Staff cutting. Heartbreak Shop. Read if you care.

So a lot of you haven't been active lately. Some of you told me why, some didn't even bother in replying. We have work and we need activity. 

brxkenfaeries hasn't been replying to me at all.

oshqueentaeng has a pending request for some days now.

I know about frenchsha, writingcrazed and Katakatica. 

You have to understand that I will have to clear some room if nessesary. So please, read the blogs and when I ask you to comment or reply in someway, you must reply. It doesn't cost you anything.

Katakatica, please update your profile, only your staff box is empty.

Also, when people apply for a shop, they should at least tell the owner if he/she can rely on them. I am not the only one stressing, Jenday has to go through that as well. If you can't work for the shop as it was stated in your activity level, then please, leave before I tell you to. I am not the bad one here, I am only telling you what should be in order for the shop to continue working. If you have something to say to me, or Jenday, please send us a personal message. 

Thank you.


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