AFF Questionaire + Procrastination

The Fanfiction Reader/Writer Questionnaire





State your fanfiction pen name.



Are you more of a reader or a writer?

both . i’m a er for a story with a good plotline . which is depressing because a bunch of these stories have soooooo much potential, but their English and grammar is absolutely terrible.


When did you first start reading/writing fanfiction?

about 5th grade with Pokemon I started writing, and started reading at around 8th grade with Pokemon on

I got addicted to AFF in 2013, but I had my account since 2012


What’s the first fanfiction you ever read/wrote? What is it about?

First fanfic I wrote was a Pokemon. It was someone what like the book called “The Clique” by Lisi Harrision. She’s probably my biggest impact as a writer.


What ratings do you read/write?

Teenish to Mature


What was your first fandom?

Pokemon overall, Kpop is SHINee

Shawol for Life <3


List all the fandoms you have read/written in.

All the one's I've read ...

In Anime....

  • Pokemon

  • KHR

  • Shugo Chara

  • K-ON!

  • Bleach

  • Prince of Tennis



  • SHINee

  • Super Junior

  • Big Bang


  • EXO

  • VIXX

  • Infinite

  • B.A.P

  • TeenTop

  • B1A4

  • U-Kiss


  • BTS

  • GOT7



What is your favorite fandom to read/write for?

In Kpop, I read whatever has a good plotline and excellent English, so the genres vary. There are a ton of great EXO fanfics, but there also a crapload of crappy ones mixed into the bunch.


Any fandom you would like to write in?

If I like the fandom, I write lol.


What was your first ship?

First ship... Mukuro x Hibari 6918!! <3 <3 ftw!


List all the pairings you have read/written in.


  • Mukuro x Hibari (6918) (OTP IN THE ANIME WORLD <3)

  • Hibari x Chrome (1896)

  • Dino x Hibari (D18)

Shugo Chara

  • Ikuto x Amu

  • Tadase x Amu



  • 2Min

Super Junior 

  • Eunhae

lol. it's all realllll.



What is your favorite pairing to read/write for?

Me and My Bias LOL
Key hubbyyy~~ <3


Is there any pairing you refuse to read/write?

Onew with anyone in SHINee because in my heart, I know he’s the only one that could probably find a girlfriend and get married and I would be okay.

Oh! and Key with some like Eunji! FAMCOIEFMGDSFSD

(I don’t have any hard feelings for her... just... she’s screwing with all these biases that my friend and I like lol)


What do you think of het stories? Slash/? Femslash/Yuri?

I read them . It’s easier to read if it’s in the Anime world though.


What is your favorite genre?

Romance but I read anything with a good storyline



What is your least favorite genre?

Anything with a cliche I can’t stand.  

EX #1: Kai some bad boy that’s a player that falls for some innocent girl

EX #2: Beggar and Rich Person lovestory

EX #3: anything that deals with false information, like about college and how it’s easy.

EX #4: A terrible antagonist that’s all like “OPPA’S ALL MINE YOU !”  and tries to slap the protagonist but OPPA comes in just in time like a hero.



I hate that last example the most.

Terrible, terrible, terrible story.

That honestly is the deciding factor of whether or not I should stop reading a fanfic.



Any genre you would like to read/write for?

wouldn’t it make sense I would read/write for my favorite genre? lol


List all of your favorite writers.


Aishmin, exoism, writingcrazed , asdffghjkl, danuyel2006

They all have superior English skills, I think it’s because they all live in US lol


writer inspires your own work?

Lisi Harrison , I loved her book series “The Clique”  The development of characters is amazing.  The antagonist is also well played out because it switches between all these main characters between each book. Like the first book book,, Massie was the antagonist. The 3rd Book however, Alica who is Massie’s Beta becomes the Antagonist.



What story has the most impact to you, so much that you remember it all the time?

