Plagiarism problems/Uploading stories on other sites without permission

I think you all know the problems about this. I have to tell, the most people upload it on Wattpad, like this user here:


Now, I don't want to jump to conclusions but I am very suspicious because I think that the user doesn't have any permission from the authors to re-uplaod their stories on Wattpad.


I hope you can contact the respective authors as well and ask them and make them aware of this.


I also hope that you guys will report it to me and other authors, if you find stories very similar to ours (like, nearly completely the same) and that you guys will report it to us when you find someone plagiarizing our stories directly.


And to those who plagiarize. Seriously, go yourself. You have no respect for the people who work their asses off with writing stories.




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weird_fellaf #1
Agreed with your words, Author-nim... I'm wandering since then... Just what's the advantage of doing something like that? Well..., i'm not in the right place to say this because i myself never write a fanfic ever until now, but just imagining it, is quite an obstacle already. And there they are. Copying and all. Oh seriously, what's the use? >o<
sujushineeroc #2
I like your last sentence. I agree with it completely. Really-they have no respect and if they think plagiarizing another person's awesome work will make them any better they're wrong. What's the point of gaining recognition if it's off of someone else's work? It's horrible and I hope they all get shut down. These people mess with the creative process and they seriously discourage writers and other creative people.
Author-nim, Haneul-gateun said that Supercodex asked for permissions from other authors. Her story being posted there was out of permission. I think the other stories too. I don't know Supercodex but the author said that she/he was nice.

this is the link of haneul-gateun's blog-writer of THAT GIRL, WHICH BOY.
I hope that Supercodex messages you since it's like she wasn't able to ask permission from you. I hope things cleared up.
Totally agree. Total bullshiet. I can understand if u get the authors permission but if they dont give you permission then dont do it. Dont be an idiot.
Danett #5
I just don't understand why they do something like this. It's really low to steal others hard work.
Yeah, I went through the stories and contacted the users on AFF. Two of them got back to me. 1 did remember giving permission but, the other did NOT give permission and is looking to report it/get it taken down, civilly.

I get that some people are fans and even though that user does say "oh, this fanfic is written by this person on AFF" then...why re-post the entire story there? Just show people a snippet as advertising and get readers on AFF.
i'll help you! though i don't know if someone is plagiarizing my stories (since theyre not that popluar...) but i'm seeing some works i've read on that user's "work" list, so gonna ask the authors about it
This is getting ridiculous and out of hands. I recognize one of the story and surely it is plagiarize!
flowerywinter #9
Wow this user too much. She literally copied a whole lot of other author's stories. I don't get why some people plagiarise, like hello, they should respect the authors! Why can't they be creative and make stories of their own, gosh.
xoxsilencexox #10
I think this plagiarism issue has been to over the top. There are too many people doing this now and they need to understand the long term consequences. There should be no reason for this to happen.