going to talk about it anyway. OTL 

Anyway, I just want to know ...... are these authors really giving up on fighting for Kris ? Aren't you guys going to take this chance to fight for him and EXO at the same time ? Instead of taking sides ... why don't you reunite and help this group ? I'm not going to rant about my DongBang boys or SuJu boys .. let's not bring back those nightmares, alright ? kekeke ! We have lost before ...... why don't you fight for EXO and try to win this battle ?

Before anyone of you tries to kill me for talking about this .. I just want to say .. Don't turn your backs against someone who is hoping for you to stand for him :) Reunite .. Reunite now, and fight back ^^ 


ANNNNNNND ....... I'm having a writer's block right now. I don't know what else to add for the new chapter for Autumn's Pain. They should have at least left some plots for me .. but they left me alone to continue the story, and I'm not really sure if it is good enough to read :( I'm so so so sorry. I'll try to make a good chapter for you guys, alright ? 


Do you guys like JongBin ? Jongsuk and Woobin ? I like this pair ^^ I'm writing a story about them ... but I need to make sure Autumn's Pain's new chapter is ready to be posted. Please wait and cheer for us, alright ? And also ... cheers for your idols ;)


LOVE YOU GUYS ! <3 SoYouRemember / Yuy / NewKid ^^


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