Fanfiction Reader/Writer Survey, yes, I'm jumping on the bandwagon too.

Fanfiction Authors/Readers Survey 

Stolen agressively borrowed from here...  plus I read StarlightSpirits and DaeGukNamAhForever's so I decided to follow the fad! ^^ 

Am I popular enough to do this? I really want to though, I've had so much homework for the weekend, that i want to do something for fun and this seems fun!  


State your fanfiction pen name.

WhereTheAngelsFly. I used to have another one from but I don't use it anymore and I don't want to remember it either... way, way, way long before the one, I had another one and I think it was called ArtermisNinja? I forget... I have a really small one on fiction and I think that's... something to do with a Jay... DreamoftheJayintheSky?  please don't look me up... but I don't mind if you do... but please dont... 

Are you more of a reader or a writer?

Writer! Obviously! Like I've said before, I'm hoping to become a author when I grow up, so I like writing a lot! 

When did you first start reading/writing fanfiction?

The first FanFic that I wrote, i didn't consiously say that it was a fanfic, but i was in gade 7 back then also around the same time, I started reading. 

What’s the first fanfiction you ever read/wrote? What is it about?

Reading... ummm... it was by a nice author named copperpelt and i shall leave it there... 

Writing... cough... moving on... okay, the first fic that i actually registered as a fic was one for the Percy Jackson fandom. 

What ratings do you read/write?

I read pretty much everything minus some stuff that i will include below. 

What was your first fandom?

... not going to say... let's say Percy Jackson though! 

List all the fandoms you have read/written in.

Percy Jackson and the Olymipians, not really the Heros of the Olympus though. There was a TV series from 2005-2010 called NUMB3RS and I started passonately writing while I was in that fandom last year, it was a really small community but I liked it. And then of course, INFINITE! 

What is your favorite fandom to read/write for?

I only write/read for Infinite... so Infinite! 

Any fandom you would like to write in?

Ehhhh... INFINITE!!! 

What was your first ship?

... in Infinite? MyungJong! Because my friend likes Sungjong and I love Myungsoo! 

In other things... I can't remember... So MyungJong! 

List all the pairings you have read/written in.

All Infinite pairings for reading... except for YaDong... I don't know why but I usally don't read them, I do read them, like if I find one, I'll read it, but I never seem to go into the YaDong tag... 

Written in... my published ones are all MyungJong. I'm writing a MyungGyu fic (because there's hardly any sobs) and I am also working on a AllJong fic for Alljong1202 (sorry that's taking a long time Alljong1202 I'm working on it whenever i have the free time!) and in Down the Road, there's at least a moment with all the pairings, not in a romantic maner at all though... 

What is your favorite pairing to read/write for?

I love reading anything, if they're well done too. Like one of the reasons I love MyungGyu so much is because of DarkButterfly's I see Braveness in your wounds and love in your bruises. 

Is there any pairing you refuse to read/write?


What do you think of het stories? Slash/? Femslash/Yuri?

I read anything basically, although if it's a fic and it's a pairing with like Myungsooxyou or Myungsooxother-kpop-star-that-isn't-someone-that-i-know, I don't read it. I will read anything within Infinite let's say it that way. 

What is your favorite genre?

ANGST! Can't you tell? Although, sometimes, I just like reading a nice fluff fic! 

What is your least favorite genre?

Don't have one really... 

Any genre you would like to read/write for?

... angst? again? hahah. but really... I don't really have one, I think I might like to try a really heavy romantic fic but that's after I finish the other fics that I have rolling. 

List all of your favorite writers.

Lizarel. StarlightSpirit. YoungSoon. SioPetinshi. negiramen (i'm a chopstick! xD) ... ummm... anyone who's on my fic rec on my profile! 

Which writer inspires your own work?

All writers! 

What story has the most impact to you, so much that you remember it all the time?

Lizarel's cestial mechanics and air that inhabits, air that inhabits being the first fic that I've read. Also, another one called Infinity, that one is so... runs away crying. Everyone who's a Inspirit needs to read that one. 

What is website you use most to read/write fanfiction?

Right here, asianfanfics! I hardly wander away from here. 

Any certain things you avoid reading/writing about?

Mpreg. I get way to technical about the male reproductive system, like really? where is the baby supposed to be? 

What do you enjoy best about fanfiction in general?

That... it's... everything? idk, I enjoy the fact that it's... the love of the fans are everywhere here? idk. I just like it! 

Do you have any fanfiction pet peeves?

Mpreg. that's it, I read about anything else except for mpreg. And bad grammar, but I still read it most of the time anyways... 


How long should a chapter be?

I aim for over 1 000 and most of the time, especially for DtR, I'm aiming for 2 000-3 000. Although in Shot, I think most of the chapters were 500-900 words... sorry... 

Have you ever flamed someone?


Have you ever been flamed?


Do you roleplay online?

Nah. I find it really, really, really odd... and i... don't have time and stuff... 


