Got JongKey XD !


SHINee similarities.


Are you similar to…

Onew (Lee Jinki)

[x] You like to eat fried chicken.

[] You’re very clumsy.

[] You hit your head on things a lot.

[x] You try to be funny or witty but people almost never laugh. (I try to, but most of them thought I was serious *sigh*)

[x] You have a very bright smile. (The brightess smile belongs to SORRO XD !)

[] You don’t like getting too close to kids or animals.

[] You are a leader. (sadly no, my twin is older than me *pout*)

[] You don’t seem like something that you really are. 

[x] You don’t like your actual name. (I DON'T & WILL NEVER DO XD !!)

[x] You are somehow like tofu. (Tofu XD !)

Total: 5/10


Jonghyun (Kim Jonghyun)

[x] You’re very frank.

[x] You want attention from someone but you never really get it.

[x] You know how to celebrate by yourself.

[] You can sing very well. (not really, we dance more than singing)

[x] You’re short. (I don't even reach 160 cm *crying*)

[x] You seem like a leader type, but you aren’t. (YEAH!! XD !!)

[x] A close friend who is younger than you is taller than you. (Yeap, this one is seriously true *sigh*)

[] You like pulling pranks. (Nope, I love to torture more *smirk* XD )

[x] You’re very…guy or tomboyish 

[x] You can wake up early. (we always do)

Total: 8/10


Key (Kim Kibum)

[x] You are so much like a mom. (more like a MAID! LOL! XD )

[x] You nag a lot. (sometimes. since the 'KIDS' are not listening to me!)

[x] You have many different talents. (other than dancing like mad? Yeah! XD )

[x] You hate to lose. (tell me if there is someone who loves to lose *wink* )

[] You don’t like your old, baby pictures. 

[x] You’re afraid of heights. (heights can kill XD !!)

[x] You’re a blunt person. 

[x] You are good at cooking and household activities. (household, yes. cooking, down! I can't really cook)

[x] You can DANCE. (LOL! We ARE dancers anyway XD ! We started dancing since 2004, Year 4. Danced random songs, beats and moves. In the end we created a group ! but it doesn't last long when we started to break up. And now there are only 6 - 7 members left, used to be bigger than this. Oh well, we DANCE to live *wink* XD )

[x] You’re a sort of tsundere. (Meaning cold/cool an arrogant on the outside, but generous and hearted inside ) 

Total: 9/10


Minho (Choi Minho)

[x] You’re very sporty. (yeah, sometimes XD )

[x] You’re very competitive. (we're only competitive in exams. LOL!! XD !! during exams, we almost like 'enemy' to each other but that's just for a while *wink*)

[] You’re tall. (a girl with a height that doesn't even reach 160 cm is tall? Don't think so)

[x] Some people think you can’t do anything, but you can. (they see me as nothing, but I will make them SEE IT ALL someday XD !!)

[x] You’re great with kids. (I love my nieces and nephews XD !! Especially my niece. She talks alot about barbie and all I have to do is listen and praise her XD ! very cute ! Though I can't lift the kids, don't have any courage to do so *facepalm*)

[x] You will do anything for the person you love. (that depends.)

[x] You don’t like talking too much. (I can be quiet for 10 hours XD !!)

[x] You’re generally quiet. (most of the time people might think I'm a puppet or something XD !!)

[] You like soccer. (sometimes, but not literally)

[] You’re charming/charismatic. (I don't even know if I have a face XD !! LOL!!)

Total: 7/10


Taemin (Lee Taemin)

[x] You are the youngest of your siblings or group of friends. (Siblings, yes. Group of friends, no)

[x] You like ice cream. (I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT THEM XD !!)

[] You’re very innocent. (our innocent mind has DISAPPEARED long ago XD !! ! I write alot, so innocent is not for me *wink*)

[x] You’re child-like. Can be. (I act childish sometimes XD ! even my twin said I'm still like a baby)

[x] You are pretty shy. (mostly, in front of strangers.)

[] You are/were bullied somehow. (bullied? me? us? We almost like the leaders for every gang XD !! I know, we're not that nice. *bows*)

[x] You use your cuteness to get what you want. (works every time *wink* XD !!)

[x] You are a big fan of Michael Jackson. (not really a big fan but I love his songs XD !)

[] You absolutely hate bugs. Which? (bugs? not really, used to collect them and kept it for Science class XD !! old days)

[x] You aren’t very good at cooking. (the hot oil going to BURN ME ALIVE XD !! Ok, that's weird.)

Total: 7/10


And the result : I GOT JONGKEY XD !!! LOL! I didn't know that, but I'm more into Key, I guess XD ! This is fun ! I'm laughing while doing this and argued with my twin, since she said she's more to Onew & Taemin. Shut it, twin! Do it your own XD !! 


I don't own this.



Credit Goes To : madz67  XD !!


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10 for OnKEY ?! SHIP! SHIP! XD !! WOW!! I'm more to JongKey! A Puppy-ish Diva XD
LOL! OnKeyJjong2Min = SHINee XD !! <33333
I'm an ONKEY [10] JJONG2MIN[8/9]
So combine them together you get a ONKEYJJONG2MIN ! <33
Yupp, that's me ;)
You do?! XD ! WOW! Well, my bias is Onew but I got his 'kids' instead XD !!
Ooh, I got Taemin, my bias in SHINee, YAY :D