The Clique Series, and in AFF, “The Girl from the Bubble Tea Shop”
I partially think that well written fanfic is why I got into EXO . I was reading as I started to kind of like Wolf, but I think that fanfic pulled me in. the way they portray characters is amazing. And chapters are longggg <3 <3 Long chapters actually make it seem like a book, which I love. I hate, HATE short chapters! D:<



What is website you use most to read/write fanfiction?

AFF, Fanfiction, FictionPress


To write stuff, I use Google Docs. That’s why Google Drive is my lifeeee~ <3


Any certain things you avoid reading/writing about?

I thought I answered this...  but I’ll say it again.

I hate reading, stories where authors post things like “didn’t check my work! Hope you love it! *mwuah blows kisses*!”

Yeah... um... why are you writing? First thing about writing you should know is that you ALWAYS, ALWAYS check your work and proofread. should be like with anything. You don’t hand in a project without making sure it’s all complete and there are no errors right? Same thing goes with writing IMO.


I also avoid reading things that are TyPeD LiKe THIs. YoU loOk ReALLy StuPiD TyPinG LiKe ThiS .


I also mainly try to avoid cliches. I’ve came across sooooo many that I give up on a story if there isn’t anything special about it that can draw me in. I really hate giving up on a story if I start reading it, but I do that now, and that’s disappointing for me. Since I feel like stories can have so much to say, the portray what the author wants to speak to the world... but in the case of MANY AFF fanfics, I don’t think that’s the case... Most of them are just some crappy base storyline about falling in love with the bias, having the psychotic girl try to kill you and slap you, bias comes and save you then you then get married.


Yeah. I really hate that.




Why is the antagonist like that? Why is she such a y person? Not everyone is y everyday. There is a reason. And the whole “OPPA IS MY SOULMATE AND WE’RE FATED TO EACH OTHER” Is a terrible reason why. It’s a psychological thing, so like did her parents abandon her as a child so when OPPA showed up in her life, she grew attached?




Also can’t stand when people put SOOOO much damn Korean without translations.

yeah, if you’re going to use Korean inside your story, please at least make a reference for people to use because not EVERYONE can speak Korean. Or Chinese. Or whatever language. If you’re going to to use another language and English , please make a reference. One author does that and I’m sooooo freaking happy seeing it. It makes my life easier.  Also romanization of many Korean words always wrong so it comes out completely different that what is supposed to be.


Most importantly, I avoid fanfics that have terrible English and Grammar mistakes.  



What do you enjoy best about fanfiction in general?

Escape from the real world ;n;


Do you have any fanfiction pet peeves?

  • Terrible English/ Grammar

  • Spelling Errors/ Grammar Mistakes in the Title

  • Authors who don’t proofread their work

  • Cliches

  • Korean without any translation of what it means

  • describing the whole story within the description

  • crappy descriptions

  • writers who type in Script form

  • writers who publish thoughts and make it seem like a story, when it really isn’t. I’m just like “WTF man... you got me all excited for a drabble? D:<”

  • not too fond of the 2nd POV, although it’s EVERYWHERE and there’s no hiding from it ;n; I mean I used it once, but I really don’t like it.

  • ~~~~ or _____ names

  • SHORT CHAPTERS! omfg. I see some authors who are like, “Omg sorry for the long chapter! I’ll make it shorter next time!” and i’m just sitting there like “WTF” Please , please continue to write long chapters unless a short chapter is necessary. This isn’t a race about who can get the most chapters out. I’ve read a fanfic with over 150+ chapters and I wanted to give up because it was seriously way too short. Ending a chapter should be like at the end of the day or a suspense thing. but you can always put breaks in between your chapters so it’ll stay in one area.  I can’t explain when to end your chapters very well, but there are SOOO many cases in AFF where authors should have combined chapters to make more sense . Like a one fanfic had chapters that were just like “Person A went to her locker” end chapter. “Person A talked to Person B” end chapter. “Person A went to class.” End chapter. omfg. i mean, you can shove all of that into one chapter....



