few words for the Deer of the Dawn (of the west)

noticed what i did with the title? (got it?lol.)

warning: luhan images spam ahead


Jiu Ni Zhang Ren Kuai Le, Lu Han!

Happy 24th (25th in Korea) Birthday Luhan! A year older now eh, but you seem like you don't age at all. (except when you smile because crow's feet) Ah, the hard life of your EXO dongsaengs. (with Da Ge as an exception ofc he doesn't age as well).

And obviously you won't be one of EXO's visual if you don't have the face value.


SM, really did a good job assigning you as the visual. (together with kai)

You're quite adorable huh? you know that right? And I am one of those millions who had fallen for your irresistable charm. But I know you are more than just a pretty face.

You are a very talented dancer and singer actually. Kai and Lay are the dancing machine but sometimes my eyes linger on you when you dance. there is something in with the way you execute the moves, simple yet refreshing. precise but not too overdone. i don't know but you draw me in. and don't let me get started with the way you sing. your voice is soooo sweet and full of emotion. like all my fave lines in your songs coincidentally were sung by you. and i swear i'm not biased on that. truly more than just a pretty boy.

I know you are smart being able to get to Yonsei (and you are a foreigner).


And I tried learning how to solve the rubik's cube but algorithm just don't make sense to me. LOL. senpai, teach me your ways.

i do think you are mature and really manly, Lulu.


i love that you are such a caring hyung to the younger ones.

all in all, you are very sweet normal guy

blessed with tons of natural appeal and gorgeousness

and heaps of talents.

So, stay healthy Lulu deer! And continue to be the humble and loving guy that you are, always have that serial killer smile we all love. Go forth and make fangirls squeal, sob, and combust from your perfection. Never stop displaying your awesomeness!!!

SARANGHAE! (no trending for Lu's bday becos of the ferry tragedy)



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