Which Group First?

      Alright so I've been working on some of the one-shots and I just wanted to know which story should I upload first?





      Comment who I should upload first and I'll upload the foreword later today or tomorrow~!


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jpohjm #1
EXO then SHINee i guess
KoreaAmore #2
SHINee would be awesomee yes do SHINee 1st
SHINeeLover2001 #3
SHINee!!!!! My favorite author and my favorite band!!!!! Greatest thing ever!
normalfangirl15 #4
do BTS! there aren't that many to begin with!
PandaLove95 #5
Oh god, do shinee, I'm starting to get sick of how much exo fanfics are this website
Exo or shinee
kenyattabat #7
BTS I love them :).
MinKeyMK #8
EXO then SHINee
lovemelikeudo142 #9