Some of you guys need to seriously stop.

Think logically.

You seriously think that after months of preparing for what would be their first ever solo concert and doing other concept-related events that they will seriously be okay after the sudden desire on Kris' part to depart from the group?

Stop saying saying the members had their phones stolen and think about it. Their anger, or whatever they might be feeling, is justified. Whatever they knew about Kris' possible condition did they not think would have escalated into a full blown out lawsuit.

No one can disagree and say that EXO is at an alarming disadvantage at this moment. God knows how they are feeling and how they must have to deal with this sudden change. The rush of planning, the struggle of all these change must be bearing hard on the members — goodness, I do not doubt that the likelihood of an increased workload must be a burden to them. 

But please, on the otherhand, a company should respect an individual’s basic rights in the first place. A contract should never disallow that. To put the blame on Kris only allows for the company to continue their exploitation of trainees and idols. No one asks to lose their civil rights and to lose them is, in fact, a human rights encroachment because it dehumanizes the individual.

It’s hard to sympathize with a business who has a track record for exploiting young hopefuls desiring of a career in the arts and taking advantage of that by signing these young people into a system that the company has considerable influence over because they have monopolized it.

After all, a collective group can not function at their best if its members can not.

So if you have to say “Yeah, but… they should just bear it…”

News flash: you just acknowledged there was a problem.


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Thank you. My thoughts exactly. I support all 12 boys and this isn't Kris's fault, it's the company's.