Need to catch up

Okay so basicly.....

i'm behind schedule....

by a lot....





writing xmas specials for fics


for FFYA as you know theres the hint

Train > Yuri > festival > xmas > snowfall

welll i plan to follow that


and xmas is 4th on that list......

that's a lot of writing to catch up on T_T

ALSO! the competition and other things





MLMB has a xmas special too...


T_T why do i put this on me?

maybe ill delay MLMB's





oh btw a spoiler for FFYA

confessions on xmas :D



spoiler for MLMB

Yoona comes in

(is also the last drama plot of the series) 



Yeah MLMB will be ending soon

Yoona = the beginning of the end....

if that makes sense







99% of this blog doesnt make sense so im sorry xDDDD

Bubbles out



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whahaa! you are REALLY out of schedule. haha. better act quick though for you to finish those things you plan on doing. :D also haha, xmas special for both MLMB and FFYA, haha. can't wait. :3