internet you make me cry...

internet connection has been slow recently especially with AFF. i was like WTH~! i need to be more productive in a fangirl/anime watcher/k-variety or kpop addict way.... 

but alas, wifi is not on my side. OTL

whether it's morning or night, its giving me headaches for slow service. but at least i was able to update much Donghae fics lately. yes! if you've seen my updates they are more of Donghae because i have A LOT of Donghae fics. i'll be posting again tomorrow. for now, i'll try to write the fics i've promised to those who comment on my previous post : a little something something. and on SSSD.

and if you're wondering. i still have one slot for that promised fics. if interested please just click on the blog title.

i've watched some anime already: usagi drop, denpa tekina na kanojo and now Eden of the East...


so to-do list would be:

- finish Eden of the East within two days

- write the promised fics from previous blog post

-finally start on that promised fic long time ago

- write my half for SSSD

- watch at least one RM episode/day

- (this'll be nerdy but...) read at least one chapter before dec 25 or  before our trip


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Evil_angelELF #1
my internet connection is also very2 slow ... feel like banging my head in front of the laptop sometimes ..
May paka bakasyon!!! Trabaho intawn c Jishu. Internet is on my side but my troublesome lola is there... Ugh!!
same with internet slow nowaday...
you know what? i just wanna give you my modem so that you'll streaming fast. not as slow as your internet. but, we're far. yeah, with the faster streaming, you could write a lot of fics easily right? hehehehe
I could do with some help on SSSD but I already had everything planned out so I should at least finish this chapter TT TT I know what I want to write but heck,nothings coming out TT TT my brain that stopped working is making me cry :<