Happy Birthday AFF!!!

Alright so... I'm not exactly the best when it comes to telling people my history here on AFF... but anyways...

I first discovered AFF during the days of the blue layout. Haha! And the fic that got me to join was a fic that had a character named.... Kwon Amy. And it was a Super Junior fic, of course. Haha! If any of you were here that long... and if you heard about Kwon Amy on tumblr... THIS IS THE SITE SHE CAME FROM. Except... the fic got deleted so I don't know where it is now. I just remember that it was the fic that brought me here. And around that time I read a lot of Idol/Reader before writing my own which was... Turn of Fate. And oh dear god when I reread it now.. I end up thinking "WTF WAS I WRITING?!"

As much as friends, I honestly didn't make a lot of friends here on AFF. Mostly because I don't really like talking to that many people and reveal my whole life to them right there. But then again the ones that I became friends with were actually people that I met through roleplays mostly. Especially the ones I work on apply fics with. ;)

There's some aspects that I wish would return to AFF at least in the part of mannerisms but that's something I know wouldn't exactly happen. ._. 

I also miss the blue layout. I liked that shade of blue although I didn't know what the hex code of that blue was. ;;___;;


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Wow. So I'm friends with a superior AFF sunbae?! Lol