Are you ready for this quiz?: I’m not….really


Do you swear to be truthful?: I’m trying

Two things you want to eat right now?: I want pasta…any type of pasta……lasagna or spagetthi or maccarony schotle or pizza

The reason you’re not eating them right now?: because it’s past midnight here and pls I’m in my dorm. I’ll make it when I back home next week.

What was the last movie you watched?: Miracle in cell number 7! I watched it last night and it was a sad movie you know exo showtime when there was a question “Who is the member who cries the most?” on eps 4, yeah that was the movie. I earned the puffy eyes the next morning I woke up o.O

Did you like it? : I love it! Love isn’t always about a lovebird couple.

What’s your favourite movie?: too many to tell. Hello ghost, wedding dress, detective in 40 minutes, penny pinchers, miracle of giving fool….what else? /thinking/ that’s all korean movie btw kkkk

Who do you want to hug right now?: I don’t know maybe Park Jimin >/////< LOL don’t kill me my baby Daehyun kkk. I love to hug my friend because I love being clingy on them but they will shoo me away /poor me/ it’s not like they don’t like it especially my guy friends xP HA I’M NOT A ERT

Who would you like to kiss right now?: my pillow because I’m about to sleep

What physical aspect of a person do you find the most attractive?: Body? Face? Both I guess xD /slapped/

What mental aspect of a person do you find the most attractive?: guys who can makes my day without even trying *is there any?*

Top two favourite girl bands?: Sistar and Apink!

Top two favourite boy bands?: the first is B.A.P of course and the second is I don’t know whether it’s BTS or EXO don’t make me choose, I cant T----T

What would you do if your favourite boy bands disbanded?: I can’t even imagine that sooooo I don’t know what would I do…….come on it’s just 2 years since bap make their debut

What would you do if your favourite girl bands disbanded?: Still support them personally <3

Who is your ultimate bias?: JUNG DAEHYUN and park jimin ._.v

If you had two minutes to spend with your ultimate bias what would you do?: Make a Vlog with him xD

Are you more of a reader, or a writer?: reader because I’m as a writer

(If you’re a writer) How many fanfics have you written?: it’s only 4…. 2 complete story and 2 with only the foreword, I see no time to update the first chapter /hide/

If you were in a band which role do you think would most suit you?: I want to be the dancer and main vocal :B LOL I can’t even dance nor sing… but I can practice right xD

Which role would you want?: Dancer and main vocal, I’ve told you

If you were given the chance would you rather sing or dance?: Dance because I’m an idiot hyperactive one

What is your favourite color?: Black because it suits with other colors

Which colour do you have the most of in your wardrobe? (What colour do you wear the most?): Dark blue

Would you rather have 100 presents worth $1 each or one present worth $100?: One present worth $100 ofc

Do you like animals?: yeap I have 5 cats in my home and they cute but annoying at the same time xD

If you could choose any animal to have as a pet, what would you buy?: I want baby tiger, the bigger type of cat because it would be nice to sleep with them

Do you like big families or small families?: Small

If your husband/wife wanted 5 kids, and you only wanted 2 what would you say to them?: Let’s just see how many God will gives to us 0:)

Would you rather have an illness which makes you unable to be active for more than an hour a day, but you will live for 100 years, or have an illness which will kill you in two years, but you will be healthy and active for the entire time?: I’d rather have an illness. Is it good live for 100 years without the person you love? Your parents, your sister, your brother, they were not there anymore in 100 years right.

If you had a with two identical twins, and you got pregnant, how would you work out who was the father?: what the hell of type of question is this? -_- how could I had a ? How? HOOOOOWWW?

If you had five friends, and four spare tickets to a theme park, how would you choose who to take?: Take them all and buy another ticket for myself.

Would you rather go to a posh hotel in the city, or a lodge in the mountains?: LODGE IN THE MOUNTAINS BECAUSE I LOVE NATURE XD

Football or swimming?: Swimming

Ice skating or running?: Sleeping…. Can i?

Would you rather marry some one you just met, or spend forever as just friends with some one you love?: Marry someone I just met. Only God knows, maybe he is my fate so why not xD

Would you rather take the bus to school every morning, or save the money and walk?: Take the buss orz

What job do you have to have in ten years time?: Scientist!

What are the top three things you want to achieve in the next ten years?: done my scholar, continue study overseas to take the master degree and be the scientist and writer at the same time! I will!

Do you think you will achieve these things?: Of course I am B)

If you had to write a will today who would you give all your possessions to?: My brother maybe

If your best friend and your boyfriend/girlfriend slept together who would you be angry at?: myself… how could I being fooled by the idiot two of them

Can you skip with a skipping rope?: yeap

Can you count to ten in more than one language?: English and korean OTL

Do you think you’ve made an impact of anyone so far in your life?: I guess no HAHAHA

Why did you start doing this quiz?: because I want

If you could invite two asianfanfics.com users to your house, who would you invite?: I don’t really know, maybe no one because I know the next question HAHAHA

At this gathering you also get the opportunity to invite THREE idols, one for each of you. Who are you inviting?:  Jung Daehyun for me, Park Jimin for me and Kim Jongin for me. I’m sorry for becoming greedy but I am :B lols

What food are you doing to serve for your two friends and three idols? There is no my friend, I told you…. of course cheesecake for Daehyun, and chicken for Jongin and both cheesecake and chicken for Jimin because I don’t really know what Jimin likes to eat xD I’m sorry Jiminnie

What are you going to talk about over dinner?: I’m going to talk about my future with three of them, can i? >/////<

What activities are you going to do?: everything inside my house because I wont share them for public to see xO what a selfish lol xD

How late are you going to stay up?: Until the end of the world…./? 

What are you going to do if you wake up while everyone else is asleep?: Wake Daehyun up and get room for us. ONCE AGAIN, I’M NOT A ERT OKAY LMAO

What would you do when it’s time for everyone to leave?: Lock my door and threw the key away so that they thrice won’t leave xD

Was this quiz fun?: I guess yesss hahaha


Stolen from someone who stole it from someone who stole it etc


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v-kookiee #1
OH , I CAN FEEL YA BRO, I CAN'T FREAKING CHOOSE BETWEEN EXO OR BTS REALLY!! ;__; But you did know that your bias groups has the members of the Hyun Family, right?
Nichkhunieee #2
eyesthatsing #3
Can i steal this too? Hehe ^^