Is it just me?

Okay so I've noticed something

Is it just me or are TaeNy fics dying o_o

Like before there was only like around 200 fics

The next week there was 390

and they were updated so regularly that i could never keep mine on the first page of "latest" for long




But today i realised that the number of TaeNy updates are decreasing o_o

and new fics are also decreasing too.

I dunno maybe it's just me




I feel hella les*ian for writing yuri fanfics

but i mean i know girls are suppose to be into

but i can not find anything cute about two guys..... kissing....



I mean i sometimes have a lesbo moment when i see snsd and like "OMG TAEYEON IS HOT!!!"

but that's natural right?.....



I'm pretty sure im straight.

I have a bf i've been dating for for 2 years.

I drool over hot guys       (please don't read this kevin)

I don't really find girls.... appealing so much i would date them




But then again yuri relationships are just like normal girl friendships

i mean i write things that me and lilian do

hugs, kisses (not intimate ones), sleepovers etc

we just don't pass that border line



Also, the lesbo line and gay line are actaully quite far apart

What girls CAN Do without being considered les*ian:
girls holding hands (tick)
girls hugging (tick)
kissing each other's cheeks (tick)
sleep over (tick)
saying "i love you" (tick)


for guys its more like
Holding hands (x)
Hugging (x)
Kissing (DEFINATE x)
sleep overs (x)
Saying "i love you" (XXXXXXXX)




-shrugs- idunno

the furthest a guy can go is stand 1m apart





ahhh wells


Bubbles out



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YhoTaengoo #1
I feel like that too O__o when I look at girls holding hands, kiss cheeks, hugging, and said I love you, I was like "it's just a friendship to make them bond" when I saw boys do that.. I was like "eeewwwhh, the hell they doing??-_-" kekekek~
yah.. i also noticed that the updates for TAENY are now decreasing cuz i can't find any of them in the "LATEST". O_O ..
and also, what you said is true. you can't consider a girl that she's a les*ian just because they kiss, saying i love you and ETC. that's only natural.. O_O ooo.. getting frustrated? XD ahahahaha.. (oh, i'm not les*ian, just saying my side hahaha) but i agree with you with the thing if you see a HOT CHICK. but it doesn't click. it just won't hahaha.
Missing TaeNy fics much >< now im focusing on my own story haha.
You know what? The vice principal of my school added this no hugging rule cos she thinks that it makes us look like lesbos. Yeah and everyone was so pissed bout it ==
SAME THOUGHTS BUBBLES. tbh, everytime im trying to find new fics. Im seeing the same old title... No new fics and the updates is not that much as compared to last time...