(Writers Only)

How many published fanfictions have you written?

In Infinite? ... counting... seven [One multichaptered, four oneshots, and two short stories], not counting Myungsoo's Fic (DtR) which only has the first chapter. Including other fandoms... I can't remember... 14 other in another fandom. (I went back to my old account on and omg... I'm dying of embarasment... help...) 

Which one of your fanfictions has the most words? The most views? The most comments? The most upvotes? How many?

Myungsoo's Fic with... i need to go check... 115 544 words... wow, last time i cheked it was at 88 000 words. FINALLY PASSED 100 000 words!!! okay, but Shot is my longest published fic, at 22 000 words. 

the most comments is Shot with 106 (wow, since when? I LOVE ALL OF YOU!) and the most views goes to Shot too with 4600. Also has the most upvotes too wow, 10 upvotes!!!! I love you!!! 

At the moment, which one of your fanfictions is your favorite/you are the most proud of? (you can include unpublished fanfictions)

Myungsoo's Fic! Obviously, it's my baby! but other than that one because i'm sure that you're bored of that answer if you're still reading this, there's one that I haven't published yet and it's called "July 15th." I wrote it before Infinite's comeback on July the 16th, and it's sort of like a different July 15th where Infinite gets in a... acciedent and... they... umm... yeah... 

oh, I just remembered another one that I wrote, it's called "Calling Home" and it's sort of in a mini series that I haven't published about One Great Step. Calling Home is actually my second Infinite fic and I'm still proud of it! 

Out of all characters you have written, which one do you feel you identify the most with?

Ummm... let's see... I think... Woohyun? Don't ask me why, I just do... 

Do you use beta reader?

No, not at all. I sometimes ask my friend about a sentance or commas or something like that, but I don't otherwise. And spell check doesn't work on my Infinite docs, i don't know why but it won't spell check it! 

What warnings have you used on your stories?

None.. Angst warning... I think? I'll need to put a warning on Myungsoo's Fic later though... I think... 

Do reviews affect how you write in any way?

Yep! of course! in Shot, I added three and a half chapters because of reviews! 

What makes you happy the most as a writer?

Comments, upvotes... seeing people that I know around the community. Also, when people say that they really like my works, I sit there and cry in happiness if someone does! 

Do you generally outline your fanfictions or do you prefer to write spontaneously then revise?

Yehhhhhh... nooo... sorrttt... idk. I sort of do, but I never follow it, like if you take my outline from Myungsoo's fic in September and compare it to the complete one... yeah... not the same. And ASPHODELUS Myungsoo was supposed to live and Sungjong was supposed to die in the begining. Then both of them were supposed to die, then both live, then Sungjong was supposed to die, then Myungsoo, and then Sunggyu and then back to Myungsoo and then both of them and then in the end, it's Myungsoo. So nope! 

Have you ever stolen something from another person’s work?

Neope! i have too many idea in my head to think about stealing someone else's ideas. 

What do you feel is your biggest challenge when writing?

... middles? I usually come up with a end, then a begining and so I have troubles to conect those two. 

Do you have any certain ritual to do before/while/after you write?

Chew on my earphone cord... i know that's a really bad habbit and I'm probably going to ruin my earphones but I can't stop doing it no matter how hard i try. I chew on anything actually, right now I'm chewing on the end of my bunnyhug's hood elastic. (bunnyhug is a hooded sweat, it's a word from when I live, the land of the living skies, Saskatchewan! yeah, just going to throw it out there bc I'm going to keep on calling it a bunnyhug instead of a sweat bc it's cuter!!!) 

Do you actively advertise your story or request for reviews/upvotes?

No. When someone posts on my wall, that I do not know at all, and asks me if I could read their fic, especially if it's non-Infinite, I won't do it. (I'm okay with this is you're my friend, I'll gladly go read it!) I always just say at the end of chapter to go upvote and subscribe and comment and that speach, but nothing beyond that. 

Would you ever want a trailer for a fanfiction you’ve written to be made?

Yes! I want one for Myungsoo's Fic/Down the Road! Anyone know any good shops that they trust? Like trust a lot? A lot, a lot. because Myungsoo's fic is my baby and I won't let anyone touch it!!!!! if i get a trailer made, i'll be really, really, really, really, fussy about it... idk, maybe it'll be better if i don't try to get one. idk. 

In school, I have to do a music video for something and I'm just going to do some other songs too, like IU and Kim Yuna's Ice Flower and Infinite's Julia (probably) so I'm going to also record the lullaby from Myungsoo's fic so that the readers can listen to it too while you're reading. Yeah, that was random, I don't know why I felt like I needed to say that...


thanks for reading! I think I wasted about a hour working on this, and I have a in class essay tomorrow and i need to study for that and i'm panicking and screams someone help me please!!!!!! i have a begging of a sore throat and that isn't good... 





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oh you dear lovely <3 will you publish "calling home" ? I would like to read it =D and you identiy with Namgrease ? XD sooo cuute <3