You're not gonna believe this...

Alright, so today I was in PA. 'Why?' you might ask. I was visiting my Aunt, Uncle and cousins. 

My cousin Katie and her Husband Aaron and their four month old baby, Charlie. 

Charles. He's a fat for a baby. rofl He's 15 pounds. Not normal for a baby. Anyway~

Charlie looks exactly like his mom and dad: black hair and I'm assuming dark eyes because he was asleep all day so I don't really know.

BUT! Aaron's family is FILLED with redheads and their are a few in my family as well. 

So we all were kinda like "Watch your kid come out with BRIGHT RED HAIR. He'll think he's adopted." 

They had a full out PLAN if he was a redhead. 

They were going to name him Kiggen.

Want to know why?

Kiggen means "Little Red Warrior".

Their last name is De'Angelo [Italian] which means "Of Angels"

Man do I wish he came out with red hair. I would totally go around telling people my cousins name was "Little Red Warrior Of Angels".

Plus, Kiggen is a kick name. 

And if I don't marry an Asian, I'm partial to loving redheads, so I would totally have a kid with red hair and name him Kiggen. xD♥


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Lol and then Kiggen of Phantom will be like "0.o" we definitely should get an Irish setter and name him Kiggen. They're red!
kiggen will be the name of the ge2tt mascot. we'll get a dog and name him that. and each of us will name our first born sons kiggen XD