Call For Help

Hey guys,

I'm not sure how many of you are going to be reading this but I am aware that a few of you may be... Under the weather.

I've told you my story about dealing with stress and depression and I would like to perhaps help anyone who is dealing with this problem.

A friend of mine is doing a project which is trying to reach out to those with depression to seek some help and sent me this video so that I can share it with anyone who might need that little extra push to seek help.

Don't be afraid to seek help from others. It's not your fault and you are not the one who is to blame for what you are feeling.

The link to the video is here >

The number used in the video is mainly for Singaporeans but finding the number for your own country is easy. It's just one Google's search away.

Feel free to come to me to seek for help as well if you wish to speak via text such as this and I'll try to help you in the best way I can but I am by no means a professional. All I can do is provide support and send it through the amazing world of the internet.

For those who are not under depression, I would strongly advise you to "look behind the smile" of those you truly care about. It's easy to overlook things when we're having fun but it would help by a lot of someone else was to make the first move to offer help. Offering help is always easier than asking for help.



This is just a random PSA I decided to do. 

I feel like a lot of us on the internet really forget about our real lives because the internet is just so easy to play "pretend" on. But your computer screen alone is not enough for you to grow as a person. Life sounds pretty scary but if you take it one day at a time it wouldn't be so daunting.

When you get to spend each day with people you care about, you start to forget about what happened yesterday or what's going to happen tomorrow, because your full attention is being spent on focusing on the present. The present is a gift to us all. Don't waste it by worrying of what is to come or what had already came and went.


P.S Feel free this to share this with anyone you know. :)


I don't know... I think I'm ranting on too much now.

You've all probably heard this before yada yada ya. But hey... if it takes just one more little push for it to work then why not?


I guess that's it from me. 

I'll be posting a story related to this soon to at least motivate you guys just a little more to make a difference.

Bubbles out~



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Hi! Don't be, you're not ranting! It'sa good advice, you know. And I agreed to the one that you called 'random PSA' ( I don't know what PSA mean tbh *grin* ).
For me, Internet is the only option to get away from all the things/person/something that stressed me.. But, sometimes I hate internet too~

*I didn't talk nonsense and make you blank, right? Hi, bubbles!