Does the number of reviews tell how good a story is?

no , there are some stories that have the tiest grammar and terrible spelling mistakes that have a ton of reviews . Since most of the reviews are like “OMFG. AUTHOR NIM! PLEASE CONTINUE/UPDATE/HURRY UP!” Also with the upvote thing in AFF. Some upvoted ones.... shouldn’t be in the top IMO.

Terrible, Terrible, Terrible Grammar and Spelling errors.

Judging you soooo hard if you give terrible reviews.


How long should a chapter be?

more than 3 minutes to read. i think . I read fast thoughhhh, so yeah lol.



Have you ever flamed someone?

flamed? lol what? do you mean diss someone? I have. I’ve ranted about how I hate the EXO fanbase because a bunch of them are immature. I’ve indirectly mentioned everything I hate about them in this Questionnaire if you were reading it properly. (*hint* it deals with the Upvoted Stories and everything I hate about a fanfic)


Have you ever been flamed?

Nope. Come say it to my face~~ come fly over to Hawaii and say whatever you have to say to my face.


Do you roleplay online?

In the anime world....



(Writers Only)


How many published fanfictions have you written?

2 in , 5 currently up in AFF, 2 on Hiatus not offically, 1 in draft mode soon to be uploaded as soon as finals are done for college. It’s my summer goal to finish  that one and Scent of Cheese and Wine. I have 10+ in draft mode that I work on whenever I feel like it. Most of them I won’t publish though. My two on Hiatus is PINK & somewhat Sweet Treats. I’m revamping it since I don’t like it. I’m working on that one the most though lol . I hold that story close to my heart... lol .


Which one of your fanfictions has the most words? The most views? The most comments? The most upvotes?

Most words... my Pokemon which is on, which honestly, I only uploaded 2 chapters although the actual story is over 100+ pages long in Word Document . I’m a bad author at keeping it consistent with updating so my view of fanfics are very low .___. but I don’t really care because I like writing <3  


At the moment, which one of your fanfictions is your favorite/you are the most proud of? (you can include unpublished fanfictions)

My one that will be published this summer! I’m breaking all Cliches there are! I hope people will enjoy it. It’s gonna be called “Popular” starring Chanyeol, Kai, Baekhyun and Taemin. Suho, Minho and Key plays a minor role, but still it’s kind of big because he helps with the storyline a lot :) [YAY GRANDMAAA, FROG AND HUSBANDD!!!! <3]


Out of all characters you have written, which one do you feel you identify the most with?

Kacie in “I Fell In Love With My Best Friend”
her plotline for the storyline like what happened is loosely based off things that happened to me in R.L

Personality wise... Jasmine in Sweet Treats. Well, she’s very strong minded and that’s something we share. She’s also someone who cares about others, but has a hard time showing it all the time.


Do you use beta reader?

nopeeee . If you want to apply, message me! :D i’d totally love that. Especially if your first language is English :)


What warnings have you used on your stories?

I should just straight up say, I tend to swear in my writings. I try to imagine what they would say in that type of situation, and any normal human being would pop a swear word out.


Swearing in Scent of Cheese and Wine

Swearing + “Fun Scenes” in Sweet Treats


Do reviews affect how you write in any way?

Kind of ? I try to improve, but I first try to judge if I should trust them if they have grammar/spelling errors.


What makes you happy the most as a writer?

Writing? Duhhhhh lol Also when my character is so deep and complex, that it makes me fall in love with them <3


Personally, my antagonist I’m writing for the drafted story coming out this summer, i’m personally loving her. And my protagonist. I’m really enjoying seeing how the characters are being portrayed in that story.



Do you generally outline your fanfictions or do you prefer to write spontaneously then revise?

All the timeeee. I’m actually a very structured person. Doesn’t seem like , but I am. But sometimes I totally throw out plotlines and change the whole story... which is why Sweet Treats is on a temporary hiatus.


