...... My friend kindly yags me in a post about Taeyang,GD, and TOP about their ages and how she was skocked that Taeyang was 27 O_O (whaaaat) so i responded like whaaaat lol and i asked was it his korean age or u.s age because you know in korea, youre a year or two older than your actual age. So this IGNORANT MOTHER ER comes on there and says " korean or u.s age" then posts a pic and says nigga i think you just went full retard... First off... I AM NOT A DAMN NIGGA. My friends may call me that ( friends of all races especially my hmong friend lol) but when someone i do not know calls me that and then has a pic of robert downey jr painted brown for that movie as the picture.. that just gives me ALL TYPE OF RACISM FEELS. I told them about the korean thing and called them a face. They wanted to go on about it but i aint got time for that tinny bopper bull. just needed to vent a bit. :) im good


Just talk what THE you know.


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yogurtlegs #1
omg i hate when es get all salty to when they find out that you're actually correct and they're all like "oh -- well -- that' stupid" Well, um excuse you, just being politically correct -.- good day to you~