the curse of turtle paced internet/wifi


so even in the morning wifi is slow but bearable... or sometimes it's normal, its at night that it is super slow... 

so the upside, i could think and write off plots and fics for whatever i have to write about. i could've started coloring on something i've sketched months ago but then my tablet doesn't work again (i think it's a morning or afternoon tablet ¬_¬) and tonight was the right moment to do something while waiting for every page i open to load... 

well, since yesterday i was able to... 

  1. watch Eden of the East series, now i'm stuck on the last few parts of the second movie *sigh* just when some mysteries were solved or revealed, guess i'll have to wait for tomorrow when wifi/internet connection is back to normal...
  2. write a chapter for SSSD and one other fic and part of another fic o.0 i made a lot in one night (but i think i have to re-do the 3rd fic)
  3. i get to read a manga even if connection is slow, it helps pass the time...
  4. and... i read one book. now. as i'm blogging, the book is open to the page/s i have to read, luckily it's not a lot.

can you guess how slow it is tonight? that i even have the time or am forced to open one of my books o.0!! 

i'm actually thinking of plots every now and then. but i can't gather my thoughts about it.... anyway, i think i'm rather productive. so maybe i should thank my slow wifi connection? :3


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Ooh wow~
Nice way of using your time ;)
When this happens to me,I always go to the piano and compose a little tune or i sit there and think.up plots. if i get a good idea,I grab a paper and pen or my phone and make a few points so i wont forget the idea. its a good way to pass time :3

and hehe turtle~