How to Conquer The Writers Block

By me!

Answer these questions and basically, reblog for others to know.

What is the next thing in you left?

What is the color of your tongue?

What is the length of your hair?

What is your favorite food?

What is love?

What are the colors of the rainbow you see?

What are you currently reading?

Where are you for teh last 12 hours?

How old are you?

What is the mood of your town right now?

From what part of the world are you from? (e.g. South-East Asia)

Language you speak?

Favorite author and why?

Song your listening to? 

The last think you downloaded? *be more specific* (e.g. Luhan wearing a shirt with blah blah blah.

Favorite letter?

And oh, tahnks!



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HI I missed you!~
1. Keyboard. (My keyboard’s on my left side XD)
2. Pink
3. Covers my whole back
4. Carbonara
5. Love is a sickness, an addiction, overdose.
7. My drafts
8. My bed
9. I’m 1X years old
10. Quiet. Rain is bound to fall soon, I hope.
11. Southeast Asia
12. Tagalog, English
13. Jodi Picoult & Cecelia Ahern
14. Overdose – EXO
15. The uninvited 2009 via torrent
16. M or Z
I'm also a stranger xD
1. pencil case
2. red
3. a little past my shoulders
4. too many
5. it's when you notice him everywhere you go, when you keep thinking about him, when you want to protect him, when you want to grow old with him.
6. all of the roygbiv colors.
7. misery - stephen king and mrs. dalloway - ia wolfe.
8. home and school.
9. :D
10. quiet, lonely.
11. america
12. english, chinese, spanish, shanghainese.
Favorite author and why?
13. tamora pierce or john green. john green's writing style is just beautiful and tamora pierce's novels have strong female characters and amazing plots.
14. whoo whoo whoo - dabit
15. a sharpening action/psd
16. either a or z.