Tagged. \o/

Got tagged by taeboo xD
The Rules:
1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them
Taeboo's questions:
1. Consider your favourite KPOP group: do you like them more for their music or do you like them more for who they are?
Uhmm. At first I liked them for their music but as I got more into them and started watching them
more, I started to like them even more for who they are. It's hard to say since I love their music but I also love them for who they are... But if I had to choose it would be for who they are. (Oh favourite kpop group is snsd)
2. What makes you want to talk to particular users on this site?
Their writing ability or their personality. You know... The little author notes at the end. If they seem interesting enough I would pop them a message ^^
Or unless they started talking to me first, then I would try to return the enthusiasm by getting to know them. OR!!! If you were part of the LSU chat. OR! If you're a total nutcrack... OR!!!! If you're someone I admire............................
Yeah I would talk to anyone if I could be bothered using this annoying PM-ing system.
3. Would you ever audition to get into a record label in SK in hopes of becoming a KPOP idol?
omfg. I can't breathe. Help me!!! 
AHAAAAA.... Aheee.... Ahhh... -long siiiiiigh-
No. I like my freedom and I would not like to embarrass myself by even trying to audition. 
(my talent lies within my head. I sing and dance like a sloth on sleeping pills... Yeah.)
4. List your top 10 favourite songs, KPOP or not.
SNSD - Into The New World
TTS - Love Sick
Varsity/TTS - Baby Steps (I liked varsity's version first but then fav group + 2nd fav song = WIN WIN)
K.Will - I Need You
Davichi - Turtle
SNSD - Merry-Go-Round
F(x) ft. D.O - Good Bye Summer
EXO - Peter Pan 
F(x) - Sorry (Dear Daddy)
B1A4 - Only One
5. What's your favourite thing about SK besides KPOP (If KPOP is your reason)?
Tough one. I would say food but I rarely eat Korean food. I would say people... But those saesang fans have me worried.. Ermm. 
OH! I KNOW! THEIR TRADITIONS AND CULTURE. I just love how they have honourifics for certain types of people. Formal, and informal language etc. With my country it's just "G'day mate. Nice weather aye?" and ur immediately pals. I like having the idea of like... having a different talking style to those you're close to. OH! and Those hanboks are just sooooo beautiful. Oh! AND AND AND! THEIR RICE CAKES! (Yeah I'm writing this as I go. Not going back to fix anything xD)
6. Consider KPOP idols: who would you go on a date with, have as a close friend, marry? (Can't be the same person).
Date: .... Erm... Can I pick no one? I don't know any of them enough to date :\
Close friend: all of my idols? Idk I can't pick. I guess Jessica (sorry Taeyeon). She seems like one of those friends who would do crazy things that could possibly land you in jail with :/ (if she wasn't an idol) 
Marry: ... Idk. I guess I was never into an idol that much to fantasize about dating or marrying them :/
7. Favourite Korean dish?
Rice cakes!!!!!!
8. Favourite genre in terms of stories?
Hmm... TWILIGHT!! Nah I'm kidding. Don't take that seriously... just don't. Please?
I guess it would have to be the Supernatural/alternate universe I guess. As long as it's not cliche and so totally predictable. It's nice reading something that's so different from our own world and just makes you sit there and go 'wow, someone actually thought of this world.'
9. What's your guilty pleasure?
stealing my family's phones and watching them panic whilst trying to find it. Heheh. It's lame but you have to see it to understand. -sigh- They seriously cannot live without their phones :,)
other than that lame one. I would have to say thinking of super duper awesome storylines that I will never write because I'm lazy and indulge in how awesome it is whilst laughing at others who can't experience my imaginary world ^^
For a serious answer I would have to say talking to my online friends. Why is it guilty? Because I would often ignore my real life buddies just so I can pay attention to my online buddies. Sorry real-life buddies. My online mates mean a lot more than some of you do ;~;
10. Worst thing that has ever happened to you, and if you could erase that event from your past, would you and why?
OH MY GOD! I would have to most definitely erase the moment when I walked in on my uncle and auntie. I was sleeping over my cousin's place and she started coughing so I was going to ask my uncle and auntie where the medicine was kept. JESUS CHRIST!    
