「Just a Little Bit of Stardust」— hwang misun。

Hwang Misun
Dreamdandance // ariana // 9
» creating you

OTHER NAME(S): Jacqueline Hwang
JAQUIE - A sweeter (in Jonghyun's words) and shorter version of Jacqueline, but is also used by friends and family members
> THE ORCHID - another persona from her fans because of her love for the orchid flower, it is less popular than her official persona
> MISS WORLDY - given by her fans because she carries a very refined aura
> SUNCHILD - by Nam Hyeri herself, from the '-sun' in her name, it's actually sort of a joke because judging from the nickname, you'd expect Misun to laugh and smile 24/7
DATE OF BIRTH: December 23rd, 1992
AGE: 21
PLACE OF BIRTH: Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN: Paris, France
> Korean (native)
> French (semi-fluent)
> English (conversational)

» Showtime
STAGE NAME: Jinx - usually it means bad luck, but she was given this stage name in hopes it would bring the opposite luck for the group
"So basically, I'm named bad luck but is really supposed to be a good luck charm?" "We could call you Sunchild if you want." "...Jinx sounds fine."
STAGE PERSONA: The Time Controller - her stage presence is so powerful time seems to stop, you can't help but watch her
POSITION: Main rapper, vocalist
FANCLUB NAME: Hourglasses
HEIGHT: 162cm
WEIGHT: 50kg
Tell me something i don't know
what is it about you that makes you you?

First of all, Misun is very sophisticated. If there was to be a picture with the word sophistication, Misun would be the picture. At the first glance, she is a woman of grace and class. Growing up in a wealthy, prestigious family definitely had its effects on her, but don't worry, she isn't some snobby brat. She does, however, carry a strong 'can-do-anything' attitude, except with more determination and less arrogance. Criticism and hate do not afffect Misun; instead of weighing her confidence down, it boosts her to work harder. Misun isn't the type of woman to change for anyone, and she's certainly isn't going to change herself just to earn someone else's approval. Except when her progress does not meet her expectations, Misun becomes short-tempered and frustrated. And even though she has a calm exterior, she is extremely sensitive and Stardust members often find her in the bathroom stalls or curled in her bed crying because of her failure to improve.

Misun has the gift of capturing the attention of a room without effort. She speaks softly, yet people catch every word she utters and from that she commands respect. With her calming voice, Misun can smooth over a tense situation and atmosphere. She is the one who represents the members when they've lost their train of thought and she always protects the group from scandals and things that are not meant to be said. With her way with words, Misun is extremely convincing – as much as she hates to admit it, this skill can extend to manipulating and completely lying. She is a rational individual and her head controls her rather than her heart. Logic spurs her actions and she is quick to shoot down anything that may seem unrealistic. Although Misun is very headstrong and independent, she'll want to listen the opinions and suggestions of others before making a final decision. Misun is the type of person you can tell your darkest secrets to and she listens without judging; she likes to say she strives to find both sides of the story before delivering her judgement. As an excellent listener, she won't continue pressing you for more details if you cannot go on.

This girl is neither anti-social nor social, though she does prefer having some quiet time to herself. Misun is social enough to have several friends, but don't think she'll run around screaming to random people, "HI I'M MISUN WHAT'S YOUR NAME??" It takes a lot for Misun to admit you into her world. She's reserved - which is masked behind her warm smiles and refined aura. Once Misun finally accepts someone as her friend, nothing changes except for the fact that she will every now and then shyly reach out to hold your hand or put her arms around your waist. But because she devotes loyalty and sincerity to her friends, she expects the same from them. One interesting thing about Misun is that she rarely laughs; smiles are frequent from her, both fake and genuine, but to hear Misun laugh is a rare moment to witness. She'd matured faster than most kids her age as her family barely looked after her, therefore she hasn't experienced the most joy. Since Misun was hardly showered with love, she goes out her way to nurture others so they would never experience what she had.

Misun has difficulty sharing her feelings, and when asked, she'll reply with a vague answer or with a shrug of her shoulders. She never wants to burden others with her own problems and would prefer to deal it by herself. She tends to bottle up her emotions, and when that bottle cap pops off, all hell breaks loose. When ticked off, it is best advised to leave Misun alone, but when she becomes madder, she'll give you the cold shoulder until she receives an apology she believes she deserves. Misun rarely apologizes immediately, even if it really is her fault. When she knows she's wrong, it's not uncommon to take days or weeks for her to realize it, and she'll do so with a true, apologetic, smile.

The stage is like a second home to Misun. To fans, she's still the regal, sophisticated Misun. While she does not carry the fierceness rappers like CL and Miryo have, she possesses the charisma, technical aspect, and a great sense of rhythm. She does however, severely lack an audience-friendly aura and tends to sit back and observe during variety shows. Because of this, Misun struggles to be more active and talkative, as she doesn't want her fans to think badly of her. Nam Hyeri once said Misun shines the best when she's on her own, but the latter dislikes taking the spotlight and would rather share it with her members instead.

» Background

Hwang Misun was born on a cold winter's day in December 23rd, 1992, into a high-class family with two older siblings. Her father owns a very successful medical company, while her mother is an internationally celebrated and admired fashion designer.  As soon as Misun began to walk, her parents began neglecting her and placed her under the care of a nanny, Hong Haneul. Misun grew up to be a pretty but stern faced, soft voiced child whose parents trained her "to be seen and not to be heard." As a young child, Misun was often overshadowed by the accomplishments of her older siblings. Her siblings were brilliant students in school, and had bright futures. Her older brother, Jaewhan, was expected to be a doctor, and sister Miwon chased after the footsteps of their mother. Unlike her siblings, and despite being serious faced, Misun was always interested in performing. She frequently participated in her kindergarten school plays and was always prancing around the living room with a plastic microphone in her hands. However, it was not enough to capture her parents' attention, and they immediately started to outline her future themselves. As soon as Misun turned ten, her parents put a stop to her performing arts activities and sent her to a fashion designing academy in Paris, France, with Haneul. Now, she was no longer Hwang Misun, but Jaqueline Hwang.

The first several months in Paris were dark times for Misun. She suffered from extreme homesickness, and she grew lonely because of the language barrier and she could not make friends. It was Haneul who managed to pull Misun together and encouraged the girl to take up dance lessons, an activity Misun prferred to sketching dresses and examining different clothing materials. Although Misun was never the best dancer (she was actually one of the weakest), she expressed passion and love for dance. One vacation back in Seoul, Misun noticed a huge advertisement promoting a group of five young men with the name of DBSK. After falling in love with several of their songs, she searched trhough more of this 'K-pop.' Once Misun's parents found out, they ordered her to forget everything about K-pop as they believed it was distracting her from her school work. For the first time, however, Misun spoke out against them and declared she wanted to become an idol. Before she turned fifteen, Misun secretly sent an audition video to SM, and when she was accepted, her parents threatened to abandon her if she refused to follow the path they set for her. Although Misun was afraid, she left Paris to start training at SM and her parents cut off all contact with her.

While Misun's visuals and dancing was satisfactory, her vocals were weak. Though she had a couple of trainee friends by her side, Misun was often bullied by the other trainees because they saw her as a threat, plus her strange accent made her an outcast. Even the SM vocal teachers mocked her voice, often picking on her purposely in front of the class. Misun slowly lost weight, and training was so extreme to the point where she almost quit. But she wanted to fulfill her dream of becoming an idol and forced herself to continue despite the obstacles. Misun sometimes fell sick from the intense training, but it was all worth it. After two years of hard training at SM, seventeen year old Misun was chosen for the original line-up of f(x), a new girl group. However, SM decided to replace Misun at the last minute with Choi Jinri, because in their words Jinri was "prettier, more talented, more confident, and younger" than Misun. This was a major blow to Misun's pride, and although she wanted to leave SM Entertainment, they convinced her to stay, even offering her training as an actress. Because Misun had nowhere else to go, she accepted and stayed on, this time as an actress, which improved her self-confidence.

After starring in an OST drama alongside the very same girl who prevented her from joining f(x), Misun requested to terminate her contract at SM. This time, the CEO was willing to let her go, as he had been planning to cut her after the drama. He transferred her to Amour Entertainment, where he had expected her to disappear, since Amour Entertainment was an unpopular and lower company. At Amour, Misun found a new passion: rapping, as Hyeri encouraged her to be more open minded. The first few classes were shaky and Misun struggled to control breathing and fluidity. But thanks to several tongue twisters and following the imitations of other rappers, she gradually began to naturally flow words from the tip of her tongue. And Misun had to admit, she was a lot happier at Amour than she was at SM. 


Father | Hwang Saeryun | 51 | CEO of a medicine company | 2 | Saeryun is a very emotionless and harsh man. He expects only the best and won't accept anything he deems imperfect. Ever since Misun entered the idol world, Saeryun hasn't contacted her for over seven years. She sends him countless emails but he doesn't respond to them, and he even blocked her phone number. "I don't remember having a daughter named Misun."

Mother | Choi Ara | 50 | Fashion designer | 2 | Misun gets her determination from her mother, as Ara won't stop until she reaches her goal. Although very lively, she does stand in the shadow of her husband and is submissive around him, following everything Saeryun says. True to her word, Ara never speaks to her daughter and Misun doesn't bother reaching out to her, although she does occasionally spot her mother in the latest fashion magazines and TV channels.

Older brother | Hwang Jaehwan | 27 | Doctor in training | 4 | Almost a mini version of his father, though Jaehwan does know when to be and when not to be serious. Even as a young boy, Jaewhan pushed his little sister away and almost acted like she didn't exist. Because of their , Jaehwan doesn't interact and contact his little sister as often as he does with Miwon, and only views Misun as another thing to be off his checklist; something important but not necessarily something he cares. "Misun's birthday? Send her a card, will you?" "Misun's little girl group won an award? Give her a call and tell her I send my best." 

Older sister | Hwang Miwon | 25 | Major in fashion design | 6 | Miwon is a little more outgoing than her little sister, and loves a high-strung, fast-paced life. She is extrememly bubbly and lights up any atmosphere she enters. Miwon was someone Misun despised when young. After all, Miwon was the prized daughter, admired for her skill and sharp eye in fashion. But unlike her other family members, Miwon actually attempts to rebuild her relationship with the littlest Hwang. She constantly sends Misun emails and tries to call her whenever Misun isn't busy. Although Misun appreciates her sister's effort, she'd rather distance herself from Miwon.

Nanny | Hong Haneul | 65 | Retired and is now living happily in Icheon | 10 | Haneul is a very witty old lady; don't try to sass her or she'll give a very smart reply and make you look stupid. She is extremely jolly and won't let anything dampen to her good mood. The only woman who ever cared and loved Misun. Whenever Misun feels lower than usual, she calls Haneul so Haneul can make her smile with her jokes. She is completely content in telling her former nanny anything because she knows Haneul will support her anyway. As for Haneul, she treats Misun like her own daughter and often sends her care packages to keep her going.

Best friend | Kim Kibum 'Key' | 22 | Idol in SHINee | 10 | Key is someone who likes to recognized, and loves announcing his arrival to anyone he meets. He is an umma-like figure and watches out for the wellbeing of his loved ones. However, Key can be painfully blunt, so it is advised not to ask for his most honest opinion. He may be the sweetest man you've ever met or the most annoying. The two met on the set of the music video for the Japanese version of 'Juliette.' Key is like the adoring big brother Misun always dreamed of having. Unlike Jaehwan, Key actually makes an effort to include Misun into his activities no matter how busy he is. They mostly spend their free time shopping or taking their dogs out on a walk along the Han River. Key occasionally teases Misun and flicks her hair at her face for fun, and when she pretends to get angry he panics and immediately offers to buy her a vanilla crème frappucino. He does however, always nags at Misun to take care of her health, and although it makes her roll her eyes at him, she knows he cares for her deeply.

Yay Or Nay
the traits that define you
» Likes
  • one: vanilla crème frappucinos - vanilla is her favorite flavor, and she's not too fond of coffee, which is why she gets crème frappucinos, a coffee-free base
  • two: the night sky - one of nature's most beautiful creations, the view calms her down
  • three: classical music - simply soothing to her ears, and apparently they make people smarter
  • four: stuffed toys - they're cuddly and they're basically medicine for a bad day...just pick them up and hug them
  • five: music boxes - pretty to gaze at and intriguing to listen to
  • six: orchids - they symbolize elegance, which fans often compare her to one and the interesting thing is that they grow new buds even when the old ones die
  • seven: vintage items (e.g. Polaroids, brooches, teacups) - the antiquity just fascinates her and they're rare to spot in the mordern world 
  • eight: mismatched earrings - very unique and you can mix them up with any outift. Almost like a girlgroup that switches concepts from time to time
» Dislikes
  • one: coffee - too bitter for her liking, she prefers sweeter tastes
  • two: waking up early - she is a busy idol, what little sleep she can get is extremely precious to her
  • three: romance novels - she is a rational woman who doesn't believe in those cheesy tales
  • four: those who bash her friends and members - hey you, don't go hating on her loved ones with no particular reason
  • five: nosy people - keep out of her business, she likes her personal space and privacy
  • six: being reminded of her past - mhmm, it'll just ruin her mood because she had a tough one
  • seven: roses - Misun is severely allergic to them, plus they're prickly and the torns hurt people
  • eight: gray - it's a drab color and it's hard to match anything with the dull color
» Fears
  • one: coulrophobia, the fear of clowns - when she was younger she accidentally came upon her brother and his friends watching a horror movie about killer clowns
  • two: wardrobe malfunctions - the last thing Misun wants to do onstage is to flash the audience and humiliate herself due to a costume mishap.
» Hobbies
  • one: gymnastics - ever since TTBY she's been working on it
  • two: looking through fashion blogs - as a fashion designer's (former) daughter, she is expected to keep up with the latest styles
  • three: teaching her dog and (occasionally) her cat new tricks - well they got to do something besides lying around and eating
  • four: color coding and coordinating her wardrobe - it keeps things well organized, therefore giving her less of a headache
  • five: practicing tongue twisters - it may be silly and useless to some people, but for Misun, tongue twisters help the enuciation and clarity of her voice
» Habits
  • one: bites the straw when she's drinking something. Beware if you are sharing drinks with her, your straw might end up flat and covered with Misun's teeth marks
  • two: before going onstage, she listens to SHINee's "Replay." It helps ease her nerves since it's her favorite K-pop song
  • three: has to fluff her pillows at least ten times and toss around three times before sleeping. She tries to be quiet about it, but it often disturbs and irriates her roommate
  • four: presses her thumb against her lips when she's thinking, very much like Exo's Kai
  • five: scrunches her nose if she's forced to do something she doesn't want to do
» Trivia
  • one: she has two pets; a Bichon Frise puppy named Marron and a Ragdoll cat named Mocha
  • two: she is the Kate Middleton of the K-pop world: admired for her tasteful clothes and fashion sense
  • three: appeared as the female cameo in SHINee's 'Juliette' MV (Japanese version), BtoB's '2nd Confession' MV, and Henry's '1-4-3' MV
  • four: played the role of Seol Hanna in To The Beautiful You. In order to play a gymnast, Misun had to undergo intense training for months
  • five: she used to have the biggest crush on Exo's Suho when they first debuted, and gets embarassed whenever someone brings it up or when she sees him at shows
    "I liked Suho sunbaenim 'cause he's such a sweet and kind gentleman. Don't roll your eyes at me, Aeri, he was so nice to me back when we were trainees at SM."
  • six: if she comes in contact with a rose or smells one, she'll break out in a bad case of hives
  • seven: she is shipped in an OTP with Aeri due to them always hanging out and sitting next to each other on interviews, performances, variety shows, and the dorm. She's one of the few members who can actually watch over Aeri's behavior and they're often addressed as 'The Rose and the Orchid'
  • eight: she finds it ironic that she is in an OTP with Aeri, because Aeri is known as the Sincere Rose and Misun is allergic to roses
    "Does that mean I'm allergic to Aeri as well?"
  • nine: whenever fans call her by her stage name out in public, she looks around as if searching for someone and calls out, "Jinx you owe me a soda!"
  • ten: she wouldn't mind dating a fanboy, and has expressed her desire to do so during interviews, earning her many hopeful boys as well as passionate love letters
  • eleven: her room at the dorms is cluttered with a weird assortment of vintage items, huge stuffed animals, and potted orchid plants
  • twelve: if she had to pick, SHINee would be her all-time favorite boy group, not only because of their concept and amazing dance skills but also because of a special vocalist named Kim Jonghyun
  • thirteen: her role model is BEG's Miryo, she looks up to the elder's rapping skills and it would be such an honor for her to collaborate with Miryo
  • foureen: her ringtone is SHINee's 'Orgel,' not because Jonghyun wrote it. She especially loves the line "There's only two of us in this world, dance just for me."
  • fifteen: her Twitter is @hwangjinx and her Instagram is @mijinx
  • sixteen: she was supposed to debut with f(x) but was replaced by Sulli, a fact that makes her bitter and resentful. Whenever an f(x) song plays, she immediately switches it off
  • seventeen: Misun admires the Paradox sunbaenims, and she had trained and worked with them before when she was at SM. If Paradox and Stardust are in the same room, Misun looks away because she's too busy fangirling on the inside
  • eighteen: she can never keep nail polish on for long because she likes to chip them within two days - it drives the stylists crazy
Look at me now
I'm all fashion and glamore
» Faceclaim
ULZZANG NAME: Gam Dain (dahong)
» Backup Faceclaim
ULZZANG NAME: Jiwon (dahong)
what you hear, what you see
when I'm on that stage
singing twin: Chorong | Naeun
dancing twin: Suzy | chorong
rapping twin: LE | Zinger
talking twin: Yoo Ara | Olivia (french)
what is love
we spend our lives searching for it
» the basics
LOVE RELATIONSHIP PERSONA: The Idol and the Rookie - secretly dating
LOVE INTEREST: Kim Jonghyun (SHINee)
BACKUP: Henry Lau (soloist/Super Junior)

 Ah, Kim Jonghyun, the man in SHINee known for his powerful vocals and 'playboy' image SM Entertainment created for him. Don't ever call him cute in front of his face because he wants to be seen as manly. But while he exhibits a cocky and arrogant aura, he is very romantic. Jonghyun is an extremely social person and loves being around others, so he can share the many things he wants to say. He is a true entertainer because he knows how to make stories exciting and keep people interested. He can even turn his mistakes into jokes and use them to grab the attention. He is an expert at getting himself out of sticky situations, mainly by changing the subject and chatting away until it is forgotten. Jonghyun rarely verbally expresses his affection for others and instead displays it through his gestures and actions.

Unlike Misun, Jonghyun easily shows his emotions as he hates to keep it to himself. He is a very opinionative person and does not hestitate to hide his comments and suggestions. Jonghyun's honestly leads him to pointing out the mistakes and flaws of others. While he may have good intentions about it (such as using it for laughs or to help the latter improve), his bluntness is often misunderstood and leaves a bad impression to the public. He is very competitive and his fierce competitiveness does get the best of him at times, though he accepts losses gracefully and doesn't flaunt too much about his victories.

Jonghyun works hard to achieve his goals, especially if it comes to something he is passionate about. However, he tends to have high expections and when his progress doesn't meet that certain level, he becomes short-tempered and frustrated with himself. While it fuels him to work harder, it prevents him from knowing his own limits and that leads to him overworking his body. He is very confident in his talents, looks, and stage presence, but he also seems to have trouble letting go of things that are beyond his control.

» their story

Juliette, Oh~

Jonghyun and Misun's story began way back in the summer of 2011, when she appeared as the female cameo for the Japanese version of 'Juliette.' After the first day of shooting the music video, the SHINee boys noticed Misun standing off at the sides by herself. Of course, the boys were too chicken to initiate a conversation with Misun, so they decided to play rock-paper-scissors to see who would be the first to introduce themselves to her. The person who won the game (much to his unhappiness), was Jonghyun. The pair had a very awkward first conversation before the rest of SHINee came over. After filming for 'Juliette' officially ended, Misun and Jonghyun exchanged phone numbers to keep in touch. Although she was a trainee and he an idol at that time, they always managed to meet up to know each other better. Two years of friendship passed by, and it grew stronger when Jonghyun was in the 2013 car accident. While SHINee was off promoting for 'Why So Serious,' Misun visited Jonghyun daily in the hospital. During that period, Jonghyun began to view her in a different light and slowly fell for her. A few weeks after he returned to promotions, Jonghyun invited Misun out for lunch, where he asked her to be his girlfriend. But since she was still training, they decided to make it a secret.

You and I Together

Jonghyun and Misun have been together for approximately about a year (their anniversay is May 29th).  The thing is, their relationship is completely a secret. The only people who know are the CEOs and the managers - not even the SHINee members, excluding Key, are aware. The couple have both agreed to remain their relationship a secret because Misun doesn't want to hurt Jonghyun's popularity (especially since Amour isn't well liked), while he doesn't want to hurt her career since she's just a rookie. When they're in public, they act like normal friends and casually speak to each other. They never use their petnames on each other in the presence of others, so it's just 'Jonghyun-sunbaenim' and 'Misun-ssi.' They keep the flirting to a minimum, but if you pay close attention you can tell there's something a little more than 'just friends' - their constant glances, his sly winks to her, her blushing whenever he 'accidentally' brushes his hand over hers. During showcases, Jonghyun always makes sure Misun's microphone is working before she goes onstage, while she fixes his hair and costume. There has been some speculation about their true relationship among fans, but the couple claim they're only friends. Jonghyun brings out the best in Misun and is one of the few people who can really get a genuine laugh out of her.

It's a wonder how someone as logical as Misun and someone as romantic as Jonghyun got together. Jonghyun loves Misun for herself, not her pretty face. Even though she is not the most social person, she intrigues him. He loves how nurturing she is to the Stardust members and the way she gazes up at the night sky ("She always has this peaceful smile and soft look in her eyes."). As for Misun, she loves watching him perform onstage or compose, because he shows dedication and passion towards those activities. And Misun especially adores and admires people who work their butts off to do what they love.

When the couple are alone together, they work on song lyrics - even playfully trash talking each other's skills - or they just simply  quietly enjoy each other's company with his arm casually draped over her shoulder. They're not into serious PDA, though Jonghyun enjoys sneaking a quick kiss on her cheek. He is a true gentleman to Misun, always leaping to open the door for her and helping her carrying her things. Like one time Misun's shoelace was untied, and before she could bend down Jonghyun immediately got to his knees to tie it for her. Jonghyun not only sees Misun as his girlfriend, but as a best friend, confidante, and a hoobae. Sometimes Jonghyun brings Misun his compositions and lyrics, and although she is no music genius, he listens to her most honest opinions and criticism.

They've been together long enough to trust each other; when asked about it on variety shows, Misun playfully encourages Jonghyun's ships with other female idols (of course, she ships Jongkey the most) with a small smile. As for Jonghyun, he would frown and pretend to throw a small jealous fit before cheekily replying, "Just kidding, I think Misun and (insert name) would look adorable together!"  Whenever they go out on a date, Misun claims she's just going out with a friend and, sometimes, they would bring Key and a Stardust member along so it would seem more like a normal outing. They even have matching couple sweaters, which they wear when they're meeting together alone.

So Much For That Happy Ending

Just as Jonghyun is about to announce their relationship publicly (Stardust's popularity has grown, so it is not a problem), Misun decides to end it in order to focus more on her music career. The members of Stardust try to convince her to change her mind, but Misun wants to put the group as her top priority, not Jonghyun. Although Jonghyun is crushed when Misun breaks the news to him, he respects her choice and they remain close friends. However, there are some lingering feelings between them .

thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS: I hope everything with Jonghyun and Misun isn't too cliche or cheesy. If it is, I will change it. I sort of wrote the ending for them already, but you're welcome to decide their fate! ^^ I was going to put Sulli as Misun's rival, except she's a popular rival in apply fics so I'll just wait to see what you think about that. But I wouldn't say Misun hates Sulli, more like she's just upset about getting replaced.

I honestly feel like Gam Dain is the only ulzzang who suits Misun, and I'm not satisfied with Jiwon as a backup. Do you have suggestions?

And oh! I hope you're okay that Aeri and Misun are in an OTP! Since positions in Stardust are similar to Apink's I immediately thought of Chomi (Chorong + Bomi) XD which I ship passionately

SUGGESTIONS: Flashback scenes of the girls meeting their love interests for the first time. For songs I suggest something from Fiestar, since they have some cute concepts and they have six members so it's perfect!

> Misun and Jonghyun take their dogs out on a walk, but their legs get tangled by the leashes and fall on the grass
> Misun decides to choreograph a dance to 'Bubibu' to perform for Jonghyun privately and she asks the Stardust members to help her out (I got the idea from this video)
> SHINee is performing during Mnet, and Misun gets a little too excited in the Stardust dressing room. She yells, "That's my boyfriend!" when Jonghyun appears on the TV, thus exposing her secret relationship with him to the members
> Suho passes by, and Aeri, remembering Misun's old crush on him, starts nudging and shooting Misun looks until she and Misun have a silent argument while Suho gives them a confused look
> Stardust and [insert boy group name, perhaps their future labelmates?] decide to have a rap/dance/singing battle
> It's a hot day so the mischievous members of Stardust start spraying water at each other in the dance rooms and are scolded by their manager
> An anti-fan gives Misun roses, and she has a severe allergic reaction right before a performance. Jonghyun immediately leaves his group to  her to the hospital, springing up several rumors about their relationship
> Misun loses her temper when a sasaeng tries to grab a Stardust member at the airport, and before she could hit the fan another Stardust member holds her back
> Exo loses a bet to Stardust, so the girls make them dance to the Girl's Day song 'Female President' and they secretly record it without telling the boys
> Just minutes before Stardust's debut at Inkigayo, one of the girls' rival purposedly locks them in a dressing room while another member has a wardrobe malfunction
> The Stardust members split into groups of three and have a competition to see which trio cooks the best (with their manager as the judge)
> Truth and dare with the members of Stardust

layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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