All my story updates will be slower than usual

This is because on the 24th of this month... I'm going to be moving to the other side of the country temporarily. (Nevada to be more exact.) So... anyone that's waiting for me to update any fic especially my DaraHae fics... just be patient, neh? I'm sort of preparing myself because I'm going to be going on this flight alone and the last time I went on a flight alone I was an unaccompanied minor (I was 12 at the time for that). And now that I'm 25... I'm sort of nervous of going on a flight on my own because I have to do the check-in and all that stuff alone. Not to mention, EWR is going to be crowded as that day because it's before Memorial Day weekend. OTL.

Now question for all of you if you are reading this as well... 

Suggestions for movies to watch on the plane because I'm going to be bringing my tablet along. Please DO NOT give me horror movies or movies that are sappy I know what the hell is going to happen in them. I don't like horror movies (because I scream like crazy and I don't think my neighbors during the flight will appreciate me screaming every 5 minutes) and the sappy movies bore me. I tend to like watching movies a guy would want to watch as well as Disney movies.

I already have Frozen and Attack on the Pinup Boys in my tablet. So please don't say either of those. You are also free to give me variety shows because I'm going to be stuck in that plane for 6 hours straight. And I'm probably going to end up spending an hour playing 2048. 


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Rie10278 #1
I don't know if you watched these but the following is a couple. Oh I almost forgot Jet Li, I don't know if you watched it but Hero, The Forbidden Kingdom, Romeo Must Die (you probably watched this one, My favorite, Aaliyah!!! I miss her! She has such a presence! Loved her. She seems so natural to me.) Anyways and I heard a lot from some of my friends about Jet Li's The Sorcerer and the White Snake, Badges of Fury, and The Warlords. War aka Rogue Assassin is alright. The One, weird but pretty cool. Jason Statham is cool there even though his voice is drolling. Lmao lol Oh I recommend Rob-B-Hood, it's cute Jackie Chan movie. Jackie Chan's City Hunter (funny weird version, he is a playboy here), Mr. Nice Guy, Who Am I?, oh the Rush Hour movies, Gorgeous, The Tuxedo (this is ok, he is funny here), The Spy Next Door (he sings a bit here), Rumble in the Bronx (classic for me). So Close, Seoul Raiders with Shu Qi (these two aren't bad). Maggie Q's Weapon (lil warning just in case you didn't watch this it's a lil weird and slight y themes)
krxo35 #2
RED 1 and 2
Nanny Diaries
Instructions Not Included (Spanish)
The Return of Superman (Korean)
The Single Moms Club
Ruby Sparks
Thor: The Dark World
The Way, Way Back
Parental Guidance
Miss Little Sunshine
Paradise Kiss (Japanese)
Rie10278 #3
Damn all over the place again, anyways where was I....hmmm Something Borrowed is good, I read the book version of that. I liked both versions. This is a chick flick though. Why am I thinking all the chick flicks. Hmmmm anyways....The Hunger Games 1 & 2, I recommend the books as well, even though I haven't read them yet but I heard a lot of good raves. I am more satisfied with the book and movie versions of the Hunger Games than with Twilight. I wasn't that happy with the movie versions of Twilight. They were just ok to me. Same goes with Divergent. didn't read it yet, but I know the books are good my bro is reading them first. But hopefully the movie version of Divergent is good. This is sort of like the Hunger Games. Anyways I am trying to think of action movies since you want more of what guys like right, but I don't know if you like movies The Avengers. Those are pretty good. Oh, the Taking of Pelham 123 is pretty good and Unstoppable, both with Denzel Washington. oh and Deja Vu!!! Even though it seems unlikely and some of the beginning parts is a lil slow, I like it! Man on Fire, that is good a lil long though. Remember the Titans! Definitely recommend the Fast and Furious films and the Bourne films, but I think you already watched those though. Crank moives are crazy but pretty good, these are with Jason Statham. With Bruce Willis, Tears of the Sun (this is a pretty good movie), the Die Hard film. Those are all I can think of right now. Anyways enjoy your trip my dear! ;)
Rie10278 #4
Awwww have a safe flight I will pray for you. Enjoy your time at Nevada. Hmmmm...if you are interested in Pinoy movies...I heard Bride for Rent is good, She's the One, and the movie with Piolo and Toni (forgot the title), I honestly don't like Piolo. Oh yea! Maya of BCWMH is giving birth today! Yahooo! Oh I have been watching ABS CBN's Moon of Desire lately and it is not bad. I like it. JC de Vera and Meg Imperial is not a bad tandem. They are good. I like the story. I thought at first if was something like Imortal (which I like) and it turns out the girl just has a sickness where she grows a lot of hair all over her body and her best guyfriend betrayed her when she was younger (he didn't really though the lola did something but he still hurt her) and they meet eachother again when they are older (they don't know yet though) nice story. Me approve! Mirabella isn't bad either, I like it, it kinda reminds me of Kamperang Kuba with Anne Curtis except the flower is supposed stay on her in other for her to be beautiful. While in Kamperang Kuba, she is beautiful as long as the candle is lit. And The Legal Wife, even though and haven't watch it really, a heard and seen alot of positive comments especially on the confrontation scene. Agents of Shield is definitely good, I don't know if you can watch that on your tablet though since what you are looking for are movies right. Anyways if English, if you like somewhat old movies....Hachi, the dog's tale is good. Somewhat of a tearjerker. Pretty Akita!!! I also watched the real people version of Rurouni Kenshin, it actually the first live action one that did not disappoint me like dragonball z and tekken and streetfighter. I recommend that! Even though they adjust or changed some time from the anime. I finally watched the very last season of Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon stars. I like it. But anyways movies right....hmmm Hobbit 2 isn't bad honestly, but it seems so slow too me. You might sleep on it. Hobbit 1 is actually better.