I DIDN'T KNOW THEY WERE SO... BOLD AND... EXPERIMENTIVE (if that's even a word). YES I WOULD ERASE THE EVENT BECAUSE IT'S SO AWKWARD WHEN I SEE THEM AT FAMILY GATHERINGS. I swear everytime i even look at my auntie, the like fixes her dress to cover her cleavage or something... Like errr... it's not like i wanted to see that tyvm. x_x my eyes still burn to this day. I think that's a reasonable explanation. -nods proudly at my perfect essay-
11. What is the meaning of life?
Do what you can to make the lives of others easier or more enjoyable. You aren't the only one living and breathing so try not to make your neighbour annoyed at your stupid antics. Many have lived before you and many will live after you. Don't make the past disappointed, the present annoyed or the future ashamed. :) 
-stares at you- *ahem* hint hint hint
My questions!!!!
1. Who would you like to know for a week? (They could be dead, alive or from the future)
2. If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
3. How did you first start in the kpop fandom? (What you were doing, what sing and which artist)
4. What would you be doing if kpop had not entered your life? 
5. Would you save your bestest best friend who you consider your own blood sibling... Or your love interest you you've been crushing on for the longest time and they happened to have liked you back? 
6. There are two doors to two worlds. One is a truthful world where lies do not exist whilst the other door holds a world where lies can exist. Once you step through the door you will forget what type of world you stepped into and live in that world forever. Which do you choose and why?
7. Partner wise, would you rather Rich & horribly ugly or poor & absolutely attractive? Their personalities are the same. 
8. One skill that you wish you had and why?
9. You have two genies. One promises you only one absolute wish whilst the ther promises multiple. However with each multiple wish, you cut 1 year off your life. You do not know how long you live for. Which do you choose and explain your reasoning. Essay format!
10. A quote that inspires you the most. (Include who it's from)
11. Ten things you want to do before you die. (Bucket list!!!)
Tag! You're it! (I don't even think I have 11 friends ;~;)
Taeboo: You sent me this so I'm just returning the favour. You don't have to tag anyone for this since you already tagged others. And I guess I kinda do like these things, so long as the questions are worth answering. It's just no one loves me enough to tag me ;~;
Jessus: I don't even know if you would even consider doing this but ah wells. -pinches your cheeks-
fanysmile: I'm just gunna drag you all in to do this. BTW! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT WAS TO FIND UR AFF?! I looked at your name and was like "who the hell..." I had to read out history to know it was you x_x
ambrosaur: You ain't escaping this either. >] 
snsdhead: CHARRRRLIEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! I miss you ;~;. Please just inbox me to tell me if you're still alive.
marsvern: Oppa~~~ You know I'm never gunna call you anything but oppa, even if you are female. First impressions are hard to get rid of ^^. I don't know if you have time to do this but I hope we do talk to each other more. You're always so mature but always fun to talk to. 
MiniTurtle: Tsk Tsk. Seriously, do you have any idea how much effort it takes into PM-ing you over aff?! It's so annoying since I refresh my page so much just to get a msg from you. 
Author-sshi: Okay, I know this is awkward but I actually do want to tag you in this. Idk why but you're like my little sibling on this site. -pat pat-. Remember, if you need help I'm just a PM away :D
okay... i seriously ran out of people. Just gunna pick the rest randomly from my subscribers. (yeah, I don't have that many friends on here.)
TsundereTurtle: Lol... sorry for the random tag. >< Maybe we can be friends? -holds hand out awkwardly-
arairai: Lol, I officially remember your aff name now thanks to your comment on the recent onshot. -gives you a big hug- I'm Jenny and I hope we can be friends ^^
mamintm5993: Yeah sorry for the random tag~ Thanks again for the idea in my other two-shot ^^
It's up to you whether you want to do this or not. No pressure. (except for you taeboo)


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buynlara #1
sorry for this comment Late (pc damaged) ... I had fun with your witty comments ... ^_^
I had read your questions a little late and they were mind teasing. :D You should like e-mail some of your questions to the MS. Universe or Ms. World staff. I think your questions are more for that kind of stuff. XD
I know this is weird but I'm sort of fangirling, like right now.. OMG. xD (COZ I'm your fan duh!)

really? little sibling? thats so sweet. :3 please leave it that way! feels good to feel younger when i'm the first born. *heol*
Jessus #4
Aw you're cute okay ill do it just for you <3