Have you ever stolen something from another person’s work?

why? that’s just rude . Okay but honestly, I’ve kept some authors work for myself but I always put their name up and it’s for my own personal use because some of them are amazing and when they take it down I become heartbroken 3. I would never think about uploading it and taking credit for it. that’s just plain rude and disrespectful. That’s plagiarism and it’s a serious offense legally. You can get fined or sued and possibly end up in jail, worst case scenario.


What do you feel is your biggest challenge when writing?

Too much dialogue and too little description . I want to become an author who has stories where the description tells the story and the dialogue aids the description.  Also stopping myself from verb tense switching.



“I ran a lot today Oppa.” Yuri says and looked over at Minho. Minho looks back at the girl and lets out a sigh.


“Come on, you can do it. A few more miles.” Minho smiled brightly and the girl in front of him smiles brightly and finished up her laps around the track.


can you see the verb  tense switching?
Says, looked, looks, smiled, smiles, finished.


some are told in present tense like: Says, looks, smiles

while the words: looked, smiled, finished

are all past tense.

see what I’m getting at?


Do you have any certain ritual to do before/while/after you write?

Open google docs, stare at it, read through whatever fanfic i’m going to work on and work on errors. SOMETIMES I continue on and start writing.
If I’m preparing for a sad fanfic, I normally turn up my 悲しい歌 (English Translation: Sad Song) playlist . Which includes songs such as; I Still Love You - PURE, Get Out - JYJ , Reset - Super Junior, Love Still Goes On - SHINee, Sleepless Night - SHINee, Lies - Big Bang )
IF anyone has any suggestions for sad songs, tell meeee pleaseee!!


Do you actively advertise your story or request for reviews/upvotes?

Not really lol. If people like my stories then I’m okay with it. It’s okay if only a few people like it, because it’s still good enough for them to like it LOL

Also if people like it, they’ll upvote it or review it. but the community on AFF is a bit bias though.... so sometimes amazing authors never get recognition because they are overshadowed by those who get recognition for having the things included in my pet peeves of a fanfics.


*cough*cough*me*cough*cough* jk. I know i’m not the best but I write because I want to. I don’t do it for the reviews or upvotes or comments. If that’s why your’e in AFF, please just get off.


You really don’t deserve to be a writer.



sorry. i’m not a nice person, but this is my honest opinion. if you’re going to complain and be all butthurt about getting reviews that are “mean” and “hurtful” well grow some freaking balls and it up and realize this the internet . Learn to take criticism.

especially with authors that write “please don’t bash me because my english is bad! It’s hurtful to read and it makes me want to give up on writing 3 :(“


well , it up and use tools to help you get better.

There’s this thing called Microsoft Word that you can use to check your English spelling and grammar. The red squiggly line means the word is spelled wrong. if it’s green, then it’s grammar!


Or maybe you can review your work before you publish and not put things like “Not edited. sorry!”




*round of applause for meee~* (^__^)v



Would you ever want a trailer for a fanfiction you’ve written to be made?

sure? idk. I don’t like trailers though. They never make sense and are kind of boring. but if someone actually put in time and effort to make one for me, I would be shocked and grateful.  (:


If anyone wants to bash me about this, this is what I have to say...



listen to your oppa (;

lol me -->



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"Since I feel like stories can have so much to say, the portray what the author wants to speak to the world... but in the case of MANY AFF fanfics, I don’t think that’s the case... Most of them are just some crappy base storyline about falling in love with the bias, having the psychotic girl try to kill you and slap you, bias comes and save you then you then get married."

GURL, you couldnt have said it any better! You know, I was starting to believe I was the only one with this strong (sorta negative) sentiment over majority of the fics here in AFF (even those featured ones).

And I salute you for boldly voicing out your honest opinions. AFF (and the entire fanfic world for that matter) seriously needs a complete overhaul in the quality of fics being published. Fics with DEPTH have become really endangered. Oh well.

Have a nice day! And all the best for your upcoming fic (:

PS: the pics/gifs you included are hilarious!