It really sickens me that some fans are complaining that their favorite idols have postponed their comebacks because of the tragedy in South Korea. Serioulsy people who cares if EXO postponed releasing their new mv and their comeback or that APink postponed their promotions for Mr. Chu, or that MBLAQ cancelled fan events. Don't get me wrong I love KPOP just as much as the next person and I am a huge fan of both MBLAQ and EXO but I will repeat a phrase I saw posted on Twitter "The only comeback I'm waiting for right now is the hundreds missing in Korea". Music is great and our idols are wonderful to see but the lives of the victims is far more important. 



I will continue to pray for South Korea NOT becaue I'm a fan of KPOP but because I'm a human being with a heart. I have 4 children and I can't even begin to imagine what those parents are going through. If it were one of my babies I'd be beyond devistated and terrified. My heart goes out to all the victims, their families, their friends, and all of South Korea. South Korea Hwaiting!!





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I agree. I love Kpop so much as SHINee saved my life, but right now it's more important to find the missing people and care about the ones who lost their lives. I think it is so thoughtful and respectful that the idols postponsed their stuff to pay respect.
Those people are heartless, tho they should be ignored :\ ugh, don't even try to understand or argue with them because they are mindless. I just hope more survivors will show up and more safety measures will be taken so future accidents never happen again.
I feel the same way. I can understand what they are saying. I was so excited for the EXO comeback. but a huge accident happened to hundreds of innocent people. i think that is a little bit more important than singing. They are doing the right thing, and i support them 100%. Plus its not like you can't see the comeback at all. Thank to some one, EXO's dance practice for Overdose was leaked, so if you wanna see that just watch the video for it.
I'm actually glad comebacks are post poned because it shows people really do care about what's going on. Those fans just have to realize that, there are more important things in the world right now besides KPop. And right now, those people on that ferry are the most important and